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یعتبر المثل جنساً عریقاً ویحتل حیزاً وسیعاً بین الآداب العالمیة وذلک أنّه سجل صادق للشعوب علی مرّ العصور وهو یمثل أحداث وعادات وطقوس الشعوب وذلک بإیجاز واختصار لغوی کما یعوّل علی الأسالیب اللغویة تنویعاً من أجل التعبیر المعنوی. وتبعاً لهذا عالج البحث مقتطفات من الأمثال الأهوازیة والفارسیة عامداً علی الأسلوبیة مقارناً أسالیبها علی ضوء المدرسة الأمریکیة وذلک بناء علی رؤیة رنی ویلیک کما یعتقد بعدم التأثیر والتأثر، والانخراط فی اللغة بأسالیبها لتتبع التداخل الأدبی بین الآداب. ولهذا تعتبر هذه الورقة البحثیة الأسالیب اللغویة نهجا لها لتناول الأمثال العامیة الأهوازیة والفارسیة وتداخلها بحیث ترمی إلی تبیین تداخل المثلین أسلوبا ودلالة بالإضافة إلی تتبع عوامل التطورات والتغیرات اللغویة منها الصوتیة والمعجمیة للمثل الأهوازی، وتأثّرها باللغة الفارسیة. هذا وتوصّل المقال إلی أنّ التداخل الأسلوبی والمعنوی لکثیر من الأمثال الواردة موجود وذلک علی المستوی المعجمی والترکیبی والبلاغی لأنّ الأهوازیین والأقوام الفارسیة الأخری یقطنون إقلیما جغرافیا واحدا ولیس من المستغرب أن یستعیر کلٌ منهما عن الآخر المثل ویحوّره مع بعض التغییرات فی الأسلوب اللغوی بحیث إنّ التداخل ممتد فیما بین اللغات والآداب وذلک علی المستوی المعجمی والدلالی والترکیبی فاللغات تختلف فی طریقة الأداء والانتقاء معجماً وترکیباً لتبنی دلالة جدیدة للإبداع فی العمل الأدبی. أمّا أسباب التطورات والتغییرات اللغویة الموجودة للمثل الأهوازی فتعود إلی القوانین اللغویة منها الإبدال، والصدفة، والتواضع والإصطلاح اللغوی، والتخفیف والتیسیر اللغوی، والجهد العضلی الأقل فی النطق بحیث فرضتها اللهجة وظروف النطق. فبناءً علی هذه الأسباب تداخلت الأمثال مفردة وترکیبا بینما لم تتأثر الأمثال الأهوازیة باللغة الفارسیة صوتا ومعجما.

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abooysani hossein

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Islamic culture has had a significant impact on divine religions and convert to these religions. Because it is a rich culture, it transcends its borders and covers all humanity. Therefore, it does not seem surprising that such a culture overlooks its territory and affects others, they also, in their turn, are influenced by their search for their worldly and related to the world of the hereafter Researches on "Dante's Divine Comedy" suggests that this work has been influenced by Islamic culture, it was saturated from its springs, and subsequently Dante's work stands on the height of works before and after himself. But this influx began after the West became part of the achievements of the Merajameh. It also caused the West to have a strong connection with Islamic culture in the Middle Ages, and European intellectuals were also trying to exploit the origins of this culture. Therefore, it can be said that Dante was influenced by both the ancestor of the culture and the medieval culture, therefore, it seems to be influenced by the same Islamic culture that ruled during the Middle Ages. The present article seeks to criticize the book The Impact of Islamic Culture on Dante's Divine Comedy by Salah Fazl in its form and content. From the matching of the evidence mentioned in this book on the one hand, and the verse in the Holy Qur'an and the Merajnameh on the other, it appears that there is a significant similarity between them, which indicates that, the influence of Islamic culture on Dante's Divine Comedy has not been ineffective.

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bakhsi maryam

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The new criticism is an attempt to discusses para texts because of their importance in reading the text and discovering its implications. The epigraph as an important elements of para text has the function of the dealer and aesthetics that many novelists have used it in their works and some of them have not used. The present study examines the use of this perimeter in Persian and Arabic novels. The purpose of this study is to investigate the comparative study of epigraph in two novels of literature in order to understand the nature and the manner of exploiting the epigraphs and the extent of the use of epigraph and its types and the type of its authority (source), and the number of epigraph and the contact the epigraph with the title. This research is based on the following main question: What is the position of the epigraph in Persian and Arabic novels? This study was conducted using descriptive-analytic method and using SPSS software to collect data and describe and compare and analyze it. The Arabic novelists are more interested in the use of epigraphs; hence, their source books are numerous and abundant. While the use of the epigraph in the Persian novel is internal, and it is not intended. In Arabic novels, the western epigraph and in the Persian novels Eastern epigraph is the most present. The Arabic novelist has used epigraph as an art, decoration, and influential effect on the West; hence it is clear that it has been used extensively and with the use of the words of the West. But the Persian novelist uses the epigraph for meaning and he uses easy and famous words epigraphs that are diverse in the Arabic novel, and they have a methodic aspect.

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beigzade khalil

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The combination of narration and the focal point of vision is an obvious element in fiction, since focalization is the choice of point of view that character and story events are observed through it. This process justifies the polyphony of narrative and the different point of views are mingled and they change from one viewpoint to another. This research studies the narratives' focalization in the novels of Saul Bellow by Abbas Maroufi and Muzm al-Hijra al-Shamal by Tayyib Saleh based on the theory of the focalization of Gerard Genette, which is directly related to thestream of consciousness, with a descriptive-analytical approach and relying on the school of comparative literature, in order to analye the polyphony focusing the techniques and the thoughts, emotions and the feeling of the characters through stream of consciousness, and it has tried to show the view of the focalization of Gerard Genette in these novels that is directly related to stream of consciousness, and this consistency in the novels of Saul Bellow which is more evident. .

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The literary relations of Islamic Iran and Kuwait are remarkable in the light of the ancestors, neighborhood and the presence of Iranians in Kuwait and the cultural and social intellectual culture in the two countries. If the literature is the bridge of the nations, then the study of the scientific and literary efforts made in the two countries in relation to the literature of the other country reflects the level of literacy and influence and the effects on each other. This study examines the activities with regard to the positive and negative, influential factors in these relations by recognizing the aspects of literary researchers and intellectuals in Kuwait and Iran, and a report on its process between the two countries in various forms of scientific research such as compilation and translation, academic paper and academic thesis and executive activities. This article, is based on an analytical descriptive method, collects and analyzes data from books and researches, interviews and informations of universities and the scientific centers of Iran and Kuwait. In recent years, especially in the second decade after the Islamic Revolution, Iran has been making efforts to identify and review Kuwaiti literature and its translation. In Kuwait, there has also been a lot of attention to Persian literature and its publication in the Arab world. Iran's and Kuwait's literary relations have remained new since twenty years, requiring attention and elimination of barriers by its custodians in a more constructive way in the future.

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The study of the strange image of the “ Other” in literature gave way to the formation of “ imagology” . The French comparatists were the founders of this new branch of study in Comparative Literature. They used it as an approach for the analysis of the reflected picture of foreign people in literary works. Its basic tenets are: the moods of reading “ Other” , and the effective factors in imagology. The study of imagology sheds lights on the name of the author as “ I” and foreigner as “ Other” and consequently makes it familiar. This recognition helps the researcher to become familiar with peoples, cultures, civilizations, habits, and traditions. Therefore, this approach is of prime importance in literary studies. The present study tries to analyze the manifestation of Arabic “ I” and Persian “ Other” in Motanabi and IbnNabateSa’ di’ s poetry through this prism. This study elaborates upon the picture that these two poets have presented as Arabic “ I” on the one hand, and the picture of Amir as Persian “ Other” in their poetry, on the other hand. The results show that imagology of “ Other” in Motanabi’ s poetry is influenced by being away from home and nationalism, while IbnNabateSa’ di’ simagology is under the influence of the ideology of disagreement and personal benefits. Therefore, the manifestation of “ I” and “ Other” is distinguished by particular features. However, these two poets in reading of “ Other” , on the basis of political, social, and economic conditions, have moved from negative distortion and positive distortion.

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The main features of the Constitutional period poems is the simplicity and easiness of language in the poems, the simply can be seen in all the techniques of poem in this period and Al-Zahawi was pioneer in the field and Rasafi followed him. Iraj Mirza has also set the simple poem to apex in Iran and even made it close to the folk poetry. The poems of Constitutional career, including Persian and Arabic poetry, were found to be very similar to the language of the newspaper and magazines for the sake of simplicity. In this regard, the present study is based on a descriptive-analytical approach to examine the poems of constitutional in Iraq and Iran as the mainstream speakers of poetry. One of the most important achievements of this research is that, the revolutionary conditions of the Constitutional era required a poem that the public could easily communicate with, on the other hand, the poets could make people aware of the conditions of society and their responsibilities to the Constitutional Revolution. Therefore, the language of poetry went to the simplicity and cleverness and fluency, in other words, the language of prose.

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One of the secrets of integration between Iranians and Arabs is the literary and linguistic interaction of the two nations, which began with the appearance of Islam in Iran, and peaked in the next period, especially in the fourth and fifth centuries. Khorasan and Sistan are among the regions of Iran that have witnessed significant growth of Arabic language and literature among the people during these two centuries, as great poets and writers in these two distant districts of Baghdad, the capital of the Islamic caliphate, such as Abu Bakr Kharazmi, Abu al-Fattah Basti and Abu Mansoor Sa'alabi. It is noteworthy that these poets, despite the influence of Arabic language, focused on their mother tongue, Persian, and transmitted their ancient literature and education through Arabic poetry. This is the main reason for this research. By descriptive-analytical method, it is sought to find the reasons for the transfer of these teachings and to express the axes in which the Iranian concepts are crystallized. Finally, it should be said that national tendencies, the need for poets to bring the meanings to the audience and gossip and appeal to the audience are the reasons why the poets have translated Iranian culture into Arabic. Also, the memory of Iranian and mystic personalities, the translation of Persian parables and verses, the refering to the Persian vocabulary are the axes in which the translation of Persian culture in the Arabic poetry of Khorasan and Sistan have become crystallized. .

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mirzaee jaberi fahime | ASLANI SARDAR | soleimanzade najafi seyed reza | AGHA HOSEYNI HOSEIN

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Mohammad Ali Shams al-Din is a poet with mystical tendencies influenced by Attar Nishapur, one of these effects is the presence of ontological themes, existantialism, wonder and death in his poetry. Despite the importance of the existentialism concepts in the poetry of both poets and the many works written in this field, so far, no attempt has been made in this subject; therefore, in this study, we tried to use the descriptive-analytical method regarding the principle of literary influence that has been raised in schools such as the French school, these themes are examined in the poetry of both poet. Also, according to the impact of Shams al-Din's analysis of the Islamic-Iranian mysticism and the mystical affairs in Persian literature, the similarities and differences of the use of these concepts in his poetry in comparison with Attar have been explained. The results showed that both poets are similar in their use of the theme of existentialism. Also, the attitude of both poets to death is a rebirth of life and birth.

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An imagology examines the image of "other" in the literary text and its interaction with "I" (= self). In fact, self-knowledge is possible through other, and the sense of identity in its confrontation with it appears and the part of this interaction in the literature of travel magazines. Ghadat Al Saman has published five works in the travel magazine, which are the good material for pictorial studies. This research is based on descriptive-analytical method and socially-comparative methodology to study the first part of the book Shahvat Al Ajnahat. The author devotes this section to the Far East. The purpose of this research is to identify one's identity and the other, hallucinations, and the intellectual deviations. The results indicate that Ghadat Al Saman trip to the far East was after he suffered from spiritual alienation and was able to escape the realities to escape the painful facts and the effort to discover the unknowns to the land, the image of Lebanon and Damascus are flowing from each level and within each scene. Ceman, apparently, before the trip, was influenced by the impressions of Western romantic literary critics of the East of the charming and supermarket; hence, his experience is intuitive and direct experience, and at the same time influenced by earlier images and texts. . Cement is first a literary and then a traveler. He brings elements of his artwork to painful or rewarding realities, and then he gives literary and craftsmanship an artistic and influential image. Nevertheless, he is realistic and, as far as possible, avoids generalization and avoidance. But, as he himself said, it is impossible to judge the cities in a straightforward way, and realism is a lie. Moreover, joining with different nations and living with them are an appropriate context for comparing and adapting for him, and he has been fascinated by the ancient culture and civilization of the far East, and has had the beauty and the creation of it, as he had to condemn the manifestations of backwardness, poverty, drowning in consumerism and the materiality of the far East.

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