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Surah Al-Kawthar is the most succinct yet one of the most influential surahs of the Qur'an in which despite brevity all rhetorical aspects can be found, so that delivering intended messages which is the main function of discourse is perfectly fulfilled. This surah, revealed in certain circumstances and in accordance with a special situation, has a unified theme and content that has established unity among its three verses. In general, to prove the verbal miracle of the Qur'an, in addition to studying and analyzing its language and structural features, it is also vital to explain rhetorical features and aspects. In this regard, one of the main concerns of Islamic scholars, linguists and grammarians has always been to prove the verbal miracle of the Qur'an. One way to do so is to analyze the rhetorical aspects of this speech, explicating the eloquence of the speaker and their speech as well as their compliance with the audience specifications, situational context and its features. In rhetorical books, the criterion to measure eloquence in speech and the speakers is defined as their compliance with existing requirements. Examining this criterion shows that various conditions influence the formation of speech. The four factors of speaker (addresser), addressee, speech and situational context affect the formal structure, as well as the concepts and meanings of speech at different levels. This study focused on the most succinct unit of speech in the Qur'anic surah Al-Kawthar, and by examining different conditions and circumstances relating to these four factors, the compliance of this speech with a variety of conditions and requirements was explained and analyzed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Holy Qur'an, as the most supreme manifestation of Islamic culture, introduces the pure and immaculate life as the fruit of contentment and regards the movement towards the contentment as the path to self-esteem. Comprising a large number of religious hadiths on contentment and the deep appreciation of Saadi, as a moralist poet of Persian literature of this matter, made him to dedicate one chapter of Bustan and one chapter of Gulistan to this topic. Analyzing the contentment function in these two masterpieces of Saadi indicate that the pervasiveness of the valuable results of contentment directly influences soul health and human salvation. The present study interdisciplinarily discussed the importance of contentment in the Holy Qur'an and in Saadi's Bustan and Gulistan and being inspired by the book of Divine Revelation in expanding Islamic culture, it aims at examining the effect of Islamic culture on Saadi, explicating some instructive tales from Bustan and Gulistan and highlighting the moral values of contentment. The methodology of this research is fundamental-citation and it is based on religious and educational data. The findings show that Saadi, in creating his two masterpieces, was strongly influenced by Islamic culture and through direct influence form Qur'anic ayas and narrations, has extolled contentment as a virtue.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article analyzed Qur'anic quotations from the perspective of traditional rhetoric and new literary theories. These questions were raised herein: 1. What position does quotation have in traditional rhetoric? 2. How quotation has been considered plagiarism while it is a literary device and a manifestation of Qur'anic influence? 3. How can one put forward and update the quotation device in relation to some debates on modern literary theories? 4. How does the aesthetic role of quotation emerge in the new text's context? To answer these questions, first the semantic filed of the term quotation was demarcated, then the relationship between quotation and intertextuality and creative misreading in new literary theories was explored and finally to depict the aesthetic function of quotation, the way the adapted part has been linked to the linguistic context of the current text and the method of creative reading appropriate to the context of the new text were portrayed. The results of this research suggest that quotation, within traditional rhetoric, has sometimes been regarded as a kind of literary device and a manifestation of Qur'anic influence yet sometimes as plagiarism and studying it has been overlooked. However, based on the theory of intertextuality and creative misreading, quotation is a kind of artistic technique that when combined with writers' creative reading, and the well-sitting of the quoted part in the new context, is a display of the artist's ability to summon the previous text and not only is not plagiarism but also shows the artist's skill in recontextualization.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Being brief, allusions are used by the general public and enjoying figurative meaning, poets and writers often use them to avoid explicit and direct expressions. Because allusions are image-making and create suspension in the receivers' minds, they possess a privileged status in literature and poets have utilized them greatly. Abd ar-Rahman Jami is one of the orators and writers who took a particular approach to allusions as important and useful tools of expression, so that he articulated most of his speech using allusion. In this study, we investigated the functions of the Qur'anic allusions in Divan of Jami, trying to specify the relationships between allusions used in this Divan and allusions and allusive expressions in the Holy Qur'an and thus to shed light on the similarities of this figure of speech in the Holy Qur'an and in Divan of Jami. The findings of this research indicate that in his employing allusion, Jami was influenced by the Qur'an in three ways: A) using Qur'anic allusions exactly as they are; B) giving an allusive meaning to the Qur'anic word or expression, hence creating a new allusion; C) using the same Qur'anic allusion in a new allusive sense.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The application of allusions as an expressive means has a long past in the history of peoples and nations' linguistics. Metonym is considered to be one of the most outstanding artistic techniques in language, showing the power of interpretation and the effect of speech. Due to rhetorical reasons and observing the discoursal norms for its audience, the Holy Qur'an is teemed with allusive expressions, the understanding of whose extensive meanings, which is beyond the apparent wording, is possible only through perceiving intricacies and literary and rhetorical points, particularly allusions. Thus, while briefly reviewing the concept of allusion among great rhetoricians and providing an approximate number of Qur'anic allusions and their different types based on rhetorical and exegetic texts, the present paper gives examples of each. In addition, stating the rhetorical reasons of applying allusions in the Holy Qur'an, this study concludes that using euphemism and avoiding dysphemism is one of the most important devices of this artistic style in the Qur'an. Finally, it proposes a new type/title of Arabic allusion for the meticulous analysis and determination of Qur'anic allusions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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"Golshan-e Raz" by Mahmoud Shabestari, is undoubtedly one of the great works of Persian language whose literature as well as precious teachings have been derived from the Holy Qur'an and due to its great value, myriad of expatiations have been written about it and the subjects in this short yet contentful book have been analyzed from different aspects. In the present article, attempts were made to extract the literary questions of "Golshan-e Raz" together with meticulous replies and delicate epistemic and cognitive problems till reaching Allah and permanence in Him through the all-green flower garden and full of knowledge flowers of the Holy Qur'an. These replies are not only clear and firm, but enjoy rich literary and rhetorical features as well. As regards each question, a few pertinent noble ayas were quoted. They are in fact considered as answers to those points and problems. Accordingly, it can be claimed that the Holy Qur'an is able to provide firm and reasonable answers to all the material and spiritual needs of human life in its various dimensions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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ZOODRANJ S. | Rahmati E.

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Theme, which is the dominant idea of every literary action, is of particular importance in Qur'anic stories since discovering the theme or the content of the story leads to a better understanding of the fictional action and its characters and ultimately to a deeper understanding of the word of Allah. There are so many themes in the Qur'anic story of Yusuf that it has become known as the story of themes. The main theme has a pivotal role and other elements of the story revolve around and manifest it in different ways throughout the story. In this study, taking a descriptive-analytical approach, the manner of presentation of the main theme and the modes of discovering it was explicated. The findings show the main theme of the story is obtained with some clues, the most important of which are: the character of Yusuf (UHBP), events, characters' speech, narrator's remarks, scenes and repetition patterns.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study aims at investigating Quranic expressions in Saffarzadeh's poetry. First, various levels of the Poet’s impressions from the Quran were investigated and her intention in using Quranic expressions was clearly stated. Then the implications of these expressions including content and literary implications and mythical significations in her poetry were investigated. The study is inductive and library-based regarding the field of study and research tools. The study seeks to find out as to what extent and how the poet was influenced by the Quran. Based on earlier research on saffarzadeh's poetry, it was found out that lexical influence and translation from the Quran were mostly evident in her poetry which is highly indicative of the poet’s originality and novelty in style regarding the Quranic impressions in this area.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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