Pterocarya Kunth. belongs to Juglandaceae family is genus which has over 15 different tree species in the world and has just one species which has been reported from Iran. In this study the essential oil composition of Pterocarya fraxinifolia (Poir) Spach. Were compared in different stages of plant phenology. The leaves were collected in different stages from Gilan in spring 2011. The essential oils were obtained by steam distillation extraction (SDE) and were analyzed by GC/MS. The oil yield in May, July and September were obtained: 0.2%, 0.18% and 0.2% w/w respectively. The 3,7-guaidiene (27.32%), viridiflorene (21.58%), a-curcumene (8.44%), viridiflorol (7.22%) and zingiberene (5.37%) were the main oxygenated sesquiterpens compondes of plant oil in May. The a-curcumene (16.44%), viridiflorene (11.95%), zingiberene (9.44%), phytol (9.16%), hexa decanoic acid (5.92%), viridiflorol (5.51%) and 3,7-guaidiene (4.84%) sesquiterpens hydrocarbons in July and the viridiflorene(26.29%), e-caryophyllene (12.63%), 2-norpinene (8.97%), viridiflorol(8.78%), spathulenol(7.82%) andzingiberene (6.65%) were the main in September oil, respectively.