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Khorasan province and in particular Dargaz plain which is located among the cultural area of southwestern central Asia (Turkmenistan mountainous), northeastern of central plateau and northeastern Iran is one of the unexplored but important regions in archaeological investigation in Iran. Climate characteristics of the region, its special geographical conditions and its important location caused this region to receive attention from human’s groups long time ago. Therefore, our records of the changes of the region in different periods of prehistory and its mode of relationship with other cultural area are incomplete. So archaeological investigation and archaeological excavation is very necessary. Archaeological survey’s and settlement pattern analysis is one certain method in archaeology for understanding cultural contacts at prehistoric periods. Information and awareness of settlement pattern of Dargaz plain could improve the perception of its cultural landscapes. In the past, this kind of analysis was done through traditional methods but nowadays analysis of settlement pattern is done by different software like ArcGIS that results in real and accurate information. In this article, we are working with the results of archaeological surveys of Dargaz plain and analysis of them with ArcGIS. In this study, the influence of soil, water and also a certain height range created a specific pattern.

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The Gamasb River Basin survey project carried out from 2004 to 2006 in the Central Zagros West of Iran was aimed at obtaining a reliable overview of the occurrence of Chalcolithic sites across the area. This paper explores environmental archaeological approaches to regional scale research in dynamic landscapes. This approach explicitly links archaeological studies of landscape with various land use patterns that may have affected archaeological material structures. An important aspect of any approach to natural and archaeological resource problems lies with the ability to represent spatially those resources and elements of the environment. The adoption of a spatial framework for landscape study provides a mechanism for the spatial conceptualization of solutions to those problems. A basic rationale for taking a spatial perspective to management strategies can be readily derived from the overall function of planning, namely Geographic Information Systems (GIS) which provide a suitable inference for such a spatial approach and one which establishes the necessary analytical and decision support tools. The main goals of present paper are as follow: (1) - This paper attempts to make a contribution toward application of the above concepts archaeological material distributions on the cultural landscape; (2) - examines the role and functionality of GIS as an appropriate tool for spatial analyses of archaeological materials and an appropriate decision-support tool that conceptualizes solutions for the environmental and cultural interactions; (3) - discusses the potential of assessment method through the use of statistics based on findings from a case study in Iran. Results have increased our understanding of archaeological site location in Iran and the close links between landscape ecology and archaeology.

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Answer to Why and How of ancient human behaviors is the task of Archaeology, proper understanding of natural environment will answer most of the questions related to ancient time. Nowadays, archaeology attempts to reconstruct ancient human behaviors with the help of other sciences such as ethnology. Ethnoarchaeology is one of the main approaches, which helps archaeologist to make a bridge between the present and the past. Analogy between present and past environments is one of the most important conditions. It is not possible to study a village in Sistan region and then reconstruct ancient human behavior in Kordestan. In fact, it is believed that human offers certain behaviors against specific environment. Thus, people who are living in Sistan and Baluchestan Province, live in an environment, which has had a few changes during last 5000 years. Traditional arts such as local music, carpet, rug, pottery, needle works, coin works, mat weaving and many other arts have roots in ancient arts of people of Sistan Region. Neglect and decline of some of the above arts are results of different ideas to support these arts. In fact, localization of art and archaeological studies in Sistan reagion mean to have full understanding of the environment of this region from the past to the present. In this regard, with support of traditional artists, which have roots in history, it is possible to hope that archaeology and art could serve for development of Sistan and Baluchestan Province. The aim of this article is two folded firstly to discover problems of archaeology and traditional arts in this region and secondly to suggest certain solutions. As in modern time, environment of the Sistan region is fragile, support of the traditional arts could function as a main way to strength unity in this province, it also could function as a sure source of income for people of this region.

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Motifs of Iranian art have always been a symbol of considered concepts and themes of people from different eras, and continuity in their design, reveals figurative changes of each period. Animal drawing, visualized in different types of art, was one of the most important motifs in Iranian art which has always drawn attention to itself and its utilization has not been stopped even after religious revolutions.Present study deals with animal drawings of ancient Gurgan’s potteries and represents the variations of their designs during 1st A. H to 7th A. H.Results show that the quality of drawing and designing of Gurgan’s animal motifs was initially the continuation of some of the artistic cultures of ancient Iran which has been bound to Islamic contents. This is more evident through the type of addressing the details. But as time passes and get closer to medial centuries, these cultural drawings, experienced considerable changes from designing and decorating techniques points of views.

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The county of Semirom, with an approximate area of 5224 square kilometres, is located in Zagros mountain foothills in the south of Esfahan province, and as a result, has benefited from adequate annual precipitation; hence make abundant water resources and suitable plant variety. Such factors have made it fairly suitable for human settlement throughout the history. In archaeological investigations of Semirom, a total of 49 archaeological sites from prehistoric to Islamic era have been identified. Amongst these, 30 are known to belong to Sassanian era and early Islamic centuries, which is an indicator of the considerable growth, thrive and flourish of settlement compared to previous eras. In order to assess the changes in settlements during the transition from the Sasanian to the Islamic era, various parameters were defined all of the recorded data were analysed. These variable parameters included: (1) distance from permanent rivers, (2) distance from ancient communication networks, (3) distance from existing villages, (4) functionality of the lands, (5) plant coverage and other parameters that had influenced the establishment of settlements in this region. Geographical and spatial distribution of the discovered sites (based on GIS system) clarified that most of residential areas have been monotonously located in the northern and central parts of the county. Analysis of the data collected from fieldwork also showed that the discovered sites from the Sassanian and the Islamic period have not undergone considerable qualitative and quantitative changes; and the socio-political changes of Iran have not much influenced the life of Semirom residents.

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The abundance of copper deposits in the Kerman Province of Iran can be considered as one of the main reasons for the emergence of the extensive ancient metallurgical activities in the ancient cultural domain of southeastern Iran by the third millennium BCE. This has partly resulted in the production of some of the most exquisite ancient bronze artifacts in the Kerman region and southeastern Iran, among which the bronze axes are of significant value. In this study, we investigated the collection of ancient bronze axes kept in the Harandi museum of Kerman from different viewpoints including their forms, the position of the blades, the technology of manufacturing, the way of utilization and function, and consequently their prestigious position. These axes were also compared with the same age axes of the other regions in Western Asia. This comparison indicates an extensive cultural and commercial exchange among the neighboring areas of Kerman together with farther regions including central Asia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Luristan, and Mesopotamia, the latter exchange has also been acknowledged in the ancient texts.

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All the remaining works of decorative art of Islamic monuments, especially in religious places, like mosques have their particular emotions and deep visualization. In fact, mosques have been changed into unique treasury of Islamic art manifestation. In the history of Iranian architecture, the Seljuks architecture has the utmost importance. The importance of this critical period can be found in spectacular decorations of remaining inscriptions. Most of the Seljuks monuments are decorated with bricks, but in some parts of the monuments such as the inscriptions of the domes and porch (iwan), stucco had been used because of its more flexible form. In this case, Zavareh Jame Mosque is one of the spectacular monuments from Seljuks period. In this article, it’s tried to understand its historical and conceptual dimensions, in order to focus on its graphic capacities of inscriptions and Noqush (=patterns).We also contemplate and probe the historical monument of Zavareh Jame mosque. And the conclusion is that the date of making Zavareh Jame mosque, in contrast to what Andre Godard said, is back to the year 564 A.H., but not 530 A.H. This important fact is reached through the graphic analysis and deep consideration of the historical inscription of the monument, which shows the importance of documentary evidence in maintaining the real values of a monument. Referring to the point that the authors have used the graphic form to reach the shape and concept of the inscriptions and motifs, the decorative qualities of the monument can be apparently seen and compared with the decorations of their own periods of time. On the other hand, restoring the lost parts of inscriptions has made the general collection of Kufi alphabet of Zavareh Jame mosque, which is very useful in restoring those parts.Besides, Iranian modern graphics can create works of art with the national-traditional values, by considering this precious heritage in the form of modern idea.

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New found petro graph of Arges is located in mountain area by 200 m interval of east south of Sofla Arges village from Zand district, Malayer. This work is in works registration list of cultural heritage organization at 1390 by survey of Zand district of Malayer by Mohsen Janjan. Arges motif is divided in to main 3 groups in two sets A and B: geometric, animal and human. Human motif include hunting-ground from huntsman in the form of jockey, bower walkers and lancers far from any writing and writing signs. Geometric motive are symbolic and limited but animal motif include live stocks like goat, horse and dog. Motives are knocker on rocks of iron stone gravely far from any image volume and dimension. Study and analyses of these motives include the questions such as who are created these motives and in what ages? and what is the aim of drawing of these motive? Arges petrography chronology is based on comparison of their morphology with other petrography samples obtained from Hamedan and also petrography obtained from other parts of Iran based on work style and morphology of motif that we are seen since millennium 4 AD owing to broad cultural interactions throughout of presence of migrating hunters and ranchers. Work method of information record of geographical station is using GIS and GPS by using Photoshop software in drawing motif. Discussion of the research is to examine and analyses the B set in method, style and approaches of art motif structure in aesthetics, symbolic and meaningful stages, illustrators and Arges motif registration age.

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Systematic excavations and surveys began since 1930s, when the Chorasmian Archaeological Expedition founded by S. P. Tolstov, have shed some new lights on the Achaemenid presence in Chorasmia. Kiuzeli-gir and Kalali-gir 1 are, among others, the most important sites of this period in Chorasmia. Palace discovered at Kiuzeli-gir was contained a columned hall, an architectural element introduced in the Achaemenid period in Central Asia. Similar architecture plus the Achaemenid capitals and rhytons were recovered at Kalali-gir. The first site has been interpreted as the first Achaemenid center in Chorasmia in the late 6 century BC, whereas the second might has been the seat of this satrapy during 5 century BC. More excavations, began after collapsing the S.S.R, have been revealed further Archaeological sites containing the Achaemenid material culture such as Tashkirman and Kazali-Yatkan. The first site, bearing the Achaemenid stone bases column, is assumed to be a religious center, while the second was located among the ancient irrigation canals constructed in the Achaemenid period. There are some evidence to show that the all abovementioned sites abandoned in the early 4 century BC, a sign which has led some scholars to conclusion that Chorasmia became an independent state from that date onwards.

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Mir GholamHashemi castle in Ilam is located in Farhad Abad village near the DarrehShahr city. According to the inscription on the entrance of the building of the castle, it is dates back to Qajar period. This inscription is the only evidence that names the building a ‘castle’. Unlike the implication of the word, there is no sign of military considerations, like other castles of this period. Architectural indicators of Iranian military castles such aswatch towers, loopholes, large iron gates, moats, magazine, prisons and the like are not found there. This research studies Mir Gholam Hashemi castle architecture work that is located in Farhad Abad village. This study used field research and literature review to analyze the main function of this building compared to other similar buildings in Qajar period.The purpose of this study is to analyze the available data to specify the use of this construction, whether it is a castle or a caravansary. The research question is that, what are the architectural elements that are used in the construction of this building; and the research hypothesis is that the architectural elements used in this building represents a Qajar caravansary. The results show that, this castle can be considered as a kind of private caravansary which in addition to its original purpose had some defensive and protective functions. This building was also supervising execution of country laws and by managing social relations between adjacent villages, in addition to guiding caravans, raised financial profits for the local Khan.

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