This paper is based on path analysis of effective factors in media socialization, based on the five models in theory of V. Schramm. The population is audiences of media’s message of 18-years old and up in city of Zanjan, 227, 790 people. Sample is368 people, based on method multi-stage cluster sampling& quota. Findings based on the Pearson correlation coefficient indicates that process of media socialization in cyberspace, especially in the area of advertisements internet & satellite networks, the was male audiences also high motivation follow & also are high attitude of advertisements. Meanwhile, there are not significant differences between male & female audiences of media persuasion, economical value, selection of adverts advertising. In the case of multiple regression & path analysis of factors Affecting audiences media socialization, for goodness of fit of the theoretical model, based on value of beta 64% of change in audiences media socialization, depends with increasing of media persuasion, increasing of motivation follow, depreciation of economical value, increasing of adverts selection & increasing of attitude of advertisements, between the female audiences in city of Zanjan living in Housing Impersonal, With High-Volume Sampling of Households.