Background and purpose: Hypoxia or lack of oxygen in tissues can cause death or serious injury. Betaine is a natural product that is beneficial in some diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’, s disease. It is found in spinach, shrimp, beets, and grains. This research was conducted to investigate the anti-hypoxic activities of betaine in three experimental models of hypoxia in mice. Materials and methods: Protective effects of betaine at 25, 50, and 100 mg/kg, i. p. against hypoxia-induced lethality in mice were evaluated in three experimental models of hypoxia,asphyctic, haemic, and circulatory. Analysis of variance was performed followed by Newman-Keuls multiple comparisons to determine the differences in means. Results: In circulatory model, betaine at 50 mg/kg, significantly prolonged mice survival time and showed similar activity to propranolol 30 mg/kg which was used as positive control (P>0. 05). At 100 mg/kg, it was more effective than propranolol (P<0. 0001). In haemic antihypoxic model, betaine 25 mg/kg, significantly increased survival time and showed the same activity as propranolol 20 mg/kg (P>0. 05), while at 100 mg/kg, it was more effective than propranolol (P<0. 05). In asphyctic model, betaine 12. 5 mg/kg significantly prolonged survival time compared to the control group (P<0. 05). Conclusion: Betaine showed good protective effects against hypoxia in circulatory and heamic models where the drug at 100 mg/kg, was more effective than propranolol at 30 mg/kg.