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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This research, with the aim of investigating the applied indicators of social development, has studied the concept of social development at international and national levels. Considering research purposes and questions, the research method is descriptive and qualitative which has been carried out in two stages of library and Delphi technique. The research sample size (Delphi method) consists of 30 academic experts and executive authorities in social development area, who have been selected randomly. Finally, according to calculation of social indicators, significance and priority in process of Delphi technique, the concept of social development was defined and interpreted as the quality of social system through institutionalization of development ethics, especially “ethics of social development” in order to achieve “social solidarity (consensus)” and “social equality” for promoting “life quality level” and enhancing the coefficient of “social security”. In the end, social development was divided, based on scientific logic of indicator-making, into five-fold dimensions as well as sub-dimensions associated with it.

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Today, the role of Television as the most widespread national media in promoting cultural identities of society and particularly in enhancing religious identity of citizens has been the considered by experts. In this regard, several scientist of communications sciences and experts of religious sciences have emphasized the role of television in publishing, disseminating and deepenin greligious culture and identity. As a whole, the aim of religious media and television religious programs is to inform citizens of religious fundamentals using informing methods and propaganda in order to promote religious identity. Accordingly, television of Iran Islamic Republic, with the aim of deepening and promoting the citizens’ religious knowledge, has defined itself as one of the religious bases and has based his proselytizing mission on it. According to what was said above, the primary aim of this article is to investigate the relationship between religious programs of television and religious identity of citizens in statistical population under study. This research is survey and the research data have been obtained through technique of questionnaire along with interview. Degree of religious identity as the dependent variable of research has been evaluated using Glark and Stark model of religiousness in doctrinal, ritual, emotional, cognitive andoutcome aspects with47items in Likert format. Scale reliability and validityof religious identity, according to Cronbach's alpha test results (a=0.93) has been approved. The statistical population of this research includes all of the citizens aged 15 to 65 of Esfahan in 1390. Using Cochrane sampling formula, 420 individuals have been randomly selected and studied as the determining sample and using quota sampling method. The research findings show the correlation between variable of television religious programs and degree of citizens’ religious identity. The related statistical results using Pearson correlation coefficient, approves of the correlation between variables of degree of observation of television religious programs kinds and the kind of attitude towards television religious programs with degree of religious identity (r= 0.674, 0.608) at level of 99% confidence. Also, the results of multiple regression analysis have shown the effects of above said variables on degree of religious identity with 46 and 39%, respectively.

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Before Arias’ coming to the Iranian plateau, tribes like Elamite, Tapoyrian, and Kadousian and Amard anlivedin different areas of it. For seizing native land, Arias fought a hardand bloody war with them and due to the ethnic, territorial and religious differences they had with indigenous ethnic groups, they called these groups as Bogies and Mazenis as Bogies of Mazandaran. Although two or three lands were in mythological and epic texts called as Mazandaran, undoubtedly, Tabarestan or the current Mazandaran which, in Shahnameh, has been referred frequently to as the Elm Grove has been one of them. The main cause of this naming Mazandaran indigenous ethnic groups as Bogies has concerned the Zoroastrians’ religious fervor, who called as Bogies and irreligious everybody who had a religion other than theirs. Thus, Bogy has the meanings of courageous and brave, strong and powerful, sullen and irreligious, huge and strangely-born and beside the words of alley and Kia, implies Ancientness of Mazandaran Another reason for calling Mazandaran people as Bogies has been that Zoroastrians tried to destroy their cultural identity by attributing bogie-worshipping and sorcery and witch craft to them, and to show destroying them or making them slaves as acceptable and approved, while according to the very mythological and epictexts, not only there is no doubt about Mazandaran Bogies being human, but also they were much more cultured and civilized than invasive Arias in terms of cultureand civilization and Arias learnt many components and representations of culture from Mazandaran Bogies, among which are the language, writing, to read and to write; in addition, Mazandaranis’ expertise in architecture and music made them urban people in a way that Arias had to learn components of culture and civilization and the customs of urbanity from them.

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This study investigates factors related toorientation of value of the youth and it used survey method. The result showed that orientation of value of 21.6 percent of students are material, 78.4 percent of them are post material. Also variables of membershipin political- religious associations, satisfaction with life, religiosity, use of old and new media and ethnicity have asignificant relationship with orientation of value. Regarding multi-variable regression analysis, variables of religiosity, use of old media, religion, satisfaction with life and membership in political- religious associations enter the regression equation and totally it explained variance of 22.7% of dependent variable.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study aims to investigate the factors affecting the refreshing of middle school for girls in Golestan from the perspective students and school authorities (principals, teachers, education teachers). The research method is descriptive and in the form of survey. Statistical population includes students, principals and education teachers of Golestan’s Education Administration. The sample size was chosen commensurate with size of society and using Morgan’s Table, including 1380 students, 170 principals, 310 teachers and 170 education teachers by sampling method. The research tool is the researcher-administered questionnaire. In order to analyze data, indicators of descriptive statistics (frequency tables, frequency percentage and column chart) and of inferential statistics (one-sample t test, Freidman test) have been used. Analysis results show that students and school authorities consider the four factors under study as effective in refreshing of schools, but there is a significant difference between their viewpoints in that from the students’ perspective the socio-cultural factors are of the highest and the organizational factors are of the lowest effect on refreshing of schools, and from the perspective of schools authorities the physical factors have the highest and the education have the minimal effect on refreshing of schools.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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“Self-care” is one of the important aspects of health-centered lifestyle. Those having a high degree of self-care value their health and try to become less ill and to regain their health in the case of illness. In this article, the relationship between some of social factors and self-care aspect has been discussed and sociological theories have been used for explaining the problem. The research method is survey and the measuring tool is closed questionnaire. The statistical population of this research includes all Tabriz citizens aged more than 15, meaning 1106731 individuals (based on Statistics of 1385) among whom 752 individuals have been chosen based on Cochran Formula and by the cluster sampling method. Also, collected data has been analyzed through SPSS software. The research findings show that based on marital status and social classes, citizens’ self-care is different and has a significant relationship with variables such as social capital, cultural capital, economic capital, body mass indicator, physical attractiveness, health value, feeling of powerlessness and body management. Also according to findings, the remaining variables in Regression Model (social capital, feeling of powerlessness, body mass indicator, health value and physical attractiveness) have been able to explain 25% of changes related to self-care variables. Other associated effects have been the ones not researched on.

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Leisure time and the way of spending it are among the new subjects attracting researchers’ attention after the industrialized revolution and growth of industries and technology. In this research, the relationship between background variables, economic- social base of Kashan citizens with degree and way of spending their leisure time has been evaluated. The research method is survey and the research tool is self-administered questionnaire. Sampling method is to use quota admission; accordingly, the city of Kashan has been divided into old and new structure, and the questionnaires have been administered equally among residents of every region (250 households). For test of research variables using the statistical software of SPSS and using tests of t-statistics, Pearson, K-Square and factor analysis, the relationship of variables has been evaluated. The results of research show that there is a relationship between economic-social base of respondents and degree of spending leisure time in the new structure and also between background variables including gender, age and level of education and degree of spending leisure time. Also factor analysis results show that the first and the second priorities in types of spending leisure time by old structure residents are respectively “artistic” and “fancy” and in the new structure are “sport” and “artistic”.

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