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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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An accurate understanding of the concept of Malakoot plays a prominent role in amplification of mystic and monotheistic sight. Based on this, Malakoot has got widespread usage in Persian literature, especially in Hfiz poems.Malakoot is a graded concept. The simple and comprehensible meaning is the absolute ownership of God and dominance of his volition and creativity on all things. The deepest meaning of this word is the inside aspect of the universe; therefore, everything's existence is connected to God. This research attempts to show that Hfiz utilized Malakoot in the recent meaning. In spite of being inspired by the concept of Malakoot, Master of Persian lyric, affected by illustration of the holy Quran and presented the Quranic concepts in this novel and pleasing format.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the complex discussions in arabic syntax is Eshteghal it has attracted many researchsers. Since the holy Quran is the best symbol and sample of rhetorics and has applied linguistic resources uniquely, this study tries to investigate the concept of Eshteghal on the basis of the holy Quran verses.Introducing Eshteghal, this article tries to study some cases of double structure and as a result distinguish the differences in their concept. The results reveal that what Arabic grammarian termed as the cases of equal structures and double structure is covered out with no semantic point of view.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article explores meta-norm in the Quran. Sometimes the language of the Quran deviates the norms and the standard usage and enters new horizons. This process results in lexical novelty. Excellent samples of this novel application of language, is created by Allah. Habit formation results in human in capability, so the holy Quran tries to deviate from norms even in the application of language in order to help human to progress. In Maryam chapter, there exists many excellent manifestations of this artistic application of language and their use depends on the subject matter.The study reveals that perceiving meta-norm and its application system, can solve many human problems in various areas.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Bent al-Shaty is a contemporary prominent Egyptian scholar who is well-known for her theory on the expressional miracles of the Qur'an. As the most distinguished contemporary scholar, she has denied the existence of synonymous words in the Qur'an and considered it as one of the cornerstones of the expressional miracles of the Qur'an. To her, the Holy Quran is the main criterion to determine the exact meaning of the words and to separate them from their synonyms. Relying on this criterion, she explains issues raised by Nafiibn Azraq seemingly very successful in distinction of synonymous words so that her method can be utilized as a helpful example by researchers. Despite of all her efforts, she has failed in some cases. The present paper introduces the theory and the methodology used by Bent al-Shaty in rejection of any synonym of the words. She has been criticized from four perspectives: 1) inability to explain some differences between synonymous terms; 2) some meanings unknown for the Arabs that the Qur'an was revealed in their language; 3) expressing some useless differences in the interpretation of the Quran; 4) not accepting the denial of the synonym of the words belonging to two accents.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Technical image or artistic illustration is one the methods the beauty of a literary work. The various and numerous stories of the Quran, possess rhetorical inimitability. Sensory imagination and the phenomena of visualization play a great role in the beauty of the art of the Quranic stories. The stories of the Quran do not define art and beauty and don’t abandon the man confused in the realm of the theoretical debates of aesthetic. But it shows the true beauty and call viewing the pure souls and beautiful eyes.This research is a descriptive – analytical work intends to examine artistic features in the story of Adam that is the first story. On the one hand, we should review the elements of story and artistic images used in it and on the other hand, there citative miracle should be reviewed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Manifestation argument is one of the important aspects of Islamic mysticism, that through it will be discussed how the creation is. According to this theory, the existence is one, and that is existence of God, and all of worlds, in fact are manifestations. In Islam and Quran, the true understanding from Sura of Taw heed is expressed as a way to understand the true monotheism too.Hence, in this study, we had scrutined the mystical interpretation of Ibn-e-Arabi and some of his commentators, and their reflection in poems and ideas of poets that typical had accessibled from his school or are settle from his works commentators.Ibn-e-Arabi, in interprete of prime verse of Sura of Taw heed, had interpreted "Hoo" to essence of the divine that is the first rank of divine manifestations. Then, he had known "Allah", sing of divine names and attributes manifestations. The same topic by using Ibn-e-Arabi's proper term, had reflected in Persian mystical literature.We can found the evidences of this in poems of Shabestary, Shah Nemat Ullah Wali, Abdul Rahman Jami, Bidele Dehlavi and many other mystic poets of Persian literature. His other interpretations from verses of Sura of Taw heed are the same of his interpretations of first verse.The results of this study are show that we can found Ibn-e-Arabi' smystical interpretations, in poems of many mystical Persian poets, for example: Fakhruddin Iraqi, Ohad al din Maraghehi, Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestary, Shah Nemat Ullah Wali, Abdul Rahman Jami, Bidel- e Dehlaviand Saeb-eTabrizi. The reason for this is high frequency of use of specific terms of Ibn- e-Arabi in their poems, and this is show that these poets were influenced by his ideas.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The different nature of Arabic language, which is derivative, sometimes makes the foreign words to change so much that their origins and stems and their morphological and conceptual paths of transformation stay latent, and tracing of the original and the derivations comes to be difficult for the researcher.From ancient times to the present, the linguists and the philologists have left a legacy of valuable research on the borrowed words and their condition of evolution and Arabicizing. From the second half of the nineteenth century on, the orientalists with their new research on Arabic language, the language of Quran and the words involved in Quran, have simultaneously benefited from the legacy of the past and shown their systematic and methodical mistakes, and therefore they caused a fundamental development in the sciences of etymology and genealogy of Quranic words. One of the venerable researches in this area is the book by Arthur Jeffery which is more precise from the viewpoint of methodology, and more impressive in the number of its foreign words.However, it seems that the existing studies on the three Quranic words (Sehr, Sakk, Aowzar), in three particular Quranic verses, are incomplete and incorrect. The traditional terminology, tradition of translation and Hermeneutics, and the misleading similarities of these words in form and rhythm are among the main reasons of the incidence of these mistakes. Through studying dictionaries, translations, and Hermeneutics together with the contemplation on construction of these words, this thesis is to disclose their disguised aspects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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