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Today, development has a direct relationship with communication networks, with appropriate distribution at the regional level, spatial justice, and in particular socioeconomic justice. The purpose of this study is to investigate the developmental levels of Kerman province in the communication network. The research method is descriptive-analytic and is an applied type that has been done using Topsis and AHP models and Expert Choice and Topsis Solver software, and drawings of maps have been done using Arc GIS software. For ranking of development levels, 25 sub-criteria of communication networks were used. The findings of the research indicate the unbalanced spatial distribution of indicators in Kerman province. As the cities of Kerman and Sirjan were more suitable than other cities, they were the most deprived city of Kerman province in front of the Qaryab and Ryer cities. Totally inequality is evident in spatial distribution of communication networks among Kerman province. Therefore, in future plans, in order to expand spatial justice, deprived cities should be given priority in order to provide a platform for social justice. For ranking of development levels, 25 sub-criteria of communication networks were used. The findings of the research indicate the unbalanced spatial distribution of indicators in Kerman province. As the cities of Kerman and Sirjan were more suitable than other cities, they were the most deprived city of Kerman province in front of the Qaryab and Ryer cities. Totally inequality is evident in spatial distribution of communication networks among Kerman province. Therefore, in future plans, in order to expand spatial justice, deprived cities should be given priority in order to provide a platform for social justice.

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Early decentralisation trends, changes in information technology, transport and communication led to more profound structural change as the 20th century continued. Therefore, process of monocentric city model stopped, which it focused on employment in CBD. The monocentric city model represents the base that the polycentric city model was built on. There is still no clear understanding of whether or not polycentric city is either sustainable or economically competitive. On the other hand, the concept of functional polycentric city is less well understood than that of morphological polycentric city. The purpose of this study is analysis of urban spatial structure based on the spatial distribution of population on Tehran. The approach examined is of the polycentric city morphological. Modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) used to determine the spatial analysis unit. The autocorrelation, spatial regression methods, spatial statistics, and polycentric models such as Small & Song, and cut-off have used to analyze the pattern of spatial population distribution. The results showed that the value of the local indicators of spatial association (LISA) for the three statistical periods is positive and close to one. It can be concluded that the spatial distribution of population in Tehran has spatial autocorrelation and a cluster distribution. Experimental results obtained from the slope of the density gradient analysis and spatial statistics showed that Tehran has been transformed from a monocentric city into polycentric, but this structure is still incomplete.

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Visual relationship between humans and the environment is very effective in evaluating the quality of the environment. Today, with the unsystematic expansion of many cities, identity preservation of their visual aspect has been forgotten and this negligence has brought irreparable ecological and complicated consequences. The main objective of this study was to improve visual quality and urban identity. Study is applied research and has been done by descriptive-analytical method, based on survey. In order to analyze the data, combination of visual quality classification (Q SORT) and the goal achievement matrix (GAM) has been used. "Buffer" command is used to estimate the accessibility in geographic information system (GIS). In order to carry out research, at first photos of 24 parks which are studied, were taken, then using a questionnaire with 100 people, ugliness or beauty standards of each photo, from the point of view of different people, was surveyed. In order to access visual quality, 16 main criteria were considered. Finally, to each of the criteria for visual quality of urban green spaces, points based on the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the criteria in the relevant space (according to GAM method), was awarded. The results of the combination of Q-Sort and GAM method was, the classification of city park on the titles "ugly" and "beautiful". So that the parks "Shahrebazi", "Afarinesh" and "Azadi", as beautiful parks and the parks "Masoumzadeh" and "Mirza koochakKhan" were as ugly Park, mentioned. Also, based on the findings, the most important criteria to improve the visual quality of urban parks are: order, legibility and scale. In the end, solutions to improve visual quality and identity of the city is presented.

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Poldokhtar an agricultural city that most people live in rural areas. This sector is the largest source of jobs in the region That depends largely on its income and welfare of rural households. However, marketing of products in rural areas low level. Products marketing is considered one of the most important indicators of rural development to improve the economic life of the villagers will be followed. The purpose this study was to investigate the problems of farmers in the marketing of rural products. The purpose of the present study, functional and perform the composition (qualitative and quantitative) is. The data gathering tool and information on questionnaires were experts. The statistical population consisted of agricultural specialists and marketing management Poldokhtar city's the central part of, which purposive sampling was elected 30 experts to conduct of paired comparisons. Products marketing obstacles and challenges rural agriculture by using expert opinion and marketing management of the central city Poldokhtar in five main categories, physical, cultural, financial, market structure and development barriers and obstacles were under twenty-five. For identify these barriers also to quantify relationships between weight and importance of the Analytic Network Process(FANP) be fuzzy. Results obtained of the proposed model indicate that among five main obstacle marketing of agricultural production, the most important barriers respectively related to lack of physical infrastructure (0/316), cultural barriers (0/217) and lack of resources financial (0/174) and in the following obstacles respectively related to lack of processing and packaging industries, farmers and middlemen and speculators is a lack of awareness. So in order to decline in barriers to agricultural marketing by authorities and relevant agencies, should additional support in this regard That the most important agro industries in this region.

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Given the importance of knowing the landslide volumes in watershed management, this research was conducted in order to determine the best model to estimate the landslide volumes based on the area, and to compare the empirical relationship derived from this research with other empirical relations obtained in the world. For this purpose, the area, volume and depth features of 18 landslides of Chahardangeh Basin was firstly prepared and then the location and area of 485 landslides were identified using Google Earth satellite images of this study area. Then, the relationship between the area and volume of landslides, measured by 10 models of curve estimation, were evaluated during field operations, and the models were compared and evaluated using the values of R2, F-statistic and S. SE. In the next step, the amount of volume and depth of landslides of the area were calculated using empirical correlations obtained in this study and other relations presented in the literature, and they were compared and evaluated with the observed data. The results showed that the power law with R2= 0. 8 and Sig = 0. 00 has lower S. SE than other models, and provides the best fit to the observed data. Also, the estimated volume values with this relationship fit rather well with observed values. The estimated depth using Whitehouse (1983) and Imaizumi (2007) with 7. 89 m and 7. 09 m, respectively, was close to mean of observed depth with 7. 60 m. The average depth of 18 Landslides used in the model with a depth of 5. 76 meters is very close to 485 landslides which have been detected in the area with an average depth of 5. 64 meters.

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Physical characteristics such as height and topography of basin; direct and indirect effects are important on erosion process. Soil is one of the most important natural resources of each state, so it is one of the fundamental threats and problems of modern civilized man. In choosing a model for the evolution of the basin, hypsometric curves as a measure considered attending. Hypsometry actual and theoretical undimensional curves, including methods that allows three-dimensional analysis of the area to the user. The placement of these curves to each other, the positions of the sediment and erosion and eventually it becomes clear area. In order to analyze the situation and identify the developmental status of erosion and sedimentation basin with a comparative view, in the Nachy and its sub-basin level, tables and hypsometric undimensional curves are calculated, plotted and compared. Evaluate and analyze the erosion in sub Gagel showed that in the upstream sub-basin, which actual curve is located above the theoretical curve in this part of sub-basin which marker deposition. This process from height of 2100 meters to height of about 1900 meters continues. In the following, the theoretical curve is at the top of actual curves that indicate the status of erosion for this part of the sub-basin. This process continues until height of about 1500 meters which at the height of two curves close together and equilibrium is created. Compare the three sub-basin, Anjiran, Darehvaran and Gagel showed that sub Anjiran, can be placed in rows of basins in relative equilibrium. Gagel sub-basins to equilibrium compared with other more space and we can say that compared to other basins younger. By observing the theoretical and actual curves of the Nachy we realize that the whole catchment basin is somewhat young and relatively low equilibrium.

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Monitoring the effectiveness of planning and transport policy t sihe essential needs of the transport authority in Improvement of urban transportn with ew approach of green economy, which in recent years has seen much interest in the UN, the developed countries and some developing countries. Type of this research is descriptive-analytic study. To collect data were used from library and field studies (questionnaires and interviews). Also for analysis multi-criteria decision-making models (DEMATEL fuzzy& TOPSIS) is used. The findings show that among the main criteria for research, Development of non-motorized transport with the highest weight factor and direct impact in first place with (38/36) points, the cost of accidents with a score (37/36) in second place and eventually travel demand management with a score (18/36) in third with and these factors are the most important factors in the development of sustainable transport in the city of Sari. And that the delivery service, travel time, daily and cultural preservation, respectively, with scores (93/30), (87/30) and (78/30) have accounted for 28-30 Ratings; That these factors have the least impact. The main criteria are also based on TOPSIS reflects the fact that economic, social And environmental indicators with ratings (0. 9913190), (0. 721271) and (0. 693431) have first to third positions respectively in terms of experts, business professionalse and conomic stability index is the main priority for the context of sustainable transport in the city of Sari. Finally, with the introduction of ASI strategyAnd during interviews with key stakeholders in the field of transport,، Priority of non-motorized transportation at the head of the Transportation Master Plan، Increase the capacity of the streets to create a variety of public transport systems and encouraging private sector investment in the development of public transport، As important factors in the development of green transport in the city of Sari suggested.

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Natural disasters are amongst main parts of our life and they have been regarded and will be regarded as a permanent thereat to development, in other words human daily life cannot be assumed without natural disasters. The development of social life especially urbanization, and the continuing expansion of the cities also increase the importance of these issues (natural disasters and their impacts on human life) for urban governors in a way that one can claim that one of the most crucial concerns of citizens and urban governors is to find appropriate solutions to deal with these crisis. It should be taken into consideration that it is impossible to preclude these disasters but to prepare for a good reaction for these disasters can be a good solution to decrease post damages casualties to the cities. Herein, Crisis Management Supportive Bases in terms of prevention, preparation and dealing with the crisis play a key role especially in Tehran and in time of natural disasters. The advent of these supportive bases goes back to previous decade. There is no doubt that high level and efficient function of these bases has a striking correlation with the way they are located in both urban and regional level in a way that in addition to providing security of the bases especially versus disasters, they could be, based on the service area, able to provide the areas of crisis with good services. According to the fact that one of the most dimensions of dealing with disasters is to help people in crisis in early hours of the disaster, and also the functional region of the crisis area is of great importance to be considered, herein, this paper tries to organize Crisis Management Supportive Service Bases in catastrophic occasions in southwestern parts of Tehran for region 18.

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Urban landscape is one of the most important issues which has been given less attention in urban planning. Along with urban growth, the areas with high visual quality have been more threatened and consequently urban natural quality has declined. So it is essential try to maintain or even improve the landscape visual quality and to include this issue in urban planners’ agenda. The goal of this research is surveying urban growth and its effect on landscape visual quality in Gorgan Township of the Golestan Province of Iran. Landscape visual quality modeling was done MCE WLC method with 9 factors including gardens and agricultural lands, rivers, vegetation type diversity, toposhape diversity, vegetation density, building height and density, urban green space; squares, refuges, boulevards (as one layer) and archaeological sites. Urban growth was predicted using SLEUTH model by developing three different scenarios including historical, managed and restricted growth in beautiful patches. Urban growth ratio from 2010 to 2030 for the first and second scenarios are 2. 17 and 2. 04 and for the first and second sub models of the third scenario are 1. 91 and 1. 18 in order. So by correct implementation of urban growth policies, 323 ha in the second scenario and 2500 and 650 ha in the first and second sub models of the third scenario would be saved. It is possible to do any changes and also manage the future urban growth in this integrated model, so using this approach as a multi object and dynamic approach would be useful in landuse planning.

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Nowadays, mass production of the municipal solid waste is one of the major bioenvironmental problems. Millions of tons of waste are generated in Iran due to the population growth, increase in the number of various products and consumer goods and consumerism among citizens. Therefore, the household waste per capita in Iran and notably in Gorgan is increasing. This is a descriptive – analytical study in terms of the subject and factors, and is applied-developmental study in terms of the purpose and nature. The statistical population consisted of three districts of triad regions of Gorgan with a population of 165752 people and 48751 households of whom 382 people were selected using the Cluster sampling method. This study aimed to investigate the different factors affecting the citizens' participation in waste management. Results showed that the citizens' participation of the different districts of Gorgan is significantly different in managing the household waste and district 2 is different from districts 3 and 1 in terms of the citizens' participation in managing the household waste. Moreover, there is a relationship between the variables of the social and economic bases and household waste management. Furthermore, sex, age and literacy rate contributed to the citizens' participation rate.

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The simulated weather data for future planning in the field of natural and human resources is of paramount importance. Including the ability to forecast droughts, which in this case can be reduced with systematic planning of possible losses. In this study, data HADCM3 model under emission scenarios A1B, A2 and B1 to predict the meteorological data of North Khorasan province were simulated using LARS WG statistical dust. For this purpose, after calibration, validation and modeling data on selected stations, data base model in terms of compliance with simulated values (2012-1993-2032-2013) using three criteria Root Mean Square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and mean bias error (MBE) were evaluated. Using indices SPI and RDI to get wet and drought periods during the simulated under the scenarios B1, A2, A1B was developed. . The results show that the frequency of droughts over the forecast period under all three scenarios compared to the baseline and annual month-long scale using SPI and RDI decreased to indicates % of the occurrences on the other hand grew wet. The highest frequency of normal class time devoted gained in both scale. More from the base period of the indices using SPI and RDI is predicted. Drought and climate phenomena will be appointed as part of the climate of a region. It has features that separates it from other natural disasters. Drought long-term shortage of rainfall in the period so that the moisture in the soil, causing reduced water flow And thereby disrupt human activities and natural life plants and animals. From a cognitive point of view of climate, when the rainfall received in a place in a certain period of time is less than average precipitation location, we are faced with drought (spunky, 1374).

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Analysis of performance relationships of small towns Rural hinterland(Case Study: Central district of Harsin, Kermanshah) The present research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the performance relationships of Harsin city in the development of its peripheral rural regions based on the economical, commercial, social-cultural and service indicators. The research method was descriptive-analytical with practical aim. For collecting data, library studies and field survey were used. The study population consisted of 10 families in 54 villages in the central part of the city Harsin Of the 14 villages selected by Cochran formula 229 households have been selected to complete the questionnaire. The research tool was questionnaire designed by the authors, so that its validity was confirmed by some professors' opinions and so was its stability by Cronbach's alpha test at 0. 897 level. The results of this research showed that economic relations with 0. 473%, commercial relations with 0. 439%, social-cultural relations with 0. 429% and service relations with 0. 341% played the most important role in the relations of villagers with Harsin city, respectively, an issue that was confirmed by Wilcoxon test and multivariate regression. It must be mentioned that, . In conclusion, it can be said that Harsin city performance, except for health services, was positive in other aspects including economical-commercial and social – cultural. 108 items with a Cronbach's alpha of 0. 89 indicates the reliability of the questionnaire is relatively favorable. Wilcoxon test results show that significant differences between rural and functional relationship with the city of Kermanshah Harsin and there so that the relationship between economic, social and cultural exchange villagers respectively 2. 35, 2. 49 and 2. 39 most of Kermanshah to respectively 1. 63, 1. 84 and 1. 51 are. After service in the city of Kermanshah rural relations with 1. 90 to 1. 87 is more than Harsin city. In general, functional relationships with the villagers in rural relations with the city of Kermanshah Harsin from 2. 63 to 1. 86 is extensive. In fact, rural and small town Harsin BhJz health services in all fields of study have broader ties to the city of Kermanshah.

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In the evaluation of transformation of urban systems, less likely has been considered to theories such as "analyzing the role of social capital" in the quality of it or in case of investigation, comprehensive analysis and utilization of basic indicators about the concepts of "social capital" and "quality of life", especially about small cities. Thus, the aim of this research is the evaluation of life quality in the small cities of Gilan Province with emphasis on six cities: Amlash, Masal, Talesh, Rezvanshahr, Siahkal and Foman. The research was descriptive and analytical, documentary based on library studies, field survey and strategic analysis. Finally, by using the model of strategic planning with SWOT, weighting to each variable were presented and appropriate strategies based on space. The results showed that the overall average physical-spatial characteristics in the study area on the views managers are 2. 84, on the bases of citizens are 2. 36 and on the views of the urban elites are 2. 41. Also, among citizens and urban elites, sub-indicators: participation (2. 86) and green spaces (2. 97) have the most points to the index of quality of life. In addition, according Pearsonian correlation that used for improvement of quality of life's indicators and social capitals, there is positive relation between these indicators and scales of selected cities In the evaluation of transformation of urban systems, less likely has been considered to theories such as "analyzing the role of social capital" in the quality of it or in case of investigation, comprehensive analysis and utilization of basic indicators about the concepts of "social capital" and "quality of life", especially about small cities.

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In recent decades, increasing urban population and urbanization Numerous problems including congestion problems growing cities, housing shortages, damage to urban areas and increasing social and health inequalities, on a large scale, was among the residents. Concerns and worries arising from this phenomenon caused to several approaches to provide favorable conditions of life for present and future generations to be raised one of the important approaches, approach a healthy city. The review and evaluation of healthy city indicators in various areas (province, city and town) can be an effective step in planning sustainable urban development. This study aimed to assess the urban settlements in Golestan province has been done in terms of indicators of healthy city the method of cross-functional purpose. The population of the 14 city of Golestan province is based on 1390 statistics. To assess the health of the 50 indicators have been used in four sectors of health, environment, socio-economic and health. To express the relative importance of each of the indicators is used of ANP and the analysis of data and analysis of Prometheus model Gaia. The results show that urban areas GALIKESH city with points (271/0) is quite high, Gaz points (220/0) have, Kordkoy (141/0), Rami (110/0), stigma (106/0) and Minoodasht (033/0) is relatively high, Maravetappe (002 / 0-), Aq Qala (004 /-0), Turkmenbashi (105 / 0-), Aliabad (112 / 0-), Gonbad (131 / 0-) and Gomishan (147 / 0-) not important Free Gorgan, respectively, points (182 / 0-) and (197 / 0-) city was completely unknown Indicator of Healthy Cities in Golestan province.

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