The relationship between TRIPS Agreement and Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is part of a broader relationship, that is, the correlation between Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) together with the World Trade Organization (WTO).In spite of growing attention to biodiversity and its importance for human survival, there is a conflict between TRIPS Agreement and CBD. The environmental patents, such as biological and microbiological processes, micro-organisms in the framework of TRIPS, the possibility of environmental patents and ignoring the rights of countries, which are the origin of genetic resources, are the most conflicting issues. TRIPS, without observing the objectives of the CBD, has authorized patent to inventions using genetic resources. In addition, the registration of some areas, such as biotechnology inventions, is allowed without considering the adverse effects on biodiversity. The continuity of this situation threats the world’s biodiversity. In addition to comparing the controversial matters in these two documents, this article examines the current approach and presents some solutions by focusing on TRIPS.