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Present study was established to identify the ocurance of helminth and nematode parasites in digestive tract, skin and blood of 36 specimens of Sturgeon broodstocks (31 samples of Acipenser persicus, 4 samples of A. nudiventris and 1 sample of Huso huso) caught from the 4th fishery ground in southeast of the Caspian Sea at Sturgeon cultivation and breeding centre of Shahid Marjani. It was observed that trematode Skrjabinopsolus semiarmatus and nematode Cucullanus sphaerocephalus were isolated in Sturgeon broodstocks. Statistical analysis of data showed no significant relationship between the occurance of parasitic worms and sex of the fish, so prevalence of these parasites in digestive tracts of both sexes were similar. Also, a remarkable relationship was found between the occurance of C. sphaerocephalus and S. semiarmatus with the weight of the fish (P<0.05) whearas no significant difference was detected among different length groups in studied samples (P>0.05). No parasite was identified in %36.11 of fish samples and %88.88 of them had less than 10 worms. In studied fish samples, C. sphaerocephalus indicated the highest rate of incidence and dominance (%61 and 0.72, respectively). Neither gills nor skin and caudal peduncle vein showed any helminthes in 100 prepared slides. It was also found that the internal parasites of Sturgeon broodstocks in the southeast of the Caspian Sea are the same as those isolated in the southwest but the diversity of parasites were fewer in the former.

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In this study, 403 specimens gobiidae, Neogobius igorlap (105 females, and 298 males) were collected from 3 stations, Torkman Port, Miankale Peninsula and Gomishan from beach seine in fall, spring and winter, 2010. Results showed that collected samples had 0+-2+ years old. Sex ratio dominance was by males in different ages. The highest frequency was observed in 0+ years. The biggest female fish, had total length, 271 mm and body weight, 280.7gr and in male, 326 mm and 254.2gr. Condition factor was different in age’s groups and different seasons. However, relative characteristics; body height and width; head length, width and height; peduncle length and height, and distance between eyes were larger in Torkman station than other stations, but discriminant analysis (DA) determined low variance in distinguishing 3 groups. It seems, specimens are along to one population.

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The hematological parameters and effect parasite infection of the pike, Esox lucius, obtained from Anzali wetland, between October 2010 and September 2011. A total of 120 specimens were carried out randomly from commercial fishing. Biometry, blood taking and age determination was performed respectively in the Anzali aquaculture research center of inner waters. The hematological parameters were examined by experimental and handy methods. After autopsy, identification of the present isolated parasites were carried out by the parasites key identification. This study revealed only parasites like Eustrongylides exises, Tetraonchus monenteron, Diplostomum spathaceum, Corynosoma Strumosum, Rhipdocotyle illense, caused changes in some hematological parameters.

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This study was carried out during the March to June 2010. Grey Hypocolius Hypocolius ampelinus breeding season began on 3 May with the egg laying behavior and finished on 10 June with fledging stage. During the study period, 11 nests including 50 eggs surveyed. Mean of the clutch sizes were 4.54 (4-5) and brood sizes varied from 1-2 chicks. The average of the length, width and weight of the eggs were calculated respectively; 23.52±0.99mm, 18.85±0.47 mm, 4.76±0.33 gr. The egg laying and incubation time lasted 3.0±0.81 and 15.75±1.25 days respectively. The rate of the hatching, nestling, and post-nestling success were calculated 56%, 52% 52%, respectively. The breeding success calculated 53.33%. There were no significant difference with respect to the different clutch and brood sizes. But, significant difference observed between the mortality rates in different stages of breeding cycles (P<0.05). This difference between the egg and nestling (P<0.05) and egg and postnestling (P<0.001) stages indicated the significant effect. Touching the eggs due to the researcher presence indicated a negative significant effect on the breeding success especially in the egg stage (P<0.05). Presence of different predators such as Grey Hypocolius, Echis carinatus, Coluber rhodorachis, rodents, Vulpes vulpes and Canis aureus are the most important of natural factors resulting the decline of breeding success Most of the eggs mortality occurred due to touching effect result in researcher presence. Grey Hypocolius pairs in 80% of cases left their nests and built a new ones in 50-70 m around the previous nests.

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In this research, sex and sexual maturation stages of gonads in 253 sturgeon including 164 Acipenser persicus with mean weight 1210gr, 77 Acipenser stellatus with mean weight 1303.3gr, 3 Acipenser nudiventris with mean weight 139gr, 3 Acipenser gueldenstaedtii with mean weight 126gr and 6 Huso huso with mean weight 4116.6 gr that captured by using trawl from the south area of the Iranian coastal part of the Caspian Sea (from the Astara port in the Guilan province to the Turkman port in the Golestan province) during 2004-2005 were studied. After biometry of fish, gonad samples were taken by biopsy and fixed in Buin’s solution. Gonads were studied histologically based on common methods and studied by using light microscope. Sexually, the results showed in Acipenser persicus, 104 (63.4%) were females and 60 (36.6%) were males, in Acipenser stellatus 41 (53.2%) were females and 36 (46.8%) were males, in Huso huso 66.7% female and 33.3% male, in Acipenser nudiventris 1 (33.3%) was female and 2 (66.7%) were males, each 3 Acipenser gueldenestaedtii were females and in Huso huso 4 (66.7%) were females and 2 (33.3%) were males. Totally, 153 (60.5%) was female and 100 (39.5%) was males. Also, 114 (45.1%) were at stage I, 45 (17.8%) were at stage I-II, 77 (30.4%) were at stage II, 11 (4.3 %) were at II-III and 6 (2.4%) were at stage III of sexual maturity. Histological study of gonads showed that sturgeon populations at the south area of the Caspian Sea are juvenile, because they were at lower stages (I and II) of their sexual maturation.

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This study was conducted for identification and introduce of Calanoida order in Iranian waters of Oman Sea from Hormuz Strait to Psabandar, Chabahar, in 2007.We identified a total of 22 genera of calanoida from 14 families. Paracalanus from Paracalanidae was the most abundant composing 63% of the samples and Aetideus from Aetidae with 0.01% was the least abundant. The most frequent genera of Calanidae included: Canthocalanus, Nannocalanus, Cosmocalanus and Mesocalanus. From sampling transects, transects 5 and 8 in pre and transects 9 and 10 in postmonsoon with abundance least and transects 1 and 6 in the premonsoon and transects 2 and 3 on postmonsoon most abundance. From surface samples (0-20 m) are transect 1 the more abundance and transect 8 less abundance. On the other hand, in the depth samples (20-50 m) are transect 1 the more abundance and transect 3 less abundance. From sampling stations, station 1 in premonsoon more abundance and station 4 less abundance and in the postmonsoon station 3 more abundance and transects 1 less abundance. Cluster analysis of Calanoida at the sampling transects showed in the premonsoon transect 1 and transects 2 and 3 in the post monsoon to differ from other transects.

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This research was carried out to assay the effects of different levels of prebiotic Immunoster (IS) on the growth indices, survival and carcass composition in farmed great sturgeon juveniles (Huso huso). After a four-week acclimatization period to rearing conditions and basal diet, 270 farmed great sturgeon juveniles weighing 95.68±10.05 g were randomly distributed into 9 fiberglass tanks in three treatments (Control, IS 1% and IS 3%) in three replicates (completely randomized design) and kept at a density of 30 fish per tank for a period of 8 weeks. At the end of the trial, final weight, final length, body weight increase, specific growth rate, average daily growth, protein efficiency ratio, feed conversion ratio, condition factor and crude protein of carcass in fish fed on IS 3% showed significant differences compared with the control (P<0.05). The results showed that Immunoster at two levels of 1% and 3% has an important role in enhancement of growth performance and feed efficiency in farmed great sturgeon juveniles.

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This survey was done to determine some biological characteristics of eggs (including diameter, surface, volume, and surface to volume ratio) and hydrated eggs (including diameter, surface, volume, surface to volume ratio, yolk sphere, and perivitelline space and yolk sphere to perivitelline space ratio). 90 migratory population of Mahisefid, Rutilus frisii kutum were studied at 3 treatments (initial, middle, and the end of broodstock migratory time) in the Tajan river. Amplitude of egg diameter and its surface to volume ratio calculated 1.92-2.25 mm and 2.66-3.07 mm-1, respectively and for hydrated egg calculated 2.41-2.78 mm and 2.16-2.48 mm-1, respectively which was significant (P<0.05) at broodstock migration time and for egg and hydrated egg was minimum at end of migratory time and maximum at initial of broodstock migratory time. But it was invers for surface to volume ratio. Yolk sphere to perivitelline space ratio was 0.79±0.13. It show that the yolk sphere is near to the half of the egg sphere and it can be the reason of Mahisefid breeding in water with median temperatures.

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The effect of Aloe vera (Aloe vera) on changes of immunoglobulins IgM, IgA and IgG, Total protein and Differential counts of white blood cells of Rainbow trout (Oncorynchus mykiss) with weight of 50±2g was studied. The test was started after 2 weeks of acclimation and fish were fed with dosage of Aloe vera powder 0.1, 0.5 and 1% as the treatment groups. The same diet without any additional Aloe vera used as the control group. The test continued for 30 days. Blood sampling was collected at 0, 12, 24, 120, 240, 360 and 720 hours after beginning the test. The results showed that of immunoglobulinM (IgM) in treatment1 and 3 until 24 hours, treatment 2 until 240 hours of transferring, there was significant difference between immunoglobulin M concentration of all treatments with the control group (P<0.05) and the maximum concentration of IgM (2.25±0.11mg/ml) was in treatment with 1% Aloe vera dosage. The results of IgA and IgG showed zero concentration in all hours. The results of Total protein showed that until 120 hours of transferring, there was significant difference between Total protein concentration of treatments 2 and 3 with the control group (P<0.05) and maximum Total protein concentration (43.37±5.8 mg/ml) was in treatment with 1% Aloe vera dosage. The results of differential counts of white blood cells showed that in until 240, 360 and 120 hours of transferring respectivily, there was significant increase between, Lymphocyte in treatment 1, 2 and 3 with the control group (P<0.05). The result of Monocyte showed in treatment 2 in 120 hours and treatment 3 in 120 and 720 hours there was significant increase with the control group (P<0.05). The result of Notrophil showed significant reduction in treatment 1 until 240 hours and in treatments 2 and 3 until 120 hours with the control group (P<0.05). The result of Eosinophil showed significant reduction in treatment 2 until 720 hours and in treatment 3 until 120 and 720 hours with the control group (P<0.05).

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The growth parameters of Nemipterus japonicus were studied by using length frequency data of 763 specimens of this species that were collected monthly by trawl net from Khuozestan Coastal during Jun 2005 to May 2006. FiSAT II program was used to again Pauly regression and their equation, to determine the growth parameters. The Pauly equation indicated L∞= 254.06 for female and 270.42 for male fishes respectively. ELEFAN I program was used to catch Length- Frequency curve and amount of K parameter, K estimated 0.684 and 0.5465 in male and female respectively. After again amount of L∞ and K parameters, by using of this data and LFDA program, to was t0= (-0.19) year and (-0.12) year for male and female respectively. Finally growth parameters showed highest growth rate in males rather than females, which has been recorded in other studies on this species.

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Among 7 species of genus Aphanius of Iran, the limited inland water habitats of Aphanius vladykovi have suffered severe deterioration caused by natural periodical drought, pollution and local drainage. We conducted a study in reproductive behavior on the Lake Choghakhor littoral waters with gavel bottom and separately aquatic vegetation to explain the nesting and reproductive success such as the male aggression, copulation behavior, parental cares. In general, parental care activity of A. vladykovi was not previously reported for the variable environments and did not follow conventional stage-specific patterns. We divided the reproduction season in to three reproduction periods (April-June 10, June 10-July 20, July 20-winter). During the early reproduction period, A. vladykovi showed situational constancy in the initial selected plant nest (55±1.1 cm., depth and 555±18.8 cm. from the shore) and continued produce free swimming fry, however the initial nests were located to new situation ( with 40±1.2 cm., depth and 190±12.2 cm. from shore) because of the seasonal drought. Unstable environments provided some challenges to A. vladykovi in the lake that provided parental cares. Water changes (demand for water) played a critical role in the reproductive ecology of A. vladykovi, affecting factors such as spatial situation and vegetation of the occupied nests, offspring distribution and health of the broods against ectoparasite Argulus spp.

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The research was accomplished in order to determination of half -lethal concentration of zinc (LC5096h) on common carp (cyprinus carpio) under experimental condition. The study was performed using Water Static Method during 96 hours. The experiments were by 12 fish with avrage weight 3±2 g were encountered with different concentrations (0, 30, 60, 90, 150, 210, 250 and 270) of zinc. Sulphate zinc salt was used as source of zinc ion. A group of fish was considered as control. Under stable condition and aeration, the lethal concentration and half- lethal concentration were detected 250 and 129.07 mg/l respectively. The experiments revealed, The maximum mortalities (>80%) occurred in early times (7 hours after starting experiments). However, in the high concentration of zinc nominal signs of toxicity as convulsion, air gluping and opened operculum, hemorrhage and hyperemia were observed.

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Population structure of Epinephelus coioides (Hamilton, 1822), Orange-spotted grouper, was studied based on six polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Persian Gulf waters. 3-5 gr of each individual’s soft tissue were prepared through 120 hunted individuals of 4 sampling stations. DNA extraction was performed using a standard ammonium/acetate method. Quantification and quality control of DNA were done using spectrophotometery method and 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. DNA fragments was amplified via PCR and the products were run on polyacrylamide gel. Staining of the gels was performed through silver nitrate. Statistical analysis represented mean of genetic parameters include real and effective alleles, observed and expected heterozygosity for over loci in all populations, 5.458, 3.793, 0.500 and 0.649 respectively. The AMOVA test showed maximum rate of Fst (0.086) and minimum rate of Nm (2.652) between Khuzestan and Bushehr populations; Also minimum rate of Fst (0.034) and maximum rate of Nm (7.070) were between Dayyer and Bandar-Abbas populations. Khuzestan was the ultimate population and results were showed an intermediate separation from other studied populations; thereby separated fisheries management is recommended.

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Structure, size and number of tubules were investigated in kidney of Kutum, Rutilus frisii kutum captured from brackish water (Caspian Sea) and fresh water (Khoshkrood River). 10 mature Kutum were collected from Anzali coast with 8.49 ppt salinity and 12.4oC temperature. The same number of specimens ware also collected from freshwater with 0.18 ppt salinity and 18oC temperature. Anterior, middle and posterior parts of the kidney from each sample were dissected for histological examination. Glomerular distal, proximal and collecting tubules of kidney were compared in two aquatic habitats. There were no differences in number of kidney tubules. The mean size of glomerular and collecting tubules were significantly larger in fresh water samples than sea water saples (P<0.05). The mean Size of proximal tubules was marginally larger in seawater compared to freshwater, although such difference was not significant.

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In the present study effects of estrogenic compound 4-nonylphenol was investigated on vitellogenin synthesis in the immature male yellowfin seabream (Acanthopagrus latus). The fish received intraperitoneal injections during a period of two weeks with 10, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg g-1 week-1 of 4-nonylphenol. One of the treatments also injected with 2 mg g-1 week-1 of 17b-estradiol. Solvent controls received the ethanol-coconut oil only, whereas controls were not injected. The fish were sampled on day 0, 7 and 14. The induction of VTG in plasma of treated fish was determined indirectly by measuring the alkali-labile phosphate and total plasma calcium. Increased concentrations of these indicators indicated a dose-response induced synthesis of vitellogenin in the liver of the 4-nonylphenol-treated seabreams. Induction of vitellogenin synthesis also could be observed by increasing the hepatosomatic index (HSI) in the 4-nonylphenol-treated fish. The findings of this study showed the potency of nonylphenol to exert esterogenic effect as indicated by both increase in vitellogenin synthesis and HSI.

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