Some literary texts seem being created on the threshold of two different movements, since they reflect the features of them both. Some literary features are also common in two different literary movements and they can even be seen in the works belong to two different eras. The novel “Asfar-e-Kateban” (Books of Scribers) is among the works which have lots of techniques and measures which are the same in modernist and post-modernist styles; measures such as numerous narrators and narratives, non-linear disjointed narrative, death of the author, language prominence, similarity of the characters in one single work, the text prominence, the preference of ontology over epistemology, the narrative nature of history, the vicious circles, intertextuality, combining different genres or eclecticism, and putting old and new text in together. According to the features of post-modernist novels, Abutorab Khosravi, the author, has made an effort to get close post-modernist style. We are going to examine, in present study, the above-mentioned novel from this perspective.