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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In this study, considering the importance of incremental capital output ratio (ICOR) in agriculture Investment capital and self-sufficiency in this sector in order to grow and being influenced by the past and previous relationships strong agricultural sector productivity growth in other sectors of the economy, especially the effect of oil revenues, was trying to, long-term relationships as well as their adjustment process described by the Autoregressive-Distributed Lag model (ARDL) to investigate. The results also confirm the long-run relationship between the variables of the model show that oil revenues in appropriate path to growth agricultural productivity have been too much attention to the industry and imports of agricultural products decreased investment in agricultural productivity. However, the service sector growth by improving marketing activities and financing farmers to improve venture capital productivity in the agricultural sector operates. In the long run, adjusting the intersection, the model indicates improved productivity in the agricultural sector is of capital. Shown the necessary support to the agricultural sector in the short term.

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Among the agricultural important factors, inputs are the most significant in agricultural production. This article aimed to examine the impact of government subsidy policies on production of one of the most strategic products, namely maize, in Iran. To achieve this goal, panel data for the nine provinces of Iran's major producers of maize during the period of 1999-2007, is used. In this study, first the country's maize production function has been estimated by using data information for inputs: chemical fertilizer, labor, water, seeds and pesticides. And then, calculating the partial elasticity of production factors, sensitivity of production to changes in the value of inputs is evaluated. Also, using a methodology based on the maximum profit, inputs' demand function is calculated. Results of analyzing government Subsidy Policy showed that, paying subsidy to chemical fertilizer decreases maize production 0.412 percent, because of low demand elasticity of this input. Also according to subsidy of seed, with regard to low demand elasticity of this input to its price, paying subsidy that decreases seed price, wouldn't have so high effect on its consumption and consequently, on production growth, so that maize production only increased 0.478 percent due to paying subsidy to seed.

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As the conditions in the market and in the world of work and commerce gets more complicated, this requires correction, improvement and also updating marketing attitude among manufacturers and marketers. It is an urgent requirement to choose and determine strategies in order to achieve the objectives. Strategy means the comprehensive and main plan in manufacturing unit revealing the way it achieves the goals. On the other hand, as processing inducts toward market, the rate of wastage (losses) reduces. This Study concerns processing industries and finding suitable important strategies. Toward this end, present study seeks to investigate the market and the strategies of marketing in processing industries. The society under study in this investigation consists of producers, retailers and the consumers of dairy processing industries in Hamedan province. The data required for this study are connected using three groups of questionnaire. Mreover, factor analysis and structural equation modelling have been used as the statistical method of the investigation. The output of Lisrel and Amos softwares are used to study the variables. The common marketing strategies are defined in results section and each one is compared with prefent conditions of dairy processing industry market in Hamedan province, and acceptable and unacceptable marketing strategies are assigned separately. In the end, several recommandations are presented for using strategies and conducting future investigations.

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Today water supply issue in large cities seems to be a big problem. This becomes more important with population growth and urbanization extension. To cope with this problem lots of irrigation and drainage projects have been implemented and operated that subsequently many socio- economic and cultural effects have been brought to the areas. The objective of the present study is to survey the socio - economic and environmental effects of Taleghan dam to compare the two periods before and after the dam construction. The needed data have been gathered by use of a questionnaire and by interviewing 400 samples in the irrigation and drainage network’s region of Taleghan Dam, and encoded questions and outcome data have been analyzed in spss and lisrel software. The results showed an economic development in the region, but some factors like, lack of trust, lack of economic advantages and deficiency of facilities, decrease villagers’ willingness to invest.63.3% of region’s environmental pollution has been increased mainly by the tourists. Not only is there no increase in Water sources but also they have been decreased.98% of individuals declared that the people were not questioned in construction projects. About the coefficient of dam’s effect on region’s socio- economic and environmental development, the villagers have declared that the dam construction had no positive effect on region’s development.

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Food security has a dynamic notion during the time and may be affected by various domestic and global factors. Nevertheless, Iranian policy makers consider food security as same as self-sufficiency in agricultural food products, particularly wheat production. However, self-sufficiency can contribute to food security only if it is in coincidences with comparative advantage and sustainable resource management. The present study aims to investigate the coincidences of self-sufficiency and comparative advantage and the real impact of self-sufficiency on net social benefit as a measure of food security; by developing a Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) to analyze the trend of comparative advantage and self-sufficiency measures for the past decade. The data for wheat input-output quantities and their domestic prices during the period of study were obtained from production and cost system of agricultural products, and other relevant information collected from World Bank statistics and FAO database. The results showed that the self-sufficiency policy through price supports, inputs and credit subsidies and research and extension programs, has increased the physical productivity of wheat farms as well as increased the area under cultivation. However, the net social profit of wheat production was negative during the period of study, indicating a negative effect of self-sufficiency policy on the food security.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In recent years, farming section of South Khorasan Province faces different limitations such as increasing shortage of water resources and continuous reduction of weather showers. Considering consecutive droughts and water crisis in agricultural plain of the province, it is necessary to use water resources optimally and increase productivity of water shortage input. Comparison of water productivity among the available utilization systems in agricultural section of the province can cause recognition of suitable and efficient utilization system for optimal use of water shortage input and increase water productivity in production of crops. In the present research, different indices of water productivity for production of crops in two small holding utilization system and Rural Production Cooperative in Khosef County have been calculated and compared. The required data have been collected with a sample of 247 farmers and with two-staged cluster sampling and with questionnaire. To calculate and compare water productivity, Benefit Per Drop, Crop Per Drop and Net Benefit Per Drop indices have been used. Results showed that the said indices were different for similar products in two utilization systems and in most crops, the said indices in rural production cooperative system were higher than small holding system. Therefore, gathering of smallholder’s farmers as rural production cooperative can lead to more desirable utilization of water resources and reduction of drought effects and water crisis.

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From the perspective of new growth models and new international trade theories, both exports and imports play an important role in a dynamic economy. Economically, we cannot merely emphasize on a positive trade balance and we ignore the benefits of imports, and also we cannot advise negative trade balance. But the main concern of policy makers about international trade should be making stability and equilibrium of trade balance in the long run. Especially, deficit agricultural trade balance can be a great danger for food security. Hence, the main objective of this study was to test the sustainability of Iran's agricultural trade balance during the period 1961-2011 (1340-1390). For this purpose, After confirming the existence of cointegration by Gregory-Hansen Test, Hasted and Arize models was estimated with OLS, FMOLS and DOLS methods and it released we can verify sustainability of agricultural trade balance during the period of the study. Also, the estimation of error correction model showed that there is a bidirectional causality relationship between import and export in long-run while in short-run export only cause import in agriculture sector.

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متن کامل این مقاله به زبان انگلیسی می باشد، لطفا برای مشاهده متن کامل مقاله به بخش انگلیسی مراجعه فرمایید.لطفا برای مشاهده متن کامل این مقاله اینجا را کلیک کنید.

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One of the present phenomena that virtually explain weaknesses in financial systems of different countries is financial repression. Financial repression encompasses the different interferences of governments in financial markets through determining the ceiling interest on bank deposits, high rates of legal reserves, and the government’s interference in distribution of bank credits, which prevents the efficient performance of financial market for better allocating resources and funds. On the other hand, investment in agricultural sector enjoys a significant importance due to the growth of production and employment in this sector and rooting for the same notions in other economic sectors. Regarding the fact that the subject matter of the current paper is of utmost importance, it tries to investigate the impacts of financial repression on investments in agricultural sector. In order to realize this objective, measures such as the size of the government in economy, the measure for financial intermediation of banks, and the ratio of savings to GDP (Gross Domestic Product) were utilized as the factors for financial repression. The regression results of ARDL showed that the effects from the measures of government size in economy and financial intermediation of banks had a negative and significant impact on private investment in agricultural sector. This means that the bigger the size of government in economy the less the willingness of the private sector for investing in agriculture. Moreover, regarding the fact that the majority of banks in Iran are governmental, the measure for financial intermediation of banks had a negative and significant impact on private investment of agricultural sector.

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