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Background and objectives: The Supreme Leader said: "Producing a discourse and transforming it into a dominant discourse is the first step in fulfilling a desire and alleviating many problems and facilitating work. " Discourse has a valuable place in the thoughts of the supreme leader, insofar as he considers the necessary condition for the realization of the theories and even the transcendent aspirations of the revolution, and has repeatedly emphasized its necessity. According to him, "discourse" is a rich slogan and reflects the widespread truth of thought that is directive and motivating. The discourse of every society is like air, everyone breathes it whether they know it or not, whether they want it or not. In their view, the first step in fulfilling any desire is to make it an accepted discourse, and that discourse is about solving problems and facilitating things, and when something becomes an accepted discourse and a public demand, it naturally comes true. The honorable head of the ideological-political organization of I. R. I. Police said: "The police reaching to the level of Islamic republic should become a discourse and concern in the police force. God willing, we can see this happen by preparing the platform and turning the police into a public discourse on the Islamic Revolution. ” Methodology: This research has been conducted using discourse analysis method. Discourse analysis is a pluralistic approach that draws on both the quantitative and qualitative analysis and the three levels of description, interpretation, and explanation, with the idea of Norman Fairclough and the theme analysis. Findings and results: Transforming the produced discourse into the dominant discourse of the organization is, in the words of the supreme leader, the responsibility of the authorities of the organization to provide the context of the organization's transcendent transformation with a powerful coalition for mass movement to fulfill the Supreme Commander's demands through propagating and creating the necessary space and practically crystallizing it.

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Background and objectives: The present study seeks to question the meaning, the what, the why and types of influence on the thought of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution and to analyze different aspects of the issue from his perspective. This research answers the following question: What does the influence mean in the supreme leader's thought? Methodology: The research method is qualitative and theme analysis in the form of network themes. The statistical population of this study includes all the speeches that were delivered by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei from 1989 until 2018 about influence. The method of data gathering is a documentary and library studies with access to the primary sources, i. e., the Supreme Leader's lectures, documented on his site. The findings have been analyzed in the context of the theme analysis of their statements from 1989 until 2018. Findings and results: In general, influence includes various types of cultural influence, political influence, security influence and economic influence, and the influence of the enemy is pervasive. In terms of the enemy's influence method, the most important one is influence in the country, which exists in public and private systems, either individually or collectively, and in various types of influence. The purpose of enemy's influence can be summarized as a whole in the sense of destruction. The main motivation for enemy's influence is also the domination and continuation of the historical experience of arrogance and the exploitation of aliens. Strategies for countering enemy influence are, from the supreme leadership's point of view, raising awareness, consciousness, and understanding of the role of enemy influence in cultural, political, security, and economic dimensions.

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Background and objectives: Spiritual transcendence is one of the most fundamental topics in the field of Islamic science, and there are many verses and traditions about it. This research seeks to reveal the foundations, criteria and strategies of "spiritual transcendence" based on Qur'anic teachings, and to explain what and how it occurs. In this regard, using the narrative documents the relevance of the three great divine verses have been argued: human, the Qur'an, and the world, and have referred to their correspondence and a definition of "spiritual transcendence" has been presented. Methodology: The present study examines the verses of the Holy Quran with a content analysis and a qualitative approach. The content analysis method was used to summarize the Quranic teachings and the validity of spiritual transcendence and to interpret the research data. In reviewing the research literature, the Holy Quran, Shiite and Sunni commentary books, narrative sources and related articles have been studied. Quranic and hadith software is used to extract the categories and the MaxQDA software is used for coding and analyzing the data. Findings and results: According to the findings of this study, spiritual transcendence means to move upward and to improve the degree of existence, and to move from the weaker existence at the lower level to a stronger existence at the higher level. Spiritual transcendence is the ontological and transcendent drive to the origin of the existence (the most extreme order of existence) in the hierarchy of the human soul and in the hierarchy of the universe, which of course is accompanied by the "growth" and development of the seeker's existence, necessitating the "repentance" and ascension of man. It is far superior to the verses of infidelity and apostasy and "paradise". "Knowledge and discernment", "Faith and piety" and "adornment with the attributes of Paradise" are the Quranic criteria for spiritual transcendence and "Self-knowledge and theism", "God Worship", "Purity" and "Jihad and Struggle" are among the methods of "Spiritual Transcendence".

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Shabani Sarooie Ramazan

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Background and objectives: The Islamic Revolution is an accelerated move towards the realization of the Islamic State in Iran and the formation of Islamic society and the emergence of Islamic civilization at the core of Islamic-Iranian civilization in the Islamic world. One of the key questions in recent years is the answer to the question of what is the mission of revolutionary institutions in the process of achieving Islamic goals, and in particular of achieving Islamic State in the present situation? I. R. I. Police is one of the revolutionary apparatuses in the sacred system of the Islamic Republic and naturally revolutionary expectations are expected from a revolutionary institution. Among the major roadmaps of a desirable Islamic state are the essential requirements of state-building, the transformation of agents and institutions of the Islamic system, as well as the belief that the construction of the Islamic state is both necessary and possible in the present circumstances. Methodology: Using a descriptive-analytic and documentary method this study seeks to explain the evolutionary requirements and processes of the Islamic State in the realization of Islamic State based on the views and ideas of the Supreme Leader. Findings and results: With its security and police mission, I. R. I. Police, as the embodiment of the Islamic Republic's sovereignty, plays a decisive role in the realization of the Islamic State. One of the most important processes in the realization of the Islamic State is the evolution of the three domains of hardware, software and mental ware and the separation of the three dimensions of knowledge, attitude and ability.

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Background and objectives: Managerial organizations play an important role in the process of achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. Studying these roles and functions of managerial organizations is regarded as a sociological study of the organization. The ideological-political organization is one of the law enforcement agencies of the country whose most important function is "to assist the development of the police and Islamic law organization within the Islamic Republic of Iran". The present article is a scientific study aimed at studying the role of ideological-political organization in the process of institutionalization of desirable political culture in law enforcement. Methodology: This research was conducted using a descriptive-analytic method and existing documents and sources belonging to the views of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution and an institutionalist approach. Findings and results: One of the important functions of the ideological-political organization is the "political culture-making" and the development and deepening of political culture based on Islamic norms and values among human resources and law enforcement officers, which is an important part of organizational political discernment. The ideological-political organization carries out the mission of developing the police organization in the Islamic Republic of Iran through: Epistemological and religious education and training of police commanders and human resources; Ethical and Behavioral Training of Police Commanders and Human Resources; Political education and training of police commanders and human resources; Making spiritual and ethical atmosphere within different structures of law enforcement; Preventing the deviations and abuses of police commanders and human resources; The institutionalization of Islamic culture as a "value action" in the activities of police commanders and human resources.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and objectives: One of the most important principles in foreign policy is the principle of dignity. This principle has been widely considered in the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the leader of the Islamic Revolution has mentioned this principle along with two principles of wisdom and expediency and has even considered this principle more important than the other two principles. On the other hand, some foreign policy officials, regardless of this principle, have been negotiating with different countries, believing that soft power and tolerance should be considered against powerful countries. Therefore, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei offered the Iranian authorities a heroic approach. Accordingly, in this article, the principle of dignity in Ayatollah Khamenei's political thought is explained and analyzed and his solutions are presented to foreign policy officials and the extent to which the principle of dignity is reconciled with Quranic principles is examined. Methodology: This research was conducted using a descriptive-analytic method and library resources and the verses of the Holy Quran and the statements of the Supreme Leader. Findings and results: In this study, after analyzing the principle of dignity, this principle has been recognized in the Qur'an, meaning that the categories and results of Ayatollah Khamenei's statements have been compared with the categories and results of the intended concept in the Holy Quran and their similarities, differences and degree of correspondence have been measured. According to the findings of this study, the concepts of "dignity in foreign policy", "the true dignity of God and the monotheistic front", "the way to obtain dignity in foreign policy", "heroic and softness dignity" and "the contrast of dignity and oppression" have been mentioned in the Quranic verses and they have been mentioned in the content analysis of the statements of the Supreme Leader as well.

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