Background and Objectives: The estimation of willingness to pay, using the stated preferences and stated choice methods, is one of the most up-to-date ones for valuing non-market products. To do so, this study, using this technique, examines the willingness to pay of Urumieh drivers to reduce mortality and injury. Materials and Methods: The data of this research were collected using a questionnaire from 300 drivers who travel daily in the city and the results of the study are estimated using the mixed logit model. Data were collected through questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. To do this, the purpose of the interview was first explained to the drivers and the interview was conducted after their satisfaction was announced. Furthermore, the authors became committed to keeping the divers’ information in confidence. Results: Willingness to pay for mortality and injury was estimated to be 0. 58 and 0. 80, and the value of death and injury was estimated at 12443636 and 23165 Tomans, respectively. According to the results, the cost of travel, time, number of deaths and injuries, number of cameras and speed limit, are effective for selecting the routes. Conclusion: In order to reduce casualties and injuries, investments in safety improvement should be made. One solution could be assigning these tasks to private companies and to raise competition in these companies on selecting the most economical ones, so that road users, including drivers, contribute to the financing of these projects. And according to the results, it can target well-educated, wealthy, and older people.