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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Using positive psychology for optimal performance and reaching the peak of performance in sports has always been considered. However, there is no accurate understanding of some mental experiences such as flow. This study aimed to compare the flow status of amateur and elite wrestlers. The statistical population of this study consisted of 56 wrestlers in the sixth freestyle and Greco roman wrestling world cup championships (2020) and 56 amateur wrestlers from different random cities of Iran. To measure the experience of athletes, the Flow State Scale was used. The results showed that the overall flow score of elite wrestlers was significantly higher than amateur wrestlers. Also, independent t-test indicated among the nine dimensions of flow, challenge-skills balance, action-awareness merging, clear goals, unambiguous feedback, concentration on the task at hand, sense of control, loss of self-consciousness in professional was significantly higher than amateur wrestlers. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between professional and amateur wrestlers regarding the dimensions of transformation of time and autotelic experience. Further research focuses on the flow status of athletes as a component of psychological factors that are expected to be related to skill level is needed. Therefore, it can help sports coaches and psychologists bring athletes to the peak of performance and optimal performance.

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Disciplinary rules and measures in the educational environment are an important factor in the formation of students' emotions and behavior that can affect their well-being in this way. Therefore, identifying the role of the discipline process on the psychological well-being of children in preschool centers was determined as the aim of the present study, which was achieved through a qualitative survey method. The research sample consisted of 16 educators working in preschool centers who were purposefully selected. The data collection tool was a Semi-Structured Interview. The qualitative analysis method was used with a three-step coding technique (open, axial, and selective) to achieve the findings. The results indicate that some disciplinary measures have a positive role and others negatively affect children's psychological well-being. The process of discipline will positively affect the psychological well-being of children through pleasant disciplinary strategies and regulations that develop interpersonal relationships. On the other hand, it can also have a negative effect on psychological well-being through debilitating strategies of positive self-concept and disciplinary strategies and regulations that threaten autonomy and independence. Accordingly, the establishment of participatory discipline based on the development of relationships and positive feelings to promote children's psychological well-being in preschool centers is recommended to educators.

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This study aimed to identify the role of mindfulness, maladaptive perfectionism, and positive affect in goal self-concordance. The method of this research was descriptive and correlational. The sample included 100 secondary school students in Isfahan in the academic year 2020-2021, who were selected by convenience sampling. Mindfulness Questionnaires, Maladaptive Perfectionism, Positive Affect, and Self-Efficacy were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using stepwise regression analysis. Data were analyzed using correlation coefficient and linear regression analysis. In stepwise regression, in the first step, the variable of mindfulness was entered and in the second step, the variable of maladaptive perfectionism was added, and finally, this regression model was able to predict 37% of the variance of goal self-concordance. However, the positive affect variable did not enter the regression equation due to the lack of predictive power. These findings provide new evidence on the importance of choosing self-concordance goals in life and identifying the factors influencing this choice.

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Jayervand Hamdollah

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This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of wellbeing-based therapy on Coronavirus Anxiety and mental health in Elderly COVID-19 survivors. This quasi-experimental study was a pre-test, post-test follow-up with a control group. The study population was all the elderly referred to health centers and clinics in Ilam in the summer of 1399. The sample consisted of 50 people who were selected by the purposive sampling method after reviewing the inclusion criteria and were randomly replaced in two equal groups. The research instruments were Corona Anxiety Scales and Psychological Health. The experimental group received ten sessions of 90-minute wellbeing-based therapy, and the control group was placed on a waiting list for training. Data were analyzed by repeated measure analysis. The results showed that well-being therapy led to reduced corona anxiety and increased psychological health, and this effect of the follow-up phase on corona anxiety and Mental health persisted. According to the present study results, therapists and health professionals can use the welfare method for health-related interventions, especially to reduce corona anxiety and improve mental health in the elderly. Older people make up a large and growing part of the world's population. In the present century, socio-health developments have led to an unprecedented shift in demographic characteristics and epidemiological studies (Wahia et al., 2020). Changes in the immune system of the elderly increase their risk of infection (Klein & Budish, 2016). Relatedly, coronary symptoms have more severe clinical manifestations in the elderly (Murray et al., 2020) and are associated with higher mortality (Wang et al., 2020). Accordingly, the elderly is one of the main groups at risk for Covid-19. The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of wellness-based therapy on coronary anxiety and improved mental health of coronary arteries. Method This was a quasi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test design with the control group. The study population included all elderly patients with coronary heart disease in the summer, 2021 in Ilam who had improved during the study and had no symptoms. Referring to the centers and clinics of health services in Ilam, the researcher attempted to identify the participants of the study. A total of 50 elderly individuals (32 female and 13 male) were selected from the patients after reviewing the inclusion criteria by purposive sampling method. The participants were randomly assigned to groups of the experimental ( N = 25) and control (N = 25) groups. The inclusion criteria were (1) coronary artery disease and complete recovery from the disease in the last four months, (2) age over 65 years, (3) minimum education of 9th grade, and (4) the absence of stressful events such as the death of loved ones in the last three months. Moreover, the exclusion criteria were: (1) use of psychiatric medication including anti-anxiety and antidepressants, (2) history of receiving well-being treatment, (3) absence of two sessions or more, and (4) withdrawal from cooperation. The experimental group received 10 sessions of 90 minutes in one of the health centers of Ilam as a group based on welfare treatment and the control group was placed for training on the waiting list. The instruments included Corona Anxiety Scales (Alipour et al., 2020) and Mental Health (Najarian & Davoodi, 2001). Although the sampling was done in summer 2020, the intervention was done in September and October by a clinical specialist in compliance with health protocols and maintaining physical distance by a health psychologist with a certificate of welfare treatment. The group therapy was performed for 10 sessions (two sessions per week) in the Comprehensive Health Services Center No. 8 in Ilam and both groups were performed first pre-test and after the post-test intervention and after 45 days of follow-up using coronary anxiety and psychological health questionnaires. Finally, a research intervention was performed for the control group after two weeks. According to the psychologists and physicians of Ilam Comprehensive Health Service Center No. 8 and the follow-up of the researcher, there was no decline in the samples of any of the groups. Ethical issues observed in this study included the informed consent of the participants, confidentiality, and intervention for the control group. Data were entered into SPSS software version 21 by analysis of covariance with repeated measures at a significance level of less than 0. 05. Result The results of this study showed the effectiveness of wellness-based therapy in improving coronary anxiety and mental health in the elderly. In other words, this treatment reduced coronary anxiety and increased their mental health. Based on the findings, the difference between coronary anxiety scores and psychological health in the experimental group (welfare therapy) and the control group and in the time stage was significantly different (p <0. 001). Also, the interaction between time and group was significant (p <0. 005). Likewise, the interaction between time effect and group membership and the test was significant in both variables (p <0. 005). In other words, the difference between the scores of the variables in the post-test and follow-up stages compared to the pre-test stage in the whole sample was significant. There was also a significant difference between pretest-posttest in the variables of coronary anxiety, psychological health, and the source of internal and external control (p <0. 001). In other words, the effect of the intervention was confirmed. There was also a significant difference between pretest-follow-up in coronary anxiety variable, psychological health (p <0. 001). In other words, the stability of the intervention for the variables was confirmed. Conclusion The results showed that the first hypothesis of the study on the effectiveness of welfare-based therapy in reducing coronary anxiety in the elderly was confirmed. This finding was consistent with the findings of Pirnia et al. (2020) and Zarif Golbar Yazdi et al. (2012). In regards to the effectiveness of welfare-based therapy in reducing coronary anxiety in the elderly (Pirnia et al., 2020), it can be said that the goal of welfare-based therapy is to increase psychological flexibility in people, including the elderly. Psychological resilience is the ability to relate fully to the present as a conscious human being and to change or perpetuate behaviors to achieve goals commensurate with one's values, which occurs through the main processes of well-being-based therapy as follows. This method teaches clients to take an active position in the world, shape their own life, and articulate a clear picture of the good life by increasing an individual's psychological acceptance of mental experiences (thoughts and feelings) and reducing ineffective control practices. See the best in every situation and change their thoughts and behaviors based on them. These factors cause the elderly to feel more in control of their living environment and take an active position in the face of psychological difficulties in life and facing the pressures caused by illness and manage coronary heart disease more effectively. Ethical Consideration Compliance with Ethical Guidelines All ethical issues like informed consent and confidentiality of participants’ identifications were compiled based on ethical committee of Azad University. Authors’ Contributions All steps of the article are done by only the author of the article. Conflict of Interest There is no conflict of interest for this study. Funding This study was conducted with no financial support. Acknowledgment The author thanked all participants in this research.

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The prevalence of coronavirus, the restrictions imposed, the closure of educational institutions, the unknown and cognitive ambiguities of this virus, and the resulting mortality rate caused high anxiety in individuals. This study aimed to provide a model for the relationship between mindfulness and corona anxiety mediated by self-compassion and to determine the model's fit based on experimental data. The method of the present study was descriptive-correlational. Three hundred and eighty undergraduate students of Yazd University (193 girls and 187 boys) were selected via available sampling method. The participants answered to the online questionnaires. They included Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, and Corona Anxiety. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results showed the hypothetical model fitted the experimental data. Mindfulness had a significant direct effect on corona anxiety. Also, the direct effect of self-compassion on corona anxiety was significant. In addition, mindfulness indirectly affected corona anxiety through the mediating variable of self-compassion Introduction* Anxiety is one of the most important effects of the coronavirus epidemic. Corona anxiety is the anxiety caused by being infected with the coronavirus, often due to anonymity and ambiguity (Alipour et al., 2020). Its consequences can lead to significant psychological stress. In addition, it may adversely affect students' learning and mental health (AlRabiaah et al., 2020). Given the prevalence of corona heart disease, fear of disease, and fear of death along with the disturbance of daily activities, attention to psychological variables in dealing with corona anxiety is essential. Therefore, self-compassion can be associated with corona anxiety as one of the psychological factors (Chitsazi et al., 2021). Self-compassion allows people to have a broad perspective on their problems, to consider life challenges and personal failures as part of their lives, to relate more to others in times of suffering instead of feeling isolated, and to be aware of thoughts, emotions, and feelings instead of repression, judgment, and avoidance. These factors help people to be more open-minded, have a greater ability to change appropriate cognitions and behavioral responses, and use more effective coping strategies. As such, maladaptive emotional states such as anxiety, depression, and stress are reduced, and emotional well-being is improved (Kashdan & Ciarrochi, 2013). Another potentially influential factor in corona anxiety is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a way to live a better life, relieve pain, enrich, and make life meaningful (Siegel, 2010). Instead of reacting impulsively or habitually, mindful people, while realistically processing events, perceive internal and external realities without distortion (Hofmeyer et al, 2020), receive and process events that are less disturbing and have a greater ability to deal with They have a wide range of thoughts, emotions and experiences (Heidari et al, 2018). According to the results of studies, high levels of mindfulness can be associated with lower levels of anxiety and stress (Elliot et al., 2018,Hanley, 2016). It is important to pay attention to corona anxiety and psychological variables related to it due to various factors such as the prevalence of the disease, the restrictions imposed, the closure of educational institutions, and the concern about the effects of the virus on the future of students. According to the results of studies by Behan (2020) and Belen (2021), increasing mindfulness skills can significantly reduce corona anxiety. Moreover, given the effect of mindfulness in promoting self-compassion (Sakeni et al., 2020,Shahsia et al., 2021) and the negative and significant relationship between self-compassion and corona anxiety (Chitsazi et al., 2021,Nguyen & Le, 2021) and lack of a coherent and integrated model of the relationships of these variables, the present study sought to test whether mindfulness was related to corona anxiety through the mediation of self-compassion. To this end, the following hypotheses were posited. 1: Mindfulness directly predicts corona anxiety. 2: Mindfulness indirectly predicts corona anxiety through self-compassion. Method The study adopted a descriptive-correlational design. It examined the relationships between the research variables as a model. Mindfulness was the exogenous variable, self-compassion was the mediator variable, and corona anxiety served as the endogenous variable. The statistical population of this study included all undergraduate students studying at Yazd University in the academic year 2020-2021 (N =10436). Krejcie and Morgan's table was used to determine the number of participants in the sample group. Accordingly, 380 students (193 girls and 187 boys) were selected by the available sampling method. Due to the conditions caused by the coronavirus outbreak and the absence of students in the university, the study was conducted online and through social networks (WhatsApp and Telegram). To observe ethical considerations, students were given the necessary assurance that the information was confidential and that their details would not be disclosed. The participants completed the Mindfulness Questionnaire (Baer et al., 2006), Self-Compassion (Nef, 2003), and Corona Anxiety (Alipour et al., 2020). The data were analyzed by structural equation modeling using SPSS and AMOS software version 23. Results Descriptive indicators and matrix of correlation coefficients of research variables are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Descriptive indicators and matrix of correlation coefficients of research variables Row Variable Kurtosis Skewness Mean Standard deviation 1 2 3 1 Corona anxiety-0. 06 0. 92 18. 78 12. 65 1 2 Mindfulness 0. 29-0. 50 120. 64 24. 33-0. 59 1 3 Self-compassion-0. 41-0. 09 76. 99 18. 92-0. 56 0. 59 1 As Table 1 shows, there is a significant correlation between all research variables at the level of 0. 05. Table 2 shows the results of the bootstrap test to measure the direct, indirect and total effects. As it can be seen in the following table, mindfulness had a significant direct effect on corona anxiety. Also, the direct effect of self-compassion on corona anxiety was significant. In addition, mindfulness indirectly related to corona's anxiety through self-compassion. Table 2. Bootstrap test results to measure direct, indirect and total effects Path Direct effect Indirect effect Total effect Mindfulness on corona anxiety-0. 45***-0. 24**-. 067** Mindfulness on self-compassion 0. 59**-0. 59** Self-compassion on corona anxiety-0. 37**--0. 36** Conclusion The data analysis using SEM showed that mindfulness had a negative and significant effect on corona anxiety. It can be claimed that mindfulness helps us to focus on reality with a comprehensive, objective, and undistorted view (Hofmeyer et al., 2020). People with high mindfulness will be able to understand pain without exaggeration, and when they know their pain and problems, they will have the opportunity to cope and deal with them. In addition, the obtained results from data analysis using SEM revealed a mediating role for self-compassion in the relationship between mindfulness and corona anxiety. Mindfulness enables people to consciously focus on the present and accept unpleasant events and negative emotions as an integral part of every human life, to seek the best way to deal effectively with adverse events. In other words, accepting negative thoughts and feelings as they are paving the way for forming an empathetic, kind, and supportive attitude. In an age of coronary disease, people with high self-kindness can feel more self-care and enjoy every opportunity in life. In days when the need for social distance to combat the prevalence of the virus has affected social communication, they feel compassion and forgiveness instead of blaming themselves for the suffering in life. Such people realize that there is a global Covid-19 epidemic. All people in all cultures and countries are going through these difficult days. Even in some countries, the number of people infected with the virus is much higher than in their living environment. Such situations help people feel more secure and grateful that they are still healthy and alive. Thus, by increasing self-compassion, mindfulness can play a protective role against current stressful situations as an effective psychological strategy and prevent students from engaging in negative emotions such as fear and anxiety caused by the prevalence of the virus and its consequences. Ethical Consideration Compliance with Ethical Guidelines: All ethical issues like informed consent and confidentiality of participants’ identifications were compiled based on ethical committee of University of Yazd. Authors’ Contributions: All authors contributed to the study. The first author written the first draft of the manuscript. The second author edited the manuscript. The third author advised result sections. Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest for this study. Funding: This study was conducted with no financial support. Acknowledgment: The authors thank all participants in the study. *. Corresponding author

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Mohammadi Sangachin Doost Alireza | HOSSEINKHANZADEH ABBAS ALI | Kousha Maryam | Naseh Ashkan | Roshandel Rad Mahboubeh

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This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of self-compassion therapy on depression, anxiety, and stress among mothers of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. A quasi-experimental method with a pretest-posttest-follow-up design with a control group was used. The sample consisted of 28 mothers of 5 to 11-year-olds boys and girls with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Rasht in 2020-2021. They were selected by convenience sampling and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in the compassion self-treatment training group for eight weekly sessions, and the control group received a concise summary of the treatment after the end of the study. Both groups were administered a questionnaire on depression, anxiety, and stress three times for pre-test, post-test, and follow-up. The analysis of variance with repeated measures was used to analyze the data. Findings showed that self-compassion treatment significantly affected depression, anxiety, and stress scores. In the post-test stage, depression, anxiety, and stress scores were significantly lower as compared to the pre-test. Moreover, this significant decrease in the follow-up was also stable. The results showed that self-compassion training could benefit mothers, significantly reducing depression, anxiety, and stress. Therefore, it can be implemented as one training compared to other training. Introduction Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by ADHD, Impulsivity, and Hyperactivity Disorder. The disorder has three categories: inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive, and combined. The prevalence of this disorder in the United States is about 7% and internationally reported between 2 and 21% (By Toft et al., 2017). Based on psychological theories and studies, the effects of children with ADHD on other family members, especially the mother, have been accepted (Sussman et al., 2022). Since the mother is the first caregiver of the child and the first stages of development have an undeniable effect on human personality, and because many psychological problems are rooted in this interaction, the relationship between mother and child has been of particular interest (Theule et al., 2013). Because this connection is so close and intertwined that any change in one or the other is subject to change and transformation. In this regard, the mother, who has the most contact and closeness with the child, can be more at risk of such problems (Lertxundi et al., 2022). Having a child with special needs can cause many psychological, economic, and social problems and pressures for families. If left unchecked, it can lead to high levels of psychological distress (Aszaslan & Yıldırım, 2021). Studies indicate the vital role of personal characteristics and environmental and cognitive factors in the severity of depression, stress, and anxiety of parents (Beaton et al., 2020, Si et al., 2020). In this regard, Narconam et al. (2014) examined the prevalence of stress among parents of children with ADHD. According to the results of this study, 69. 7% of parents reported high levels of stress and those mothers had more problems than fathers. There was also a significant relationship between the severity of the child's disorder and parental stress. One of the positive therapies is self-compassion, which has been less addressed concerning parents of children with ADHD (Navab et al., 2019). Self-compassion therapy is a popular, comprehensive, integrated approach to a meta-diagnostic treatment. Research on its effectiveness and acceptability has also increased over the past ten years as treatment progresses and is more effective than other individual and self-help interventions (Craig et al., 2020). Due to the importance of investigating this issue, the present study aimed to investigate self-compassion training on depression, anxiety, and stress in mothers of children with ADHD. Method Research method, statistical population, and sample: The present study was an applied research study that employed a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test, post-test, and follow-up design. The statistical population of the study included all mothers of children with ADHD. The participants were selected from among those who were referred to the Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents of Gil and the specialized pediatric clinic of Shafa Hospital in Rasht in 2020-2021. Short form of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Questionnaire: This questionnaire was prepared by Lovibond and Lovibond (1995). This scale has two forms. The main form includes 42 terms. One hundred forty-four different terms evaluate depression, anxiety, and stress. The short form contains 21 terms that measure each of the seven terms of a psychological factor or structure. Each subscale consists of 7 questions scored on a Likert scale from zero to three. In addition, the participants were asked to rate the extent to which they experienced each state in the past week using a 4-point intensity/frequency scale. The range of scores obtained for each subscale is from 0 to 21: the higher scores indicate higher psychological distress. Results This study examined 28 mothers of children with ADHD in two groups of 14, including self-compassion training and control. The mean age of children in the experimental group (8. 14 79 1. 79) years and in the control group (7. 92 7 1. 43) years and the age range of 5-11 years. Most mothers were between 30-39 years old, nine people (64. 3%) were in the experimental group, and ten people (71. 4%) were in the control group. The majority of mothers in the experimental group were 12 (85. 7%) and in the control group were 10 (71. 4%) without physical or psychological disorders. Table 1. Results of analysis of variance with repeated measurement of experimental and control groups in the research stages Source SS df MS F P Eta OP Time 68/786 2 32/893 19/617 0/001 0/430 0/936 Depression Group 144/048 1 144/048 4/409 0/046 0/145 0/855 Time * Group 69/024 2 32/512 20/583 0/001 0/442 0/912 Time 56/024 2 28/012 9/082 0/001 0/259 0/861 Anxiety Group 189 1 189 4/473 0/044 0/147 0/877 Time * Group 90/929 2 45/464 14/741 0/001 0/362 0/905 Time 219/310 2 109/655 38/232 0/001 0/595 0/956 Stress Group 855/048 1 855/048 47/358 0/001 0/646 0/983 Time * Group 328/881 2 164/440 57/334 0/001 0/688 0/973 The results in Table 1 show that the effect of the group on the variables of depression, anxiety, and stress is significant. Therefore, it can be said that there was a significant difference between the mean scores mentioned between the experimental and control groups. The effect of time on all variables of depression, anxiety, and stress was significant. Therefore, regardless of the group, there was a significant difference between the mean scores in the three stages. The interaction effect between time and group was also significant for all depression, anxiety, and stress variables. Therefore, it can be said that the difference in the mean scores of the variables of depression, anxiety, and stress at different times varies according to the variable levels of the group. Conclusion This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of self-compassion therapy on depression, anxiety, and stress in mothers of children with ADHD. The study results showed a significant difference between the experimental and control groups regarding depression, anxiety, and stress. In addition, the findings indicate that mothers who received self-compassion training were less depressed, anxious, and stressed than mothers who did not receive training. These findings are in line with the results of Nawab et al. (2019), Anderson and Guitar (2015), Chronis et al. (2006), and Beaton et al. (2020). Self-compassion produces inner awareness, unconditional acceptance, empathy, and constant attention to inner feelings. Therefore, it increases problem-solving ability, self-control, belief in a bright future, staying calm under pressure, flexibility in dealing with obstacles, avoiding boring strategies, and positive emotions in challenging times (Neff, 2003). Because compassion translates more negative emotions about itself into positive emotions, thereby reducing depression, anxiety, and depression in mothers of children with ADHD (Inwood & Ferrari, 2018). Research findings also confirm the relationship between self-compassion and mental health and well-being indicators, including reducing depression and anxiety and increasing self-esteem, happiness, and optimism, improving marital relationships, and, consequently, the durability of marriages. Therefore, it is vital to address the research that examines the components that affect the positive functioning of the family (Wilson et al., 2019). Ethical Consideration Compliance with Ethical Guidelines The participants participated in the current research with written consent and all the rights of the participants to participate in the research have been respected. Authors’ Contributions All authors contributed to the study. The first author participated in writing, ideation, background collection, and editing. The second author participated in the data analysis and interpretation of the results. The third author participated in coordinating with the hospital to conduct the course and research samples. The fourth author provided recommendations in the discussion and conclusions, and the fifth author was in charge of implementing the protocol. Conflict of Interest Conducting this research has not resulted in any conflict of interest for the authors and its results have been reported in a completely transparent and unbiased manner. Funding The current research was done without any financial support from any particular organization. Acknowledgment The authors thank all participants in the study.

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