Background: Pregnant women and their fetuses are likely to represent a high‐risk population during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic. The present study was designed aiming to evaluate the maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19 with D-dimer levels. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive analysis, blood samples were collected from patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID‐19 for evaluating D-dimer levels. The descriptive statistics are used to give more information using SPSS software. Results: The flowing mean scores were obtained: age (30. 99±5. 66 y), gravidity (1. 89±0. 92 %), parity (1. 38±0. 63 %), and gestational age (24. 39±10. 6 w). Of 106 eligible pregnant women, 28. 3% were receptive in the first trimester, 28. 3% in the second trimester, and 43. 39% in the third trimester. Our study showed RT-PCR test and HRCT chest scan to be positive in 91. 5% and 63. 2% of cases, receptively, with clinical suspicion and symptoms. The most common maternal and fetal outcomes included cesarean section, abortion, preterm labor, meconium, pulmonary embolism, prelabor rupture of membranes, and hypertension. The mean level of D-dimer in patients was 852. 14±915. 08 mg/L. Reference ranges for D-dimers level increased in the trimester order. In pregnant COVID-19 patients, about 79. 25% of cases were out of the conventional normal threshold of D-dimer values. Conclusion: The majority of complications were observed in the positive D-dimer levels. D-dimer level elevation continues to be a sign of poor prognosis in pregnant patients with COVID-19.