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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Purpose: Forward head posture is one of the most prevalent poor postures that cause neck injuries. The objective of this study was to investigate the electrical activity of selected muscles during running in an able-bodied control group and in boys with forward head posture. Methods: Twenty eight boys were volunteered to participate in this study. The subjects divided into a healthy control group (n=16) and a group of boys with forward head posture (n=12). A portable EMG system was used to record the electrical activity of the bilateral seratus anterior, erector spinae (cervical part), sternocleidomastoid, and upper and lower trapezius muscles during barefoot running. For EMG analysis, the average root mean square (RMS) values of the three trials were calculated and then normalized based on the peak RMS obtained by the maximum isometric voluntary contraction. Independent sample t-test was used for between group comparisons. The significance level was set at p<0. 05 for all analyses. Results: The findings indicated that running speed in boys with forward head (2. 70± 0. 09 m/s) was smaller than that in control group (2. 91± 0. 14 m/s) (p<0. 001). The activity level of all selected muscles were not statistically different between both groups (p>0. 05). However, asymmetry index of electrical activity of sternocleidomastoid muscle in control group was greater than that in forward head posture group by 8. 3± 1. 5% (p=0. 045). Conclusion: In boys with forward head posture the running speed was reduced and the muscle activity was similar with respect to those in control group. This altered running speed and muscle activity is suggestive of a lower mechanical efficiency of running in boys with forward head posture that is consistent with literature.

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Purpose: there is no standard reading test for elementary school grades (first to six) in Iran to early identify students with special problems in reading. Considering the large population of individuals with reading problems and the urgent need for rapid and accurate diagnosis, the present study aimed to designing the Comprehensive Diagnostic Test of Dyslexia (CDTD) and investigating its validity and reliability for primary school students. Methods: This was a cross-sectional instrument development study. The statistical population of the study included all primary school students with in all the six educational regions of Isfahan in the academic year of 2015-2016. The sample was selected by stratified random sampling in proportion to the population size. Accordingly, 600 students (300 girls and 300 boys) were selected from the six grades. To develop the Comprehensive Diagnostic Test of Dyslexia (CDTD), after reviewing the previous studies and the theoretical literature, books and existing tests, the most important components of dyslexia were extracted through thematic analysis and the early version of CDTD was developed. Content validity was investigated by Lawshe method and for convergent validity, the correlation between CDTD and reading and dyslexia test was estimated. The internal consistency was estimated by Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient and the validity of the test was estimated by the test-retest method. Results: the minimum and maximum Content Validity Ratio (CVR) for CDTD were 0. 33 and 1, respectively and the Content Validity Index (CVI) was 0. 81. The correlation between CDTD and the reading and dyslexia test was. 56 (p=0. 004). There was a statistically significant difference between students with and without reading difficulties in CDTD (p=0. 001). The internal consistency of CDTD was 0. 75 and the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was. 88. Conclusion: the results of the analysis revealed that the CDTD is properly valid and reliable. Therefore, this test can be used to develop the profiles, and finding the strengths, and weaknesses of students with dyslexia and it can also be used for educational and rehabilitation purposes.

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Purpose: To study the effect of colored filters on the reading ability in dyslexic children. Methods: A total of twelve dyslexic children and twelve age and gender matched non-dyslexic children were administered. Following examinations were performed for participants: visual acuity assessment, refraction, evaluating far and near heterophoria, measuring near point of convergence and accommodation, stereopsis, and near fusional reserves. Reading ability was assessed with colored filters and transparent in dyslexic patients. Colored filters were chosen based on Wilkins method (X1 to X16). Filter which improved the reading ability was recorded. Results: Significant reduction in fusional reserves in dyslexic children compared to normal individuals were observed. (Base in Break p=0. 02, Base in recovery, Base Out Break and Base Out recovery p<0. 001) However, other visual functions did not differ significantly between the dyslexic and control groups. Colored filters significantly improved word reading ability of dyslexic children. (p=0. 0036) Conclusion: Our findings showed a reduction in fusional reserves in dyslexic children. Reading ability significantly increased in dyslexic children using color filters.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: Medicine sport studies have shown that anterior cruciate ligament injury is among the most common sport injuries in many sports such as wrestling. Many wrestlers use neoprene knee sleeve to reduce the number and severity of the knee injuries. In spite of this fact, there is still a doubt about the efficiency of sleeve on reducing of the knee injuries. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of neoprene knee sleeves on effective kinematic variables on anterior cruciate ligament tear risk factors, in male wrestlers after reconstruction with hamstring tendon autograft. Methods: Eighteen male wrestlers, who have undergone arthroscopically assisted anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with hamstring autograft between six to eighteen months before the present study volunteered to participate in this study. Maximum knee flexion and abduction, time to maximum knee flexion and abduction, Knee flexion and abduction in initial contact and peak ground reaction force have been measured with motion analysis system (Simi Motion) and force platform (kistler). Results: Result of paired T-test showed that the application of the neoprene knee sleeve caused a significant increase in maximum knee flexion, time to maximum flexion and angle of knee flexion in max peak ground reaction force in single leg drop jump (P<0. 05). Conclusions: According to the research findings, it can be concluded that neoprene knee sleeves can affect some selected kinematics variables efficient on anterior cruciate ligament tear risk factors and lead to the reduction of the risk of re-injury in wrestler after reconstruction with hamstring tendon autograft.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is one of the most important health issues worldwide that requires new methods of management. Recently, mobile-based application for self-management of people living with HIV is one of the modern solutions to manage this disease. The purpose of this study was to design, development and evaluate a mobile-based self-management application for people living with HIV. Methods: This study was a development one that conducted in 2018. The design and development of mobile-based self-management application was carried out based on the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model and in five stages, including: analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to evaluate the application. The statistical population of this study was all people living with HIV at the Iranian Research Center for HIV/AIDS (IRCHA) in 2018. Results: MYSQL as an open-source relational database system was used to design the database of self-management app. Additionally; the development phase was based on the Android operating system. The results of the evaluation of the usability of the self-management app from the user's perspective showed that "security and reliability" and "motivational and educational impacts" of the app were evaluated as "good". The findings showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between the degree of education of patients with their attitude toward the usability of the self-management app (P = 0. 04). Conclusion: Designed mobile-based self-management application can improve medication adherence and quality of life by providing educational information, medication reminding, facilitate communication with healthcare providers, and increasing the motivation of people living with HIV.

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Purpose: Nowadays, the investigation of the brain-language relationship is considered to be one of the complicated scientific issues. Among the different scientific fields, neurolinguistics is more interested in exploring this relationship. The most important issues in neurolinguistic studies are the aphasias and language recovery patterns resulting from the damage of the cortical or subcortical brain structures in bi/multilingual aphasics. In this paper, linguistic impairments, aphasia type and recovery patterns in two bilingual Azerbaijani Turkish-Persian aphasics with cortical brain lesions were studied. Methods: The research method employed in this study was a descriptive one. Bilingual Azerbaijani Turkish-Persian aphasics living in Zanjan province constituted the study population of this study. As a sample, two subjects, based on their linguistic, pathological and cognitive conditions, were selected from twenty aphasics who were content to participate in this study. To evaluate their linguistic performance and gather the required data, the Turkish and Persian versions of the bilingual aphasia test (BAT), which includes 32 subtests, were employed. Results: Data analyses showed that the first patient (case A) had better linguistic performance in his L1 than his L2. Moreover, he had poor performance in the comprehension of his L2. Concerning the linguistic behaviors of the second patient (case B), it became clear that he had more linguistic disorders in his L2 compared to his L1. Besides, his language comprehension, compared to his language production, was poor in both languages. All in all, the second patient got better grades in the BAT subtests both in L1 and L2. Conclusion: The current findings showed that both patients had Wernicke’ s aphasia in their L1 & L2. In addition, their language recovery patterns were assessed to be parallel. It seems, based on the type of the aphasia and the location of the damaged area of the subjects, that the presence of the lesions in the cortical areas (left parieto-temporal lobe in case A and left frontal lobe, insular & parietal lobes in case B) may lead to the similar aphasia and recovery patterns in the first and second languages of the bilingual Turkish-Persian patients.

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Purpose: Since minor biomechanical changes are reliant on stance and balance control strategies, the aim of this study was to compare the postural control factors and balance in individuals with different foot arch. Methods: This study was a comparative one. A total of sixty students were selected, and divided into 4 homogeneous groups of 15 people. Standing with two feet for 20 seconds on a foot pressure, one-leg standing and star excursion balance test were used for evaluating postural control, static and dynamic balance, respectively. Analysis of variance and Tuky post hoc test were used. Results: Natural foot floor group had the best control of postural and balance, and the rigid flat foot had the weakest balance. Individuals with pes-cavus in the medio-lateral side and those with flat feet in the posterior anterior side have the least balance. Conclusion: Changes in the foot arch can cause weakness and inefficiency of the muscular system and ankle strategy and maintain balance, that all of them are more severe in the rigid flat foot, due to the hard and uncompromising structure of the foot and is associated with increased risk of injury to the ankle sprain.

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Purpose: Due to the lack of comprehensive and standard pharmaceutical terminology, the exchange and processing of drug information effectively, seamlessly and unambiguously, has many problems with pharmacies and hospitals. The purpose of this study was to investigate two major and available terminologies, RxNorm and NDF-RT, their relationship and the use of these terminologies in health information systems. Methods: The present study was carried out by narrative review and were studied the documentation related to two selective drug terminology, RxNorm and NDF-RT, from online Datebases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and the official site of the NLM and it was done by combining keywords related to the topic and by the end of November 2017. Results: The results of this study showed that the above-mentioned terminology can be used in the electronic health system, decision support systems, hospital information system with the aim of improving the quality of care, facilitate exchangeability and preventing medical errors. Relationship between these terminologies will also increase the effectiveness and quality of the decisions. Conclusions: The use of these terminologies, especially the relationship between them, will increase the effectiveness and quality of decisions, but for more effective communication between these two terminologies, more research and Addressing some communication challenges are needed.

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Purpose: The current study investigated the verb retrieval problems in people with non-fluent aphasia. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of ACTION plan on transitive and intransitive verbs retrieval in a Persian language person with non-fluent aphasia. Case report: This case report study, including 4 distinct parts: 1) pre-treatment evaluations (Persian Test of aphasia, Persian test of verb-naming and spontaneous speech). 2) six sessions of baseline 3) four phases of treatment for 12 weeks (First, verb naming, phase two and three, including the completion of the transitive and intransitive taught verbs, phase fourth is construction sentence for two and three phases) 4) post-treatment evaluations (Repeat evaluations before the treatment). The results obtained in this study through C statistics, visual diagram and percent recovery were reported. Conclusions: The results show that except the second stage of the treatment, first and second treatments were different with significance level of (p<0. 05), the recovery had effect on untrained intransitive verbs. Recovery was the only after at the third phase for the untrained transitive verbs. In addition sentence construction with untrained verbs with completion and construction of trained transitive and intransitive verbs also significantly improved. The greatest improvement was for the sentence construction assignment through trained and untrained transitive verbs and lowest was for completion sentence by intransitive verbs. It can be concluded that this therapeutic approach for the treatment verb retrieval of Persian language patients with non-fluent aphasia is useful.

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Purpose: Case report of a head trauma patient with saccular abnormality who was resistant to treatment. Clinical Findings: Normal results in electronystagmography and oVEMP. Results of cVEMP showed abnormal saccular function in the right side. Diagnosis: Vestibular abnormality because of the head trauma Management: Vestibular rehabilitation Results: In the beginning, patient had frequent episodes of vertigo and poor balance. Results of Romberg and tandem gate were abnormal. Regular vestibular rehabilitation sessions were planned and adaptation and gaze stability exercises were used. After five months, vertigo were significantly decreased. Balance function also showed great improvements.

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