Today, in the global economy, customers determine the survival of the company. Companies can no longer be indifferent to the expectations and demands of customers. However, consumer pessimism is a growing phenomenon that has negative consequences for both companies and consumers. Therefore, the current research seeks to find the answer to this research question: What are the factors affecting consumer pessimism? For this purpose, the meta-synthesis method was used. In this research, 540 authentic scientific texts in English were identified and extracted between 2000-2022, and 60 research titles were used using the Critical Appraisal Skills (CAPS) method. To analyze the research literature, a systematic review (meta-synthesis) method was used. After studying and extracting the text, the key codes were extracted and clustered with Max QDI software and arranged in the form of concepts and components. The findings of the research showed that the main components affecting consumer pessimism include 18 main factors and 117 core categories. The main factors affecting consumer cynicism are demographic factors, personality factors, cultural factors, social concerns, bitter experiences with the company, risks affecting consumer cynicism, perceived injustice, the negative burden of individual emotions, mental and psychological disorders, deceptive company behaviors, unethical behaviors of the company, the incorrect performance of the company, advertising factors, pessimistic social attitude, negative view of the company, attention to the environment, customer's behavioral characteristics, and customers’ bargaining power. Introduction Nowadays, the importance of consumer behavior in various economic, social, and cultural industries is undeniable (Jafari Haftkhani & Mohseni, 2020). Understanding consumer behavior deeply seems unlikely without knowing the factors that affect their behavior (Ghafourian Shagerdi et al., 2020). Therefore, identifying the factors that influence the intensity of consumer behavior is essential (Karimi et al., 2022). Consumer skepticism reflects the belief that companies have little honesty in dealing with their customers (Muncy & Iyer, 2020). In marketing, research on skepticism focuses on related structures such as doubt in marketing causality and distrust in advertising communications (Webb & Mohr, 1998,Boush et al., 1994). Skepticism is, in fact, a powerful tool for skeptical individuals that helps consumers reveal hidden aspects and facts of marketing (Arli et al., 2017) and see manipulations and abuses behind persuasive efforts. Thus, customers can behave in a way that challenges marketing theories such as satisfaction and loyalty (Acikgoz & Vega, 2022). Materials and Methods This research is qualitative in nature and applied in terms of its objectives, and falls under the category of document-library studies based on the method of data collection. The aim of this study is to identify the factors affecting consumer cynicism, using a meta-synthesis approach to examine articles in the field of consumer behavior and attitudes and factors contributing to consumer cynicism, and extracting effective factors from relevant articles. The statistical population of the research consists of credible and relevant articles on the subject from 2000 to 2022. In this study, a seven-step meta-synthesis method by Sandelowski and Barroso (2006), which is one of the most important and valid meta-synthesis methods, was used for analysis. Research Findings The research findings showed that the main components affecting consumer pessimism in the automotive industry include 18 main factors and 117 core issues. The main factors affecting consumer pessimism are demographic factors, personality factors, cultural factors, social distractions, bitter experiences with the company, hazards affecting consumer pessimism, perceived injustice, negative emotional burden, mental and psychological disorders, fraudulent company behaviors, unethical company behaviors, incorrect company performance, advertising factors, social pessimism, negative attitude towards the company, attention to the environment, customer behavioral characteristics, and customers’ bargaining power. Discussion of Results and Conclusions By systematically reviewing research on consumer cynicism, it is evident that demographic factors play an important role in shaping individual behavior (Göktaş, 2019,Liu et al., 2022). On the other hand, personality factors refer to those derived from an individual's personality (Liu et al., 2022). Other important factors in consumer cynicism include cultural factors (Abraham, 2000,Liu et al., 2022), social concerns (Vahedi Moakhar et al., 2018,Liu et al., 2022), bitter experiences with a company (Li et al., 2019,Sadiq et al., 2021), perceived risks of consumer cynicism (Roux, 2007,Bashir, 2011,Liu et al., 2022), perceived injustice (Çetinkaya et al., 2018,Swalwell, 2018), negative emotions (Abraham, 2000,Baumeister, 2002,Liu et al., 2022), mental disorders (Holt, 2002,Helm, 2004,Çetinkaya et al., 2018,Liu et al., 2022), deceptive corporate behavior (Wanous et al., 2004,Gillani et al., 2011,Göktaş, 2019), unethical corporate behavior (Holt, 2002,Chylinski & Chu, 2010,Vahedi Moakhar et al., 2018), incorrect company performance (Brown & Cregan, 2008,Lee et al., 2009,Li et al., 2019), advertising factors (Chylinski & Chu, 2010,Swalwell, 2018), social pessimism (Güven, 2016,Vahedi Moakhar et al., 2018,Sadiq et al., 2021), negative attitude towards the company (Güven, 2016,Swalwell, 2018), attention to the environment (Vahedi Moakhar et al., 2018,Sadiq et al., 2021), customer behavioral characteristics (Vahedi Moakhar et al., 2018,Liu et al., 2022), and customers’ bargaining power (Vahedi Moakhar et al., 2018). In general, the practical applications of this research can be discussed in three main axes. Firstly, automobile companies can provide the necessary conditions for reducing consumer cynicism based on the extracted factors. Secondly, consumers and customers can make appropriate decisions when purchasing and consuming based on the identified factors related to cynicism. Thirdly, attention to the extracted factors in this research leads to increased customer participation and interaction, not only leading to the development and improvement of company activities but also increasing competitiveness.