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روحِ ادبیّات مقاومت، زنده کردن احساسات ملّی و امید در مردم و مدافعان وطن علیه دشمنان خارجی و رهبران خیانت کار داخلی است تا آن ها را به پایداری و مقاومت در راه وطن وادار کند. سیّد اشرف الدّین حسینی معروف به نسیم شمال و ابراهیم طوقان، معروف به شاعر ملّی فلسطین، در دو مقطع حسّاس تاریخی ایران و فلسطین، ازجمله نمایندگان شعر مقاومت هستند. پژوهش حاضر می کوشد با روش توصیفی-تحلیلی و با تکیه بر رویکرد «ما و دیگران»، شعر این دو شاعر را با هم مقایسه و صف دشمنان داخلی و خارجی وطن را از دوستان، حامیان و فداکارانش جدا کند و به عبارتی، روش تحقیقی، «ما و دیگری» را در شعرهای وطنی آن ها، شناسایی و معرّفی نماید. دشمنان وطن، هم دستانی داخلی دارند که یا در لباس دوست ظاهر می شوند و یا بر مرکب جهل، خرافه، استبداد و زر و زور سوارند. این دو شاعر، نابسامانی و چالش وطن را تنها به استعمار خارجی و استبداد داخلی منحصر نمی کنند، بلکه مزدوران داخلی و حتّی خود مردم و برخی خصلت های منفی، مانند جهل و سرسپردگی را، در ایجاد مصیبت ها و شرایط ناگوار تاریخی وطن، شریک می دانند. صف مدافعان وطن در شعر هر دو شاعر تقریباً مشابه است؛ ولی درخصوص دشمنان، طوقان بر دشمن خارجی و هم دستان داخلی اش و نسیم شمال بر استبداد و عوامل داخلی و خصلت های منفی جامعه، تأکید بیشتری دارد.

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The increasingly appreciation of the researchers of comparative studies in the field of literature, the interest of the authors in writing the comparative literature articles, specialized journals in this field have been expanded. One of these journals is The Research on Comparative Literature that deals with the publication of related research in the field of comparative Arabic-Persian studies. This brief paper, with the aim of the pathology of the articles which were published in the journal between 1392 and 1395, based on an inductive method for the dissemination of statistics, then analysis and pathology of published research, based on statistical charts has reviewed the articles of the magazine. After investigating the damage, the following three topics are the subject line, articles titles and methodology of research, most of which are considered insufficient to the theoretical issues of comparative literature, the gap of interdisplinary research. The new areas of research in comparative literature, parallelization and addressing the repetitive themes, the non-expression of the method of research, and the non-expression of the comparative school documentary in the article, misunderstanding of "comparison" in the comparative literature and ...

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Since, according to some people, humor is the most artistic method of criticism, in the society and in a space where the social and political inerrancy, repression, trickery and lies dominate the mind and the language of society, the poet's language speaks of humor as the most artistic weapon to combat these corruptions. The present paper is a study in which the writers, after a brief introduction of satire and its variants, have tried to examine the various techniques and the methods of satire in the poems of contemporary Iranian and Iraqi poets. Since in the humorous statement, the purpose of the article is sometimes wrapped up and the audience find it complex, such studies can semantically identify the inner layers of poems, the cognitive and even aesthetic language, as well as helping to the audience to understand the dimensions of satire in the context of contemporary poems, so after describing and analyzing examples of the works of both poets, it is concluded that these two poets, use the certain techniques such as: The use of simulation and imaging, the use of inhuman personification, etc., the humor between the subjects of the text and the message and its meaning have been used in their latent criticism.

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One of the sermons that was neglected in Iranian studies is the political sermon that Anooshirvan expressed in the last years of his rule after the establishment of peace and tranquility. This sermon has a number of sections, the main focus of which is "the struggle against sensual witches" or "jihad akbar", which has been very much considered in Islamic teachings. The examples of the witched souls that Anooshirvan believed that they caused to thwart the government, are: gossip, jealousy, separation, cruelty, for pointing to the danger of the soul from the interpretations of " Aadi Adovokom” , ” Akbar Adakom” , "Adukam al-Batnah". On the contrary with, these issues including; partisanship, unity, the attention to poor, respect neighbors, friendship and affection, adherence to the covenant, and so on, strengthen the governments. The purpose of this study is to introduce this sermon and to study the descriptive-analytical issues of common themes with Nahj al-Balaghah.

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Love to the hometown is one of the most important components of Salah Abdul Sabur’ s and Abdul Wahhab al-Bayati’ s poems, they have expressed their passion and longings to their homeland. Among the patriotic poets of Persian literature, everyone can mention Nima Yoshij, who, with all of his love and affection, portrays his homeland. The present research is based on an analytical-comparative method. The result of the research is that the homeland is a major issue in Salah Abdul Sabur, Al-Bayati and Nima Yoshij’ s poems. The hometown of those who have non-voluntarily been away from politics for many years now is a utopia. They call everyone to patriotism and to defend their hometown. Therefore, this study examines the way of restoring and using the components of the hometown in an comparative way in the works of Salah Abdul Sabor, Abdul Wahhab al-Bayati and Nima.

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Regarding to the pluralism theory in the understanding of Paul Ricoeur's text, the present study tries to prove that in Arabic and Persian texts, along with the theory of "monopolistic Intentionalism", which is nowadays accepted by the commentators, for the text, there are several correct meanings that go beyond the author's intention. It is considered that the possibility of specifying the meanings of meaningful meanings of the text is also possible using the "criteria for verifying commentary" such as "explanation", "legitimacy", "match", "fit", and "compatibility". Hence, using the "criteria for verifying the interpretation", there could be multiple transcriptions of interpretations (not contradictory, interpretations) of texts, and in the shadow of it, it was preserved from relativity, anarchism. Therefore, the present article, which is carried out in a descriptive-analytical manner with the gathering of documentary and paperwork, concludes that the theory of pluralism in understanding Paul Ricoeur's text, given the simultaneous attention to the textual capacities and the intellectual capacities of the commentators, leads to the hypothesis "inclusive Intentionalism and moderate subjectivism", which, in the face of the same negation, is "monopolistic intentionalism and radical subjectivism", and has shifted the central theoretical interpretation.

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The Present article analyzed and investigated the source of the story Wolf and Fox Coming to be Under the Obedience of Lion for Hunting and it re-narrated two Verse Narratives of "Toghraee and Molana. Then with a structuralism view to the story elements like characters, plots, point of view, and tone, narratives were described and analyzed to recognize which story is closer to the main source. The most important result of the investigation was based on analogic-comparative method was that not only Molana had used elements and the techniques of the story, but also he created a beautiful and attractive tale from the main source narrative. Toghraee had used similitude to emphasize as well as using aphorism.

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Romanticism is one of the contemporary literary schools in the world that basis of this literary movement was on the individual imagination and creativity based on imagination and reaction against the classicism school. In addition to the West, this school has had a great impact on contemporary Arabic and Persian literature and also has attracted a lot of poets and writers. It can be also seen many similarities among the followers of this school in Persian and Arabic literature. This study tries to investigate the aspects of Romanticism in poetry of Ali Mahmod Taha and Mr Mohammad-Hossein Shahriar in Persian and Arabic literature by using intellectually content descriptive and analytical method and base on the framework of the American school of "comparative literature". Findings indicate that these two poets in expression of their romantic regret and sorrow arising from inappropriate environmental conditions and troubled circumstances of their homeland and expressing pains and their inside tragic moods and the society, have expressed the romantic sights such as patriotism, a sense of sadness and loneliness, naturalism, reflecting the frustration, complaints of time, love and remembrance of the beloved, and so on, and in this case they have relatively common aspects with each other. Love and beloved remembrance are significant themes in the poems of the two poets that have been mixed with passion and enthusiasm, and initially it was a virtual love then reaching to true love. The nature is the place of refreshment of the two poets and their escape from the unpleasant conditions of environment, and both poets have gave refuge to it from loneliness and solitude and escape from the chaotic conditions of environment and the mental incompatibilities.

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yari vala reza | NAJAFI ISA

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The subject of this research is the study of love in the first independent works of Iranian mystics. Ahmad Ghazali, the Resalat Svanah al-Ashaq, is the first independent work in this field. In this treatise, he outlines the issues surrounding love with a psychological viewpoint in the literary language. In the 4th century AH, Abolhassan Dilami, the Iranian joyful writer, wrote the book Atf Al Alef Al-Ma'aluf Ali Allah Al-M'a'atov in Arabic, in which the work has a completely psychological track. Deylmi, was though influenced by the thoughts of the Greek philosophers, especially Plato, but he combined his views with the religious foundations of the Islamic Shari'a is his idea. In this essay, we tried to show the similarities and differences of the two works in a comparative way in such a way as to obtain the specific and logical results. Ahmad Ghazali, as he had the experience of Abolhassan Dilami, did not consider the theory of love and affection; his poetic language and his intention to express references to the materials made him difficult to understand; while Dilami is also a theorist who has expressed everything in plain and fluent language; of course, the two have taken such a stylistic views with the aim of their work.

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