In order to -evaluate the environmental effects and estimate the genetic parameters for mean of birth weight, average daily weight gain, from 3-6 months, weight of 3 months old, average weight gain of 6-9 and 12 month old in Moghani sheep, data of 1831 lambs, 83 rams and 555 ewes were recorded in the flock of Jafar Abad sheep breeding station in Moghan from 1992 to 1997. Data were subjected to analysis which consisted of fixed effects of parturition number, year of birth, sex and lamb birth type. Random effects in the model were sire and animal effects. Year of birth had significant effects (P<0.001) on all growth traits, with greatest effect on yearling weight. Except of yearling weight and daily weight gain of 3-6 months old, parturition number had significant effect (P<0.001) on animal performance traits. Birth type had also significant influence (P<0.001) on all studied characters, but this relationship was not observed in daily weight gain of 3-6 months. All studied traits were statistically affected by sex (P<0.001) and mean of observation were higher in male lambs as compared to females. Heritabilities of traits were estimated by sire model with Henderson method III and animal model using REML method (DF- REML algoritm). Using the first method of analysis, estimated heritability for birth weight, weaning weight, 6-9 and 12 month weight and daily weight gain of 3-6 and 6-9 months of ages were: 0.097±0.041, O.068±0.042, 0.078±0.046, 0.089±0.065, 0.079±0.099 and 0.074±0.041, 0.071±0.044, respectively. However, for the above mentioned traits, using DF-REML method, estimates of 0.112±0.061, 0.084±0.045, 0.099±0.047, 0.101±0.052, 0.085±0.079 and 0.093±0.089, 0.083±0.053 were abtained. Genotypic, phenotypic and environmental correlations were estimated by sire multiple trait model. Estimated genetic correlations between daily weight gain from birth up to 3 and 6 month of ages were 0.827 and 0.766, respectively. However, the genetic correlation between birth weight and 3-6 months old were 0.636, 0.453, respectively.