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Background and aim: Alzheimer's disease begins in the Middle Ages, it progresses rapidly and leads to loss of individual mental health. Considering that the neuroprotective effect of Marshmallow (Althea officinalis)has been reported, in this study, the effect of the plant on Alzheimer's rat model and its effect on the improvement of passive avoidance memory was investigated. Methods: Alzheimer's was initially induced by intra-ventricular injection of beta-amyloid peptide. In this experiment, male wistar rats (220-180 g) were used. The control group (no injection), sham group (saline injection), experimental group (injection of beta-amyloid (40-1)) and the groups which received marshmallow extract in 10, 50, 100 and 250 milligrams per kilogram of body weight by intraperitoneal injection for 7 days before and three weeks after beta-amyloid injection. Shuttle box was used to study the learning and memory behavior and H & E and Nissl staining were conducted for histological studies. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS software (ANOVA and Tukey tests). Results: Data showed that treatment with beta-amyloid group at a dose of 100 mg/kg marshmallow extract increased behavioral indices in passive avoidance memory test, compared to sham group(P<0. 001) and reduced the amount of tissue damage and increasesd the number of Nissl bodies in the CA1 hippocampus area. Discussion: In this study, likely reducing the complications, caused by the antioxidant properties and the effect of the inhibitory acetylcholinesterase enzyme of the compounds of this plant, such as quercetin, camphorol, tannin, lecithin, pectin, sterol and coumarin, are related.

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The purpose of this study the effect of eucalyptus extract on blood and immune parameters in fish infected with Aeromonas hydrophila after treatment with eucalyptus extract was Created grass carp experimentally infected with Aeromonas hydrophila density 1. 5×106, 1. 5×107, 1. 5×108, 1. 2 ×109 (cfu/ml ) The peritoneal cavity of fish was the results indicate that disease in dense 1. 5×108, 1. 2 ×109 (cfu/ml ) bacteria have been. Effect of eucalyptus extract concentrations 250, 410, 580, 750 (ppm) baths for a short time (60 minutes) on the grass carp (average weight 25 g) were evaluated over a period of 10 days with 3 replicates. The results of the analysis of blood parameters of the fish that were tested on the basis of one way ANOVA and Duncan test showed that there was a significant difference in the amount of white blood cells, red blood cells, mean corpuscular volume, mean concentration of hemoglobin in the red blood cell, medium concentration Hemoglobin, RBC, neutrophil, Lymphocyte, Fetal blood, with control treatment (p<0. 05), The serological results showed that the extract increases the amount of lysozyme and immunoglobulin and albumin blood Eucalyptus species in different treatments were compared to the negative control and significant differences between the treatments in question existed (p<0. 05).

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This investigation was carried out to assess the over-ripening phenomenon and its relationships with sex steroids levels including testosterone (T), progesterone (P), 17-β estradiol (E2) and some important liver enzymes such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), as well as to determine the levels of stress indices and blood biochemical parameters including cortisol, glucose, lactate, total fat, total protein and calcium in cultured Sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) broodstocks. For this study, 18 fish with an average weight of 1120. 2 ± 240. 4 g were selected. Blood samples were taken from three groups (each group with six fish) in three stages including non-overriped, beginning the overriping, and completely– overriped. Comparing the three groups showed significant differences in plasma levels of T, E2, AST, cortisol, glucose and lactate, with the highest levels of AST, cortisol, and lactate in completely-overriped stage, and the lowest levels in non-overriped stage. The highest levels of glucose, T, and E2 were found in non-overriped stage (P<0. 05), while no significant differences were found in P, ALT activity, calcium, total fat and total protein (P>0. 05). This study showed that steroid hormones and biochemical indices could be more reliable indicators for forecasting and assessment of ripening stage of sturgeon and these factors can be used as biomarkers to control reproduction and ripening times in cultured Sterlet sturgeon broodstock.

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In this study, 40 adult live, crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) of Aras dam was prepared. After oral administration of 10% formalin and remove cuticular cover, they kept in formalin 10%. Then tissue sections were prepared using standard methods. The tissue sections were stained by H&E, PAS, Alcian blue, Von Kossa and Masson's trichrome and examined under a light microscope. Results showed that the hepatopancreas is covered by a thin capsule of connective tissue from outside and tubular glands are complex which in cross-section, these tubes have a star-shaped channel consists of a row from pyramidal to cylindrical cells which contains filamentous cells with basophilic cytoplasm and euchromatin nucleus (Fibrillar cell) and secretive cells including cytoplasm filled with vacuolated secretions and euchromatin nucleus. Density of secreting cells in the lining glands is more than filamentous cells which all are placed on a basement membrane. Secretions in cytoplasm of secretary cells were noncarbohydrate compounds and connective tissue were of loose connective tissue. Also there are calcium compounds in the cytoplasm of parietal cells of glands which concentration of these compounds in filamentous cells reaches to its maximum. In general it can be said that hepatopancreas have different cells with different tasks that some of them such as S cells that secrete enzymes and F cells that may be the site for endocytosis. Also cells containing large amounts of calcium can be named as R cells that will have special role in calcium storage and use of it during biological cycles such as molting.

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The present survey was carried out during 2014-2015 on Thysanoptera fauna in Kalat region, north east of Khorasan-e-Razavi province, Iran. The thrips specimens were collected directly from different host plants, field crops, orchards, ornamental and pasture plants. In this study a total of 40 species belong to 15 genera and 4 families were collected and identified. Among the collected species, 14 species are considered to be new records for Khorasan-e-Razavi province. The most identified species were belonging to suborder Terebrantia and among families of this suborder; Thripidae with 11 genera and 29 species was richest family in this region. In suborder Tubulifera, genus Haplothris from Phlaeothripidae had the most identified species in Kalat region. In genus Thrips, T. tabaci, T. meridionalis, T. atratus and in genus Haplothrips, H. tritici had the most host plant diversity respectively. Distribution in Iran and world distribution are presented for all the species.

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The use of creatine (Cr) as a nutritional supplement to aid athletic performance has gained widespread popularity among athletes. However, it has been recently expressed over the potentially harmful effects of short and long term creatine supplementation on health. The aim of present study was to the effects oral creatine supplementation on serum levels of BUN, creatinine and renal tissue in trained male rats. In this study, Wistar male rats weighing 245± 5g were divided into five groups (n=8): control, sham, exercise with low-dose creatine (200 mg/kg/d), and exercise with moderate doses of creatine (300 mg/kg/d), exercise with high doses of creatine (600 mg/kg/d). Blood biochemical studies were performed after ten years of supplementation and exercise. Following serum collection, levels of BUN and creatinine were measured by spectrophotometry method. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS and mixed model of ANOVA. The results indicated that creatine supplementation at the doses given produced 200, 300 and 600 mg/kg/d no significant changes in serum level of BUN compared to control group (P>0. 05) and at the doses of 200 and 300mg/kg/d no significant changes in serum level creatinine compared to control group (P>0. 05). But, the high dose creatine diet exercised group showed significantly higher serum level of creatinine (P<0. 05) when compare with control group. The results indicated no significantly differences in histological changes in glomerulus, proximal and distal tubules when comparing experimental groups for renal tissue structure. The results indicated that high dose of creatine has significant increase on serum level of creatinine but has no significant effect on BUN and the histology of kidney.

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In chronic copper (Cu) poisoning, Cu is gradually deposited in the liver. When the copper storage capacity is exceeded in liver, it may result in hepatocellular necrosis and consequently release of Cu into the blood stream and causes sever hemolysis, jaundice and renal insufficiency. Kerman province has a rich copper soil due to copper industries. In recent years, wide studies are performed on the effects of plants in various diseases. One of these plants is Origanum vulgare with different therapeutic effects. The present study was set to investigate the effects of Origanum vulgare on long term Cu consumption in ovary. Twenty-four mature female rats were randomly divided to 4 groups including copper group (copper sulfate 200 mg/kg), treatment (copper sulfate 200 mg/kg+Origanum extraction, 400 ppm), control (the same volume of distilled water) and Origanum (the same volume of extract) groups. All of rats were sacrificed 49 days after the beginning of treatments. Both of ovary were removed for histopathological and morphometrical evaluations. Morphometrically, the mean of primary follicle, growing follicle, antral follicle and corpus loteum in the copper group showed significant decrease than the control groups. The mean of atretic follicle in the copper group showed significant increase rather than other groups. Results show that Origanum extract can reduce copper injuries due to antioxidative effects.

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The cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae, is the major oilseed rape pest throughout the world. In this research, the life table parameters and development time of the cabbage aphid on five oilseed rape genotypes including Okapi, Licord, Hyola401, Hyola308 and Zarfam were investigated (at 25± 1º C, 60± 5% RH, 16L: 8D). The test was carried out by using petri dishes containing leaf discs on 7% water-agar. The data were analyzed using a two-sex fertility life table and TWOSEX-MSChart software. The results showed that the Hyola308 and Zarfam genotypes decreased the rm, R0, GRR and λ values of the aphid, B. brassicae. The values of rm, R0, GRR and λ for the aphid on the Hyola308 were obtained 0. 22± 0. 01 female/female/day, 10. 56± 2. 07 female/female/generation, 26. 24± 2. 86 female/female and 1. 24± 0. 02 day-1, respectively and on the Zarfam genotype were gained 0. 17± 0. 02 female/female/day, 6. 51± 1. 43 female/female/ generation, 16. 49± 1. 64 female/female and 1. 19± 0. 02 day-1, respectively. The type of genotype oilseed rape had no significant effect on the mean generation time (T) of the cabbage aphid. The lowest mean fecundity of the aphid was observed for the Zarfam genotype with the value of 12. 18± 0. 98 females. The longevity of the adults on the Okapi (14. 43± 0. 87 days) and Licord (14. 43± 0. 86 days) genotypes were significantly longer than the Hyola308 (10. 60± 0. 70 days) and Zarfam (10. 71± 0. 64 days) genotypes. Totally, the results showed the presence of the resistance of the Hyola308, especially Zarfam genotype to B. brassicae that can promote the integrated programs against the cabbage aphid.

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The whole-body metabolic rates, which are known as indicatives of the physiological functions of an organism are influenced by biotic and abiotic factors. In this study, the effect of temperature on metabolic capacity of Chondrostoma regium was estimated following thermal tolerance range, which was obtained between 1. 9-31. 7 ̊ C. To address that, 56 fish weighing 20. 77± 1. 35 g were exposed different temperature treatments, including 3. 5-4. 5 ̊ C as acute low temperature, 5. 5-6. 5 ̊ C for 24 h and 5. 5-6. 5 ̊ C for a week as low temperature treatment, 30-31 ̊ C as acute high temperature, 29-30 ̊ C for 24 h and 28-29 ̊ C for a week as high temperature and a control treatment (22-23 ̊ C). Metabolic rate, including standard metabolic rate, maximum metabolic rate and aerobic scope were determined for each individual fish by intermittent flow respirometer. The results indicate that standard and maximum metabolic rate was elevated (P<0. 05) in all high temperature treatments as compared with control while aerobic scope didn't show any significant changes. On the other hand, all metabolic parameters (standard metabolic rate, maximum metabolic rate and aerobic scope) were reduced (P<0. 05) in low treatments when compared with control treatment. Based on the present results, it could be concluded that increase in water temperature act as a loading stressor and decrease in temperature act as a limiting stressor to C. regium.

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The effect of three ethanolic medicinal plant extracts, Fumaria parviflora (Lamark), Euphorbia helioscopia L. and Achillea wilhelmsii C. Koch were investigated on nutritional indices of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) adults. Relative growth rate (RGR), relative consumption rate (RCR), efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) and feeding deterrence index (FDI) were measured for antifeedant activity of plant extracts. Treatments were evaluated by the method of flour disc bioassay in the dark, at 27± 1° C and 60± 5 % RH. Concentrations of 0, 0. 25, 0. 5, 0. 75, 1. 0, 1. 5 and 2. 0 percent were prepared from each extract. After 72 h, nutritional indices were calculated. Relative growth rate, relative consumption rate and efficiency of conversion of ingested food decreased as the concentration level was increased. While feeding deterrence index percent increased significantly as the concentration level increased. According to this findings, E. helioscopia extract was more effective than other extracts. Total mean values of relative growth rate, relative consumption rate, efficiency of conversion of ingested food and feeding deterrence index of this extract were 0. 26 mg/mg/day, 0. 56 mg/mg/day, 46. 40% and 43. 37%, respectively. It seems likely, E. helioscopia extract have a remarkable effect on the stored product pest control.

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