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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background & Aims: Epilepsy is one of the most common and chronic neurological diseases that can cause many psychological problems for people with this disease. Epilepsy is transient changes in brain function due to excessive and hyper-synchronous nervous activity that may lead to uncontrolled body movements or changes in the level of consciousness. Social anxiety disorder is defined as an extreme or unreasonable fear of being in social situations. The presence of comorbid mental disorders, especially social anxiety disorder in people with epilepsy, along with the patient's dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about epilepsy, affect adaptation skills and the ability to cope with the problems of this chronic disease. General characteristics of epilepsy cause maladaptive coping strategies, high levels of anxiety, fear of being in public, and increased vulnerability of the epileptic person to social anxiety disorder. Family function denotes family ability to adapt to the changes made during life, solving contradictions and conflicts, solidarity between members and success in disciplinary patterns, observing the limits of individuals and the enforcement of the laws and regulations governing this institution with the aim of protecting the whole system. Family functioning refers to the family's ability to adapt to changes in life, Resolving contradictions and conflicts, Solidarity between members, and respect for boundaries. People with epilepsy receive the most treatment in the community from the family as the primary caregiver, which is the most important component of social support that is an important protective effect in the relationship between illness and health. Although there have been researches aimed at investigating the anxiety of patients with epilepsy or research aimed at investigating the stigma of epilepsy, the relationship between epilepsy and the stigma of the disease and social anxiety has not been investigated, considering the important role of the family, especially in the form of structural equations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between disease stigma and social anxiety considering the mediating role of family function in patients with epilepsy. Methods: The study design was descriptive-correlation and the study population include all epileptic patients were referred to clinics and hospitals of Isfahan in 2018. After obtaining a code of ethics and coordinating with the education and protection departments of hospitals, 117 patients with epilepsy-based on specialist physician's diagnosisselected by convenient sampling which evaluated by the questionnaires of Stigma Scale for, Social Phobia Inventory and Family Function Assessment. In selecting the research sample, the inclusion criteria were conscious satisfaction and the right to cancel the continuation of the research and the ability to read and write, and also the exclusion criteria was Failure to complete the questionnaire questions. The mentioned sampling started from the beginning of April 2018 and continued for 3 months. In selecting the research sample, the inclusion criteria were 1-informed consent and the right to withdraw from the research, 2-the ability to read and write, and the exit criteria of not completing the questionnaire questions were considered. The mentioned sampling started from the beginning of May 2017 and continued for 3 months until the end of July. The data were analyzed by using Structural Modeling in Smart PLS. 3. 2. 8. Results: Path analysis has been used to investigate the mediating role of family functioning components in the relationship between disease stigma and social anxiety. Considering the non-significance of Shapiro-Wilk test values, it can be said that the distribution of the studied scales was normal. Path analysis has been used to investigate the mediating role of family functioning components in the relationship between disease stigma and social anxiety. All fitness indicators of the most assumed models are above the desired value and are at a good level, which indicates a good fit of the model. The results confirmed the mediation role of the components of problem solving, roles, affective responsiveness and behavioral control among the epileptic patients (p<0. 05), however the mediating role of the components of communication, affective involvement and general family functioning not significant in the relationship between disease stigma and social anxiety in patients with epilepsy (p>0. 05). But in general, the mediating role of family functioning variable was not approved (p>0. 05). Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be said that the stigma of epilepsy as a chronic disease can cause anxiety and social isolation in these patients, which can lead to a wide range of disorders and problems such as depression, inability to make friends and academic and professional failure. However, family functioning can reduce the negative emotional burden of the disease and the social problems that result from it, especially in areas such as emotional support and problem solving. Research in this area can also have therapeutic implications and clarify the need for specific treatment plans for this group of patients and their families for mental health policy makers and it can be effective in reducing the problems caused by the disease and their other negative consequences, which allocates a large part of human and financial resources. According to results, the disease stigma increase social anxiety in patients with epilepsy, but family function could be mediate this effect. Due to the fact that the research method was descriptive correlational, as a result, it is not possible to infer causal relationships from the findings of this study,Also, due to the limited sample population and from the place where sampling was available, therefore, he acted more cautiously in generalizing the findings. It is suggested that future researches investigate this model using random sampling to increase the internal validity of the research. It can be effective to prepare a psychological profile and identify and screen people who are exposed to family problems and psychological injuries and prioritize training and psychological interventions for them. It can be said that the stigma of epilepsy as a chronic disease can cause anxiety and social isolation of these patients, which itself can create a wide range of disorders and problems such as depression, problems in making friends. Finding and failing academically and professionally,however, family functioning, especially in areas such as emotional support and problem solving, can reduce the negative emotional burden of this disease and the resulting social problems.

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Background & Aims: Breast cancer imposes a great burden of cancer-related mortality and morbidity in women worldwide. Scientific efforts are in progress to improve the efficiency of current therapeutic strategies and reduce chemoresistance (1). Due to the fact that the homeostasis of cancer cell growth is dependent on the balance between cell proliferation and cell death, the emerging role of pro-apoptotic agents to promote apoptosis and attenuate cancer cell evasion from apoptosis has opened up promising cancer therapeutic approaches (2). On the other hand, the process of protein breakdown, which involves the loss of toxic, incorrectly folded, or accumulated proteins play a critical role in normal cell fate. The protein breakdown is mainly implemented by the proteasome system that breaks the proteins into short peptides and their constituent amino acids and transfer them to the cytoplasm to reuse in the synthesis of new proteins (3). If protein breakdown is disrupted, the accumulation of incorrectly folded proteins leads to errors and induction of apoptosis (4). Due to the great importance of proteosomes for cells, inhibition of their function has been proposed as a way to induce apoptosis in cancer cells (5). MG132 has been considered as a proteosome pathway inhibitor and postulated to regulate cancer cell growth and death, recently (6). It has been proposed that MG132 synergized with bevacizumab and/or cisplatin to inhibit cancer cell proliferation by triggering reactive oxygen species generation (6-8). However, the lack of sufficient evidence regarding the relevance of MG132 on breast cancer cell growth provoked us to unravel the possible effect of MG132 and its underlying mechanism in breast cancer. Thus, this study is designed to elucidate the effect of MG132 on growth regulation and induction of apoptosis by emphasizing the role of caspases, reactive oxygen species, and mitochondria in MCF-7 cancer cells. Methods: In this study, the human breast cancer cell lines, MCF-7 which pathologically originated from invasive carcinoma of the ducts of the breast was obtained from Pasture Institute of Iran and cultured in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum, 100 U/ml of penicillin and 100 μ, g/ml of streptomycin and maintained at 37 º, C, 5% CO2 and 100% humidity in the incubator. Cells were treated with different concentrations of MG132 (0. 5, 1, 5, and 10 μ, mol) at incubation times of 12, 24, and 48 hours. The cytotoxic effect of MG132 on MCF-7 growth was investigated using MTT assay and the results were expressed in terms of the percentage of viable cells relative to the control. Annexin-V-FITC staining and PI staining were used to diagnose early and late apoptosis using flow cytometry. The level of mitochondrial membrane potential (Δ, ψ, m) was investigated using JC-1 lipophilic dye and its accumulation in mitochondria, which is associated with fluorescence emission and change of emission from green (520 nm) to red (590 nm). The formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) after treatment with different concentrations of MG132 was performed using a fluorescence probe dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA). To evaluate the possible involvement of caspases, the activity of caspase 3 and caspase 8 was examined by the ELISA method. To determine the specificity and accuracy, all experiments were repeated at least three times. The non-parametric one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Dennet’, s post hoc test and Tukey´, s post hoc test were applied for analysis of differences using Graph Pad Prism version 7 (Graph Pad Software, San Diego California) Results: Based on data, a significant reduction in the percentage of viable breast cancer cells (MCF-7) was detected following treatment by MG132 that was occurred in a dose and time-dependent manner. Treatment of MCF-7 cells with 5 μ, mol and 10 μ, mol of MG132 for 48 hours reduced cell viability by about 40% and 50%, respectively. Annexin-V and PI double staining method was applied to evaluate whether the cytotoxic effect of MG132 was related to the induction of apoptosis. According to the protocol, annexin-V positive, PI negative cells accounts as early apoptotic cells and annexin-V positive, PIpositive cells account for late apoptotic cells. Decreasing the percentage of viable cells after treatment with 5 and 10 μ, mol of MG132 after 48 hours has increased the percentage of early apoptotic cells. The percentage of early apoptotic cells was 15% after treatment with 5 μ, mol of MG132 and 30% after treatment with 10 μ, mol of MG132. Also, due to the considerable role of the caspase cascade as executors of apoptosis, the activity of caspase 3 and 8 was assessed. A significant increase in the caspase-3 activity was observed after treatment with 10 μ, mol of MG132 in MCF-7 cells. Also, the level of caspase-8 activity in the mentioned time showed a significant increase in both 5 and 10 μ, mol of MG132 indicating that the MG132-induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cells occurred in a caspase-dependent manner. Based on the results of this study, a significant increase in the intracellular ROS level of MCF-7 cells was observed while cells were treated with 5 and 10 μ, mol of MG132 for 48 hours. Increases in intracellular ROS levels indicate MG132-induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cells is associated with the induction of oxidative stress. Also, reduced mitochondria membrane potential (Δ, Ψ, m) reflects mitochondrial impairment and accounts as a hallmark of apoptosis (9). Our data showed that treatment of MCF-7 cells with 1, 5, and 10 μ, mol of MG132 for 48 hours, reduced the mitochondria membrane potential significantly, indicating the fact that MG132 influences mitochondria to induce apoptosis in breast cancer. Conclusion: The data presented in this study revealed that MG132 inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells and induces apoptosis by activating caspases 3 and 8, increasing intracellular ROS level, and decreasing mitochondrial membrane potential (Δ, ψ, m). Also, our results showed a significant difference in the effect of MG132 on the mentioned assays in untreated (control) breast cancer cells compared to the treated cells and the observed effects on the treated cells depending on the concentration of MG132. These results emphasize the effective role of inhibiting the proteosome system through MG132 in stopping the proliferation of MCF-7 cells and inducing apoptosis and the potential of this combination to design more effective therapies in controlling the growth of breast cancer cells.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Diabetes is the most common cause of renal diseases, new cases of blindness, and non-traumatic amputation. Prevalence of cardiovascular diseases among Type 2 diabetic patients is four times more than other individuals of a society (4). Diabetic cardiomyopathy is the deterioration of performance and morphology of myocardium which results from disturbances of glucose hemostasis in the diabetic condition and occurs independently from coronary disease. In the cell level, diabetic cardiomyopathy is characterized by hypertrophy of the heart cells, fibrosis, and apoptosis (5). Shortage of energy in the heart muscle is related to the commencement and development of different heart diseases including the conditions observed during insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes (6). In the condition of insulin resistance, the power of heart muscle declines to use glucose as the source of energy. This change in the preferred substrate has a vital role in the pathogenesis of diabetic cardiomyopathy (7). Mitochondria are highly congested in the heart and occupy 30 percent of heart cells, and produce over 90 percent of intracellular ATP which is consumed by heart (8). Therefore, many studies, nowadays, have focused on the mitochondrial function disorder as a causative factor for metabolic disorders and heart diseases which are connected with insulin resistance. Mitochondria are dynamic organelles which continuously change their morphology in response to intercellular conditions through fusion and fission, and a change in the balance of these processes affects different biological events including cell division, apoptosis, autophagy, and metabolism (9). Mitochondrial fission is mainly controlled by the protein which is connected to cytoplasmic dynamin GTPases 1 (Drp1) (10). To the best knowledge of the researchers of the present study, there are few studies which particularly show the direct relationship between cardiac mitochondria fission, insulin resistance and diabetes type 2. However, it is well known that the main contributor which triggers diabetic cardiomyopathy is the oxidative stress resulted from hyperglycemia (11). Makino et al. in a different but related model showed that mitochondria fragmentation in the cardiac endothelial cells which were obtained from the heart of diabetic rats resulted in an increase in the level of Drp 1 (15). Sports and exercises are prescribed as a part of therapeutic methods for heart disease patients since these activities decrease heart risk factors, protect myocardium and improve heart performance (18). Exercises are also suggested as a non-medicinal therapy for type 2 diabetic patients because they have numerous benefits including improvement of insulin sensitivity and weight loss (19-21). The present experimental study was designed aiming to investigate the effect of one course of resistance training on the fasting levels of blood glucose and insulin also Drp1 in the cardiac tissue of type-2 diabetic obese rats. Methods: In order to conduct the present study, initially 14 Wistar male rats with an average age of 10 weeks and average weight 220 ±,20 were obtained from Pasteur Institute of Iran. The rats were then randomly divided into two groups of control (7 rats) and resistance training (7 rats). To induce diabetes type 2, the rats were initially fed a high-fat diet. After the rats reached the required weight, they were made diabetic by intraperitoneal injection of STZ (25 ml / per kg of weight). Resistance training protocol: the rats in the resistance training group participated in an 8-week resistance training program (5 sessions a week) starting at the 18th week. Each session included 5 sets,and each set consisted of 4 repetitions of carrying a weight through the ladder with rest intervals of 2 minutes between sets and 30 seconds between repetitions. The applied exercise load was as follow: First week: 30 percent of the body weight, Second week: 40 percent of the body weight, Third week: 50 percent of the body weight, Fourth week: 60 percent of the body weight, Fifth week: 70 percent of the body weight, Sixth week: 80 percent of the body weight, Seventh week: 90 percent of the body weight, Eighth week: 100 percent of the body weight (24). All the animals were anesthetized by the intraperitoneal injection of mixture of Ketamine 10% with the dose of 50 mg per kg of weight and Xylazine 2% with the dose of 10 mg per kg of weight. The rats were anesthetized 48 hours after the last training session and in a nocturnal fasting status. After the anesthetization was fully done, the chest of the animal was incised using a scalpel and blood samples were directly collected from the heart of the animal. It should be mentioned that all steps of the present research were conducted based on the by-law of “, Research Ethics Committee of Islamic Azad University”,with the ethical code of IR. SSRC. REC. 1398. 043. The Drp1 gene expression level was measured using Real time –,PCR. The software of SPSS 16 was employed for data analysis. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to examine the normality of data distribution. Independent T-test was employed to examine the difference between the groups. p≤, 0. 05 was considered significant. Results: The results of the present study showed that resistance training caused a reduction in the blood glucose level of the rats in the experimental group compared to the diabetic control group rats (p≤, 0. 001). Blood insulin level in the trained diabetic rats was significantly higher compared to the rats in the control diabetic group(p≤, 0. 01). Expression of the Drp 1 gene was significant lower in the experimental trained rats compared to the rats of the control diabetic group (p≤, 0. 001). Generally, the results of the present study revealed that one course of resistance training can decrease blood glucose level by improving lowered insulin levels. Also, resistance training can lead to a balance in the biogenesis by negative regulation of mitochondrial over-fission. Conclusion: According to the findings of the study, diabetic patients are recommended to take resistance training under the supervision of the physician to reduce obesity and diabetes complications.

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Background & Aims: Diabetes is one of the most common metabolic disorders in the world, which has been increasing at an alarming rate since the start of the 21st century, driven by health determinants (1). Characteristics of this medical disorder are hyperglycemia, impaired metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins accompanied by a complete defect or partial use of insulin in the body (2). According to the report of the World Health Organization, the report in 2016 was equal to 10. 3% in the adult population of Iran, which was 9. 6% for men and 11. 1% for females (5). Approximately 4. 2 million adults aged 20–, 79 years are estimated to die as a result of diabetes and its complications in 2019. This is equivalent to one death every eight seconds. Almost half (46. 2%) of deaths associated with diabetes among the 20–, 79 years age group are in people under the age of 60 years-the working-age group. Globally, there are more deaths associated with diabetes in women (2. 3 million) than in men (1. 9 million) (7). On the other hand, about half of the cases of diabetes in the world are unknown, and annually more than 1 million people in the world and 38 thousand people in Iran die due to complications of diabetes (8). In Iran, as a developing country where people are transitioning from a rural and active lifestyle to an urban one, the incidence of diabetes is also increasing day by day. In fact, with the lifestyle of apartment living, the prevalence of fast food and low nutritional value, sedentary lifestyle, weight gain, environmental stress in Iran, diabetes statistics are increasing. Evidence shows that about 5. 5 million people in Iran have diabetes and it is estimated that by 1404, one in seven Iranians will develop diabetes (9). Given that numerous studies have been conducted in the field of Cognitive Therapy in the field of health and diabetes, but so far, no research has been done before to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach of Cognitive (Coping Therapy) on stress in female patients with type 2 diabetes. Therefore, to estimate the validity of Coping therapy, it is necessary to do more research is needed. So, the purpose of this study is to investigate. The effectiveness of Coping Therapy was on stress in female patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods: The design of this research is a semi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test in an experimental group, and a control group with follow-up. in this research, intervention methods as an independent variable in two levels of intervention were based on Coping therapy and non-intervention and stress variables along with its 9 subscales were considered as dependent variables. The statistical population of this study consisted of all women with type 2 diabetes referred to Resalat Tehran Medical Laboratory and considering that the present study, among all diabetic patients, only to type 2 diabetic women referred to Resalat Tehran Medical Laboratory, for that reason study prototyping was available. Therefore, in this study, after public announcement through random phone calls among the patients of the Laboratory, while conducting an exclusive interview and obtaining written consent to participate in the study, among 35 women 35 to 65 years old volunteered and available, according to inclusion criteria: Willingness to cooperate with the project, age range 35 to 65 years, having type 2 diabetes, having diabetes for more than one year, higher education diploma, no pregnancy and lactation, no insulin use, no other physical illness (by visiting patients by a physician), no disabling psychological disorders (with a diagnostic interview by a clinical psychologist based on DSM-5), 30 persons in 2 groups of 15 were randomly selected and assigned as participants in two groups of CT and control, which for It is also desirable to predict the subject's decline. After the drop among subjects, this number reached 23 persons and considering that 4 persons from the Coping therapy group and 3 persons from the control group according to the exclusion criteria: insulin consumption, pregnancy, physical illness Other than diabetes, having psychological disorders, not attending two consecutive sessions, and reasons such as air pollution and relocation and refusing to participate in the study were excluded from the study. Therefore, intervention and data analysis were performed with 11 patients in the CT group and 12 patients in the control group. Candidates were assessed using the McCubbin Stress and Life Change Questionnaire as a pre-test. Intervention by a protocol of complete package of Coping Therapy by Aghayousefi 2001 (27), adapted from Lazarus and Folkman's 1984 theories of stress and coping (28), introduced and invented,and their effectiveness has been confirmed in Aqhayousefi's research (27, 29), used to manage stress. In the CT treatment program, the first session was devoted to the introduction of protocol, pre-test implementation, 1 month after the last session of post-test, and 3 months later to the follow-up test, and the subjects underwent Coping therapy for 8 weeks. Data analysis was performed by SPSS software version 24, and after examining the concepts of the test, the repeated measures analysis of variance test was increased. Results: Findings from changes in the scores of CT and control groups in stress variables and its 9 subscales showed that changes in total stress scores and stress subscales due to financial pressures and stress due to illness and nursing of family members in the treatment group compared to the control group is significant P<0. 05. Therefore, therapeutic coping has been effective in reducing the overall stress index. The two subscales of financial pressures and stress caused by the disease and the difference were significant compared to the control group P<0. 05. There were no significant differences between the other coping scales of treatment and control under stress scales (P>0. 05). Conclusion: The study showed that Coping therapy was capable to reduce the overall stress score and lead to a reduction in stress subscales (stress due to financial pressures and disease stress).

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Background & Aims: Today, the health system is experiencing uncertain conditions in developed and developing countries. These conditions have been created in developing countries due to financial instability and lack of development and achievement of health standards, and in developed countries due to lack of achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. In the last three decades, health care organizations, especially hospitals, have been transitioning from traditional to new methods. In today's world, health perspectives have a broader perspective and special attention has necessarily been paid to non-medical determinants of health. Each of these determinants, by themselves or through their influence on each other, strongly affects the state of health and causes injustices in the state of health. Social capital is one of the social determinants of health that has attracted much attention. The concept of social capital has been introduced as a multidimensional concept in the social sciences and is influential in many areas of society and has found a special place in the foundations related to development, so that some consider it a missing link in development. Arguing that people with high social capital are more inclined to live healthier and happier lives and to participate in social activities in communities. Social capital is often described as an intangible asset that can be a source of competitive advantage, value creation, and employees' desire to prioritize organizational interests over individual interests. Instead of emphasizing formal oversight and providing economic incentives, social capital increases flexibility in the organization and improves performance by emphasizing identity, organizational trust, and teamwork. Social capital is not a single issue,Rather, there are various types of categories that have two features in common,One is that they all involve an aspect of social construction, and the other is that they facilitate certain actions of the people who put them within the structure. Social capital, neither in individuals nor in the physical means of production,Rather, it is formed and developed in social relations. Social capital in fact refers to common ideals, social harmony and cohesion, trust, honesty and mutual respect of individuals towards each other, observance of values and norms and ethical principles, avoidance of any pretense in behavior. Social capital is one of the characteristics of social organizations that has been introduced to facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit and can be effective in fostering society and increasing social participation. Social capital theory describes the social resources in the workplace that enable employees to be effective in addition to influencing the resources available in the workplace. Social capital is very important for the strength of communities. In the past, many communities accepted social capital as the foundation and principle in their organizations, and social capital acted not only as the only social security network, but also as social support, which was clearly present in communities with Economic adequacy has been shown. Social capital is one of the social determinants of health that has attracted much attention. Therefore, in the present study, it seeks to study the dimensions of social capital in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences and thus helps to expand the boundaries of existing knowledge in this field. Methods: This research is mixed-survey in terms of method. The study population in the qualitative section included the president of the university, managers of the department, the director and managers of the eight vice-chancellors of the university and the dean of nine affiliated faculties of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, approximately 45 people, and in the quantitative part included the staff of the University of Medical Sciences. The number of health services in Mazandaran and its affiliated colleges was 2016. In the qualitative part, sampling was done by snowball sampling method and 20 people were selected and in the quantitative part, it was done by sampling multi-stage relative classes with Cochran's formula and 323 people. In this study, due to the fact that the data collection method was a researcher-made questionnaire, which consisted of two parts, including general questions and specialized questions (including 30 items). Delphi technique was used to analyze the data in the qualitative part and the structural equation method (SEM) and AMOS software were used in the quantitative part. Results: The results showed that the standard factor coefficient dimension of participation in the organization in explaining social capital, equal to 0. 46, sense of security and trust equal to 0. 71, identity equal to 0. 75, requirements and expectations equal to 0. 65, Empathy with the work environment is equal to 0. 70, social cooperation in the real and virtual world is equal to 0. 75, and the P-value is less than 0. 05, the result that, from the perspective of those present in the study, these variables in explaining capital Are socially effective. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that today social capital plays a much more important role than physical and human capital in organizations and communities and is cohesive between individuals and groups and organizations with social capital. Organizations with strong ties, shared norms and beliefs, trust and cooperation can be defined.

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Background & Aims: Mothers experience hormonal changes and mood disorders during pregnancy. Oxytocin plays a central role in the nervous system in both directions of the mother-infant relationship. In the mother's body, this hormone is normally present in the hormonal cycle and is released from the posterior pituitary gland, and also plays an important role during vaginal stimulation and delivery by acting on receptors (3). The onset of depressive symptoms in the first two weeks after delivery is directly related to a decrease in plasma oxytocin levels during pregnancy, which impairs the emotional adjustment of mother and baby (42). Since physical activity leads to stress in the body and improves blood circulation in the heart and blood vessels, which stimulates the posterior pituitary gland to secrete oxytocin,Exercise can increase oxytocin levels in pregnant women (5). There are drug restrictions for mothers in the treatment of depression during pregnancy and postpartum. Postpartum depression is a condition characterized by persistent experiences of sadness or decreased ability to experience pleasure, irritability, low self-esteem, and overt anxiety (2). Depression in pregnant women is a threat not only to the health of the mother, but also to the health of the baby. Depressive disorders may affect the baby from the embryonic stage, and may also affect the delivery process and the mother-baby relationship in later years. It is important to note that even regular walks that are low-intensity exercise during pregnancy can significantly reduce depressive symptoms in pregnant women (17). Physical activity can also have a positive effect on depressive disorders. After exercise, endorphin levels rise, which is responsible for a more positive and happy mind. While depression reduces the levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine or dopamine, their concentration increases with physical activity (8). There is a sudden increase in body size and weight during pregnancy, while physical activity prevents overweight or obesity (11). Therefore, today, exercise for women during pregnancy and after is emphasized by experts (6). According to the American Congress of Midwifery, pregnant women can exercise for 30 minutes or more a day with moderate intensity during pregnancy, but not every day of the week, if there is no ban. High-intensity exercise is not recommended during pregnancy due to insufficient studies on the level of intensity (1). However, it should be borne in mind that for the safety of pregnant women and children, all activities should be performed in consultation with a gynecologist. If the type of physical activity is carefully selected and whether it is done under supervision or without supervision (optional exercise), statistically significant results will be achieved in reducing depressive symptoms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of exercise on serum oxytocin levels and depression during pregnancy and postpartum in female mice. Methods: This study is an experimental study that was performed in the laboratory on mice and is applied in terms of purpose. Sixty healthy female NMRI mice with an approximate age of 80-90 days and weighing 22-25 g were prepared from Pasteur Institute of Iran and kept in light conditions for 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness at a temperature of 23 ±,1 °, C. Adequate food was provided to them. NMRI mice, after two weeks of adaptation, were given one male for each female to mate, and they were placed in a cage several times to obtain the required number of pregnant mice. Then, the next morning, the vaginal plaque was checked as a pregnancy indicator. Thus, 40 female mice became pregnant and these mice, in which vaginal plaque was seen, were considered as the first day of pregnancy and the animals were transferred to separate cages. Inside the cage of each pregnant animal were two rotating wheels for exercise. By the end of the study, the rotating wheels were inside the animal cage. In this study, animals were divided into four groups to measure depression and oxytocin levels during pregnancy and postpartum. There were 10 NMRI mice in each group. Group 1: Active female mice were tested for behavioral and hormonal disorders during pregnancy. Group 2: Active female mice underwent behavioral and hormonal tests in the post-pregnancy period. Group 3: Active female mice were tested for behavioral and hormonal measures during pregnancy. Group 4: Active female mice underwent behavioral and hormonal tests in the post-pregnancy period. Active group exercise was optional. Exercise and non-exercise rats in the pregnant group on the 18th day of gestation and exercise and non-exercise rats in the postpartum group were evaluated on the 7th day postpartum. First, each mouse was exposed to another unfamiliar mouse and gently placed in the opposite corners of a 20 × 80 × 80 cm square box and examined for 7 minutes. The amount of time animals spend interacting with each other is considered an indicator of depressive behavior. After behavioral assessments, deep anesthesia was performed with ketamine (50 mg / kg) and xylazine (5 mg / kg). The animal's breast was then dissected and blood was drawn from the heart. The vials containing blood were placed on an ice pack for 30 minutes, then centrifuged at serum at 2000 RPM for 15 minutes and stored at-20 °,C. Serum oxytocin levels were measured based on the method in the RayBiotech Co. kit using ELISA technique. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to evaluate the normality of data distribution. Levin test was used to evaluate the homogeneity and homogeneity of variance of dependent variable between different samples. One-way analysis of variance with Tukey post hoc test was used to evaluate the differences between the groups. All statistical tests were performed at the significance level of P <0. 05 by SPSS software version 22. Results: The results showed that the mean changes of oxytocin during pregnancy and postpartum were significantly different between active and inactive groups. The results of the depression test showed that the duration of visit of mice between the active and inactive groups during pregnancy was not significantly different, but in the postpartum period in the active group, a significant change was observed. The test was based on social interaction, meaning that the longer the interaction, the better, and shows that depression is improving. Conclusion: Based on this study, it can be concluded that physical activity reduces the symptoms of depression during pregnancy and can be a safe preventive treatment. Physically active women have a lower risk of depression than inactive women. Physical activity also indirectly stimulates the secretion of oxytocin, which can reduce the symptoms of depression in the postpartum period. On the other hand, oxytocin secretion during pregnancy also has an advantage. It should also be noted that the introduction of physical activity during or before pregnancy does not always protect a pregnant woman from developing depression or does not affect its course during pregnancy. This indicates the existence of multifactorial dependence, where physical activity is only one component. It is difficult to determine the release of central oxytocin in humans, and the exact mechanism of the link between oxytocin and depression has not yet been determined, and these studies are mostly derived from animal studies. Overall, oxytocin is involved in the cause of depressive symptoms in the postpartum period and more research should be done on the neurological and endocrine aspects.

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Background & Aims: Regular sports participation has beneficial effects on physical, mental and social health. Also, it has positive effects on the prevention and treatment of noncommunicable diseases, physical appearance, increase self-concept and external credibility, reduce suicidal ideation and significantly increase life expectancy (3). It is clear to all that increasing sports participation at the community level can lead to the development of health, economic and social issues (5). Sports capacities in different groups have been fully discussed and emphasized (6). Although children's motivation to participate in sports has been a common area of research, but so far, no purposeful and comprehensive effort has been made to improve the scientific evidence on the factors involved in children's motivation to participate in sports (9). There is widespread agreement that the main goals of children's sports are to provide innate experiences, motivate and maintain interest so that they tend to continue playing throughout their lives (14-11). Motivation is defined as all the internal motivations of behavior, whether born or acquired, conscious or unconscious (15). Although the reasons for participation in physical activity are very complex, but motivation is one of the most important factors that stimulate and maintain participation in physical activity (16). Motivation is a psychological concept that motivates a person to a desirable goal and is considered as a psychological force that includes the intention and direction of performing a particular behavior (17). Understanding the root causes that motivate children to engage in physical activity has been a very fundamental issue (18, 19). Sports participation is associated with many psychological and social benefits, beyond the benefits of physical activity, including improved self-control and emotional regulation (23). Various psychological factors can affect children's participation and motivation (24, 25). Participating in sports activities increases self-confidence among individuals. On the other hand, increasing self-confidence in turn increases self-esteem. Self-esteem is the degree of approval, approval, acceptance and value that a person feels towards himself (26). Social relationship takes place with different goals, including emotional, intellectual, value or traditional, and one of the situations in which the establishment of social relations and interactions has a special meaning is sports (29). Mousavi (2020) has investigated the relationship between support and social security with the participation of women in sports in Yasuj. Social support and its components had a positive and direct relationship with sports participation (33). The results of Arianpour et al. (2015) showed that there is a significant relationship between self-efficacy, family social support and friends' social support with sports participation of athletes with disabilities. Lack of attention to the psychological factors affecting the motivation of children's participation in the sport of volleyball has caused that today a suitable platform in the sport of volleyball in identifying and attracting children in this sport is not created. On the other hand, the uncertainty of psychological factors affecting the motivation of children's participation in volleyball has caused the capacity of the existing psychological structure in individual and environmental areas to improve the motivation of children's participation in volleyball. This has led to a full understanding of the research gap on the impact of psychological factors on children's motivation to participate in volleyball. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of psychological factors on motivation of children's participation in sport. Methods: The statistical population of this study is all children aged 9 to 11 years in Urmia that there was no complete information in this regard. According to the Cochran sample size formula in the conditions of uncertainty of the statistical population, 384 people were identified as the research sample. To collect data, the questionnaire of psychological factors of Bafandeh et al. (2020) and the questionnaire of motivation for sports participation of Gil et al. (1983) were used. In order to analyze the data of the present study, the structural equation method was used. The whole process of data analysis was performed in SPSS and PLS software. Results: The results showed that mental health, social interactions, social support, selfefficacy and self-esteem have a significant effect on motivation to participate in sports. Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that mental health, social interactions, social support, self-efficacy and self-esteem have a significant effect on the motivation of children's sports participation in volleyball. Clancy et al. (2017) found that psychological issues play an important role in the development of sports participation (17). Also, Fry and Moore (2019) pointed out that paying attention to children's psychological issues can provide the ground for their participation in sports (19). Paying attention to psychological issues can guide people's decisions and this issue can seriously affect children's attitudes. Beliefs mean enjoyable, time consuming, friends and family members predicted intention and behavior in sports participation. Lack of self-confidence and self-efficacy in performing a skill, low understanding of competence and the need to feel competent lead to withdrawal from exercise (39). Based on the findings, it is concluded that psychological factors of mental health, social interactions, social support, self-efficacy and self-esteem significantly predict sports participation among children. According to the research findings, family, friends and other people who are in contact with children need to increase their participation in physical activities with their support and increase self-efficacy. Therefore, when the family takes care of the children and respects their sports desires and admires, loves and loves them, the person understands this support and continues to participate in activities. Sports are aroused. According to the results, the higher the self-esteem among children, the higher the motivation for their athletic progress. It can be said that self-esteem is a factor in psychological development in children and plays a significant role in the flow of thought, feelings, values and goals and motivates the development of sports among children. Social interactions among children positively lead to a desire to continue and participate in sports activities (42). Social interactions enhance exchanges between members or children, and exchanges between children in different groups have a positive effect on their behaviors and motivate them to participate in sports activities. Psychological issues such as mental health, social interactions, social support, self-efficacy and self-esteem can be important in creating a suitable mental environment in children for their presence in sports environments. The present study is limited to children of all children aged 9 to 11 years in Urmia, so generalization of results should be done with caution. Finally, it is suggested that people be made aware of the extent of their participation in physical activity, of what they really are at that level, be Action. Based on the results, it is necessary that psychological factors affecting the motivation of children's sports participation be considered by officials and experts in order to improve the mental and physical health of children in addition to increasing sports participation.

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Background & Aims: Organizations today must be run in a highly competitive environment that is accompanied by amazing developments. In such situations, managers do not have much opportunity to control employees and must spend most of their time and energy identifying the external and internal environment of the organization and leave other day-today tasks to employees. Employees can perform their tasks well when they have the necessary skills, knowledge, and ability and know the goals of the organization well. The tool that can help managers in this regard is the empowerment process. Club management in professional sports has undergone numerous changes in recent years. Changes in the rules, increasing the number of people interested in management (such as investors, sponsors, members, supporters and the media, etc. ), and the community's demand for greater transparency in management are among the most important of these factors. On the other hand, professional sports clubs in highly variable and complex domestic and international environments face many challenges such as limited and ending financial resources, increasing tasks and activities, solving rapid changes in technology, and the influx of different management ways to improve the club's situation. One of the most effective ways to achieve a competitive advantage in the current situation is to make the managers of professional sports clubs more efficient. The role of top managers in the success of the club seems to be important. In a review of 36 Brazilian football clubs, one of the effective factors in the financial and sports success of the club's management performance was introduced. Managers of professional sports clubs are no longer the cost manager and managers of a competition,Rather, like the managers of enterprises, they should seek to create a strong organizational and economic structure and work in space with the idea of increasing revenues, reducing costs, transparent financial system, efficient financial management, increasing profitability, increasing market share and gaining new markets. Competitiveness, success in competition, improving the quality of products and services in terms of their specific characteristics, and these characteristics have made the management of professional sports clubs a heavy and complex responsibility. Empowerment is a process that helps to continuously improve performance by developing and expanding the capabilities of individuals and teams. The goal of empowerment is to create an organization composed of committed and enthusiastic employees who perform their job duties because they both believe in and enjoy it. Also, the purpose of human resource empowerment is to use the potential capacities of human beings to develop organizational added value, strengthen the sense of self-confidence and overcome individual disabilities. In other words, the purpose of empowerment is to provide the best intellectual resources related to any area of the organization's performance. Managers can play a decisive role in the organization due to their impact on the behavior of subordinates and related people, therefore, the importance, role, and impact of managers, and their empowerment should be a priority in the organization's programs. The proposed models in the field of empowerment have mostly examined the empowerment of employees and the empowerment of managers, especially senior managers of the organization has been neglected despite its great importance because until there are no capable managers in the organization, there is no basis for strengthening the identified components of employee empowerment. A comprehensive look at the structure and processes in professional sports clubs in Iran shows that despite efforts to train managers, it still seems that the current management structure and methods in the study community are based on traditional views, these views and Methods In the current changing conditions, as it should be, it has not been able to provide a suitable platform for empowering the managers of professional sports clubs in Iran. Many sports managers enter the field of sports with minimal expertise and only because they are connected to political currents or centers of power. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to level the relationships between the empowerment components of the managers of professional sports clubs in Iran. Methods: The statistical population of this study included 10 experts and faculty members (sports management) of universities, managers of professional sports clubs, and researchers in the field of job empowerment who were purposefully selected. To level, the empowerment components of the managers of professional sports clubs in Iran, the interpretive structural modeling (ISM) technique was used with the help of MATLAB software. For this purpose, in this study, the expert judgment system has been used and a questionnaire has been distributed in pairs between groups of experts in terms of effectiveness and impact on each other. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through the face and content validity and the alpha coefficient was used to measure the reliability of the research, the value of which was estimated to be 0. 86. Results: The findings showed that in examining the relationships between research components, the factors that had high penetration but low dependence are: (human factors), (organizational factors), (environmental factors) and (facilities and capabilities) and criteria. Which had weak influence and dependence are: (organization) and AS (comprehensive support) and variables that had weak influence but strong dependence are: (effective communication), (management style), (personal desire), (Professional empowerment) and (psychological empowerment). Finally, using the MICMAC technique, the variables were analyzed in terms of conductivity and dependence. Conclusion: According to the results, the empowerment of managers in professional sports can be interpreted as follows: Human and organizational factors are necessary reasons for the formation of a special approach to the empowerment of managers of professional sports in Iran. In fact, by improving the necessary skills of managers, increasing the level of managers' trust, not being afraid of losing power, having a proper organizational system such as planning, rewarding, promotion, training to empower managers, and also having a proper organizational monitoring and control system is a combination of There are human and organizational factors that lead to the formation of approaches such as human resource empowerment, managerial specialization and having clear goals. Finally, the special approach of empowering professional sports managers with effective communication strategies and management methods including manager communication with professional sports experts, knowledge of management styles, knowledge of different management styles of professional club management in the world, ability to choose the appropriate management style are combined. The managerial desire of the manager and the creation of special organizational units of a professional sports club as intervening conditions and in the presence of comprehensive support of the club and appropriate physical facilities of professional sports in the club, professional empowerment, and psychological empowerment will be formed as consequences. Management style was leveled as one of the influential factors in this study. Many professional sports club managers choose the wrong management style that does not suit the club's conditions, absolute bureaucratic or absolute human relations styles are not always appropriate, and a competent manager should be able to choose the right management style to suit the circumstances.

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Zargar Taybeh | Rynne Steven

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Background & Aims: Physical activity and participation in sports activities is an integral part of life and every human being turns to sports participation according to their specific characteristics and abilities. The decrease in physical activity and activities in daily life, which is caused by the development and expansion of facilities and amenities and new ways of life, makes the need for sports and physical education more and more urgent. Therefore, continuous and regular physical activity in this regard seems necessary. In this regard, one of the factors that can pave the way for participation in sports activities is social responsibility. Evidence suggests that people who are socially responsible for physical education and sports activities are more likely to participate in sports activities. One of the most important ways to pay attention to physical education activities is to raise awareness and social responsibility of individuals. Awareness of people's social responsibility is related to proper planning and progress of physical education and helps officials and planners to pay the necessary attention based on attitudes and social responsibility in appropriate departments. The growth and development of any society and country depend on the efficient and desirable performance of organizations and institutions and consequently the efficient and desirable performance of people working in these organizations. When there is interdependence and interrelationship between individuals and different elements of an organization, responsible organizational behavior, responsibility, ethical commitment, and organizational behavior are realized, which paves the way for short-term and long-term goals. Many organizations today are accused of failing to meet their responsibilities for the results of their activities. Food, clothing, housing, work, lifestyle, government, education, health, recreation, and even the religion of the people are influenced by the decisions and actions of these organizations. In general, organizational liability experts believe that large corporations with high profits are morally obligated to allocate some of their revenue to the community, employees, and global problems. Social responsibility is generally defined as a set of activities that individuals in a social organization voluntarily perform as effective and useful members of society and the organization. Today, the issue of social responsibility is not just a prominent topic of research,It is presented in the form of a collective mission and value declarations. In this decade, social responsibility has emerged in the form of expanding the field of study, formerly called urban education and citizenship. This new concept is much broader. Despite many problems and doubts in practice, the ability to pay attention to organizational social responsibility has intensified in recent decades. Globalization has led to the expansion of the complexity of the functions of dominated companies in less developed countries. Organizational social responsibility is the need for voluntary organizational commitment to the issues that society expects from individuals. A person fulfills his social responsibility when he fulfills his legal, economic, moral, and altruistic responsibilities,that is, to act with the least responsibility that the law has required of him. Intrapersonal, family, and social factors affect participation in activities related to health and sports, and increasing psychological preparation has a positive effect on participation in activities related to health and sports. Therefore, the purpose of studying the effect of social responsibility on the psychological preparation of people to participate in activities related to sports and health. Methods: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and correlational in terms of descriptive method. The statistical population of the study consists of all employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth and its number was announced as 420 people after inquiring about recruitment. The sample size was 123 people were selected through the random sampling method through the Krejcie Morgan table. In this study, two standard questionnaires were used, which are as follows. To collect data, the psychological questionnaire of Sonnens et al. (2010) and the Ahmadi Social Responsibility Questionnaire (2009) were used. Pearson correlation and linear regression statistical methods were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between social responsibility subscales on psychological preparation (p = 0. 001). Conclusion: In general, considering the positive relationship between social responsibility and the psychological preparation of people to participate in activities related to health and sports, officials must teach social responsibility to people to participate in activities related to health and sports. To use. The social skills of officials have all their effect on whether or not people are involved in sports activities through psychological preparation. In general, the evidence shows that cognitive engagement in complex and difficult tasks that require skill resources such as having the skills to have the mental fitness and health that these skills are trained more than in other environments. And it will get the opinion of officials who have these skills themselves. The behavior of officials and their level of social responsibility can lead to increased psychological preparation in individuals. Explaining the relationship between social commitment and acceptance of the consequences of behavior with the psychological preparation of people, it can be said that people who have high social commitment and acceptance of the consequences of behavior, more ability, and growth of their health and personal identity are safe in them. To,As a result, people who perceive high psychological control and self-esteem will be more involved in the conflict factor dimension, which emphasizes personalization and constructive participation, and will participate more in sports activities. It can also be said that the presence of officials in social skills creates a positive attitude towards sports activities and more psychological preparation in people,Because the officials who encourage and educate the people, bring up responsible people who act according to their creativity and desires to do sports activities or any activity. The limitations of this research should be stated that since the research has been conducted on all employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, care should be taken in extending the results to other samples. Due to the low research background, it is suggested that researchers in future research examine the relationship between research variables in other samples. Also, descriptive research is of correlation type, so it is suggested to use other research methods such as qualitative and experimental methods.

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Background & Aims: Mental health plays a very important role in individual relationships and its importance is shown in how family relationships and social activities and other aspects of life (1). The study of psychological issues in sports has a long history and researchers in sports have always tried to find evidence in this regard (6). Among the psychological domains and dimensions, some variables play a more important role among athletes and overshadow their athletic performance (7). This is due to the important role of psychological issues in the performance of athletes. Another thing that seems to affect psychological characteristics is physical condition and illness. One of these diseases is COVID-19, which the World Health Organization announced in 2020 that this virus is similar to the Sars virus (this virus existed between 2002-2003 and left about 8000 cases of infection and 800 deaths). and MERS virus (this virus was reported in 2012, which caused about 2, 500 infections and 800 deaths) (8). The widespread spread of this virus has caused major concerns worldwide (9). Another thing that seems to affect psychological characteristics is physical condition and illness. One of these diseases is COVID-19, which has caused disorders in people's lives due to economic, social, occupational and psychological problems (10). Meanwhile, professional athletes have also experienced major problems in their training during the COVID-19 virus crisis. This will undoubtedly have a negative effect on them mentally and will cause them to malfunction in the future. The uncertainty of the condition of some of the psychological effects of COVID-19 virus has led to the lack of evidence regarding the status of professional athletes in terms of psychological effects following the outbreak of COVID-19 virus. Therefore, the researcher is trying to answer the question: What are the psychological effects of COVID-19 disease in Iranian professional athletes? Methods: To conduct this research, which was carried out with a phenomenological qualitative method, 13 professional athletes in individual sports in the country and using purposive sampling method, 13 people were selected as a sample in the qualitative section. Then, in order to collect data from them, semi-structured interviews were conducted and coding was done in both primary and secondary forms. Results: After the interviews, the initial codes were identified that 24 codes in three dimensions of mental effects including codes (increased stress, reduced mental health, obsessive-compulsive disorder, increased anxiety, decreased attention, prevalence of depression, formation of mental fatigue, disorder) Fear, psychosis, creating negative emotions, frustration), behavioral effects including codes (creating obsessions, creating problems with sleep quality, decreased mood, insecure decision making, increased violence, decreased interpersonal emotions) and social effects including Codes (collectivism, low social skills, poor athletic performance, reduced capital, social distrust, extreme isolation and family conflicts). The significance coefficient of each code is given in Table 1. In general, the uncertainty and low predictability of this disease not only threatens people's physical health, but also affects people's mental health, especially in terms of emotions and cognition. Long-term negative emotions reduce people's immune function and destroy the balance of their normal physiological mechanisms. People may overreact to any illness, which leads to avoidance behaviors. Also, uncertainty about the future situation causes cognitive dissonance and insecurity, and when people feel the risk of illness, they behave in a conservative and cautious manner (18),However, this issue had not been carefully investigated among professional athletes, especially among professional athletes in Iran. On the other hand, one of the works that was seriously considered in the present research, and it seems that it was not seriously considered in other researches, is the social works. Social effects such as phobias, low social skills, low sports performance, reduction of social capital, social mistrust, severe isolation and family conflicts have been identified as one of the problems caused by the disease of COVID-19, which shows that It is important to pay attention to this issue among professional athletes. It seems that the fear and anxiety caused by the spread of the Covid-19 virus, along with the lack of a strong information and awareness system among professional athletes, have caused mental, behavioral and social problems in this regard. Conclusion: The prevalence of COVID-19 virus as a key issue has been able to affect all aspects of human beings. Due to the spread of this virus, all people, including athletes, have been affected from different angles. From an individual perspective, athletes suffer from physical and mental problems that can cause long-term side effects. In other words, the general condition of the athletes showed that their anxiety condition is more acute than depression. Athletes' anxiety about the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus does not seem to be as good as other people in the community, and given that the virus has not been around the world for a long time, it can lead to depression. It is not in them (7). On the other hand, social effects such as phobia, low social skills, low athletic performance, reduced social capital, social distrust, extreme isolation and family conflicts have been identified as one of the problems caused by COVID-19 disease, which indicates It is important to pay attention to this issue among professional athletes. It seems that the fear and anxiety caused by the outbreak of COVID-19 virus, along with the lack of a strong information and awareness system among professional athletes, has caused mental, behavioral and social problems in this regard today. On the other hand, the epidemic of this virus and the lack of serious attention of clubs to control the negative effects of this virus has been able to create problems among athletes in the mental, behavioral and social fields. According to the findings of the research, it is suggested to group and screen the athletes based on their psychological status to recognize the different statuses of the athletes. Also, by creating a database regarding the various dimensions of the COVID-19 virus among athletes, he improved the sufficient information and knowledge regarding the COVID-19 virus and professional athletes,And by strengthening the athletes' immune system, he reduced the anxiety and stress of professional athletes in dealing with the COVID-19 virus. Finally, by holding training courses to improve mind management skills, he promoted the knowledge and skills of professional athletes in dealing with existing conditions.

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Background & Aims: Marriage is the most important contract in every person's life. People get married for different reasons. In addition to sexuality, which is one of the primary issues, love, economic security, protection, emotional security, feeling of peace and escape from loneliness are some of the factors that lead to the tendency to get married. Many couples start their married life with high intimacy, but over time, this intimacy becomes difficult. Ellis says newlyweds are less likely to think that their love may fade at some point, and that's when boredom begins. In a frustrated marriage, one or both couples, while experiencing feelings of separation from their spouse and diminished interests and relationships, have significant concerns about the increasing destruction of the relationship and the progression to separation and divorce. Marital boredom is a gradual decrease in emotional attachment to the spouse, which is accompanied by feelings of alienation, apathy and indifference between couples to each other and the replacement of negative emotions instead of positive emotions, and as a result, negative emotions take over and lose. Giving initial enthusiasm leads to emotional attachment, commitment, and eventually boredom. Non-marital commitment is one of the effective factors in creating divorce between couples. Because one of the important characteristics of successful and long-term marriages is the existence of marital commitment, in fact, among the various human interactions, commitment is the most important qualitative aspect of a relationship. Adherence to the marriage covenant is also very important as a lasting mechanism and is one of the characteristics of successful and long-term marriages. Today, various approaches to couple therapy and family therapy have been developed with the aim of reducing conflicts and communication disorders between couples. The goal of couple therapy is to help couples cope better with current problems and learn more effective ways to communicate. However, researchers believe that couple therapy requires movement beyond existing therapies. Although meta-analyzes confirm that different treatments for couples' disorder have statistically and clinically significant consequences, other research findings show that a large percentage of couples fail to benefit from them. They eat or get worse some time after the usual treatments. So far, no research has specifically evaluated the effectiveness of this intervention on the components involved in couples' satisfaction with the marital relationship. In addition, the research conducted so far has usually been done on a couple (women or men), which is a generalization. Conflicts data. The present study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of this type of treatment on the two components of marital boredom and couples' moral commitment on men and women seeking divorce. Methods: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of method, it is a quasi-experimental in which the pre-test-post-test design with control group and followup stage was used. The present study with the code IR. BPUMS. REC. 1399. 106 was approved by the ethics committee of Bushehr University of Medical Sciences. The statistical population of the present study consisted of all couples seeking divorce in Malayer in 1398. The statistical sample consisted of 30 pairs that were selected by available sampling method and randomly assigned to experimental (15 couples) and control (15 couples) groups. Criteria for entering the study were the complete consent of the couple to participate in the study, as well as the ability to attend regular sessions, not to use psychiatric drugs during treatment, and in the case of psychotherapy or medication, at least 6 months have passed. In addition, at least one year must have passed since their marriage and they have filed for divorce, while the couples participating in the study were matched in the experimental and control groups in terms of age range, level of education and economic status. After identifying the sample group, research tools were provided to both groups and the results were considered as a pretest. In the next stage, the subjects in the experimental group underwent 12 one-hour sessions of emotion therapy intervention (Table 1). In the last step, the research tool was used again as a post-test and finally the collected data were analyzed using multivariate covariance statistical method. Research instruments included Pineas Marital Boredom Questionnaire (2003), Adams and Jones (1997) Moral Commitment Questionnaire. Data analysis was performed at both descriptive and inferential levels. Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) and SPSS-22 software were used to test the research hypotheses. Results: In the descriptive findings of the research samples, the mean age of the experimental group was 35. 86 ±,4. 42 and the control group was 32. 60 ±,7. 03. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the research variables between the control and experimental groups (P <0. 05) and the score of the experimental group in the post-test and follow-up stages was significantly improved. Conclusion: The results of data analysis showed that there was a significant difference between marital boredom of experimental and control couples. In other words, emotional therapy reduced the marital boredom of the experimental group. Also, the results of the analysis of research data showed that there was a significant difference between the marital commitment of the experimental and control groups. In other words, emotional therapy led to an increase in marital commitment of the experimental group. Since this research has been done on couples seeking divorce in Malayer city, so caution should be exercised in generalizing the results. Another limitation of the present study was the reliance on data from the self-report questionnaire that in this style of data collection, the participant is likely to have difficulty expressing their emotions and cognitions, so it is suggested to increase statistical power and reliability of the findings to collect information from methods. Use as an interview or qualitative study. The results of the present study can be generalized and applied in different situations by considering the said limitations. It is also recommended that counselors provide reality therapy training courses for couples at risk of divorce. In general, based on the results of the study, it can be stated that emotional therapy is effective on the components of marital boredom and moral commitment in couples seeking divorce, and this type of intervention can be used in counseling and treatment of couples, especially couples with conflict.

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