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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Discussion about earthquake to reduce its casualties and damages is very important, especially in the Seismicity area like Iran that the occurrence of this natural phenomenon is seen annually. Anomalies detection before earthquake is an important role for earthquake prediction. Ionosphere changes that recognition by remote measurements (such as using global positioning system) are known as earthquake ionospheric precursors. In this study two data sets from the ionospheric total electron content (TEC) derived from the GPS data processing by Bernese software used for two studies, Ahar earthquake, East Azerbaijan (2012/08/11) and Kaki earthquake Bushehr (2013/4/9) and the results were compared with data from global stations. Because of the nonlinear behavior TEC changes in order to predict and detect changes of that, integration of neural network (using multilayer Perceptron (MLP)) with particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) is used. Particle swarm optimization algorithm performance based on the population and can be effective on improving weight estimated by artificial neural network. By analyzing the causes of ionospheric anomalies such as the geomagnetic field and solar activity and remove them from the process, the results indicate that some of this anomalies caused by the earthquake and using intelligent algorithms could be useful for the prediction of nonlinear time series. The output of the integration of artificial neural network and PSO shows that both positive and negative anomalies occur, the anomalies before earthquakes often occur close to the epicenter and in 3 days before the Ahar earthquake and 2 to 6 days before the Kaki earthquake are visible.

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Mobile devices are widely used and they are providing people with needed information anytime and anywhere. One of the most important mobile applications is related to the navigation and other GIS capabilities. The development of mobile applications needs to be adapted with the special features and limitations of this computing environment. Looking in this direction, we present a context aware mobile map representation which used the dual graph of street networks for automatic simplification and generalization of streets in various contexts. For this purpose, after the introduction and selection of context factors, the degree of dual graph nodes are used for automatic generation of maps with fewer details. We will show that we could increase the capability and efficiency of mobile GISs by using dual graphs, because by using that, the structure and the topology of street network could be maintained in generalization process.The proposed approach is validated by a case study applied to a region of Tehran city. The case study clearly showed the benefits of usingdual graphs in mobile map applications.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Caspian sea like all, seas and great lakes that affected by hydrodynamic phenomenal such as storm surge, wave and wind setup, wave run-up and resonance is always turbulent. In this research, air pressure and zonal and meridional wind are examined in Bandar Anzali, Bandar Noshahr, Bandar Sadra (Neka) and Ashuradeh island water level stations. Thus, the hourly sea water level data of those stations for the period of (2000-2003) and also hourly wind (Zonal and meridional wind) and pressure data on sea body in the same period with temporal resolution of 6 hours and 0.25 degree (25 km) are used. To study the influence of these components (Air pressure, Zonal and meridional wind) on sea water level data, the networks of 50×50 till 250×250 km. (the sequence of 50 km) were developed in the main body of the sea. To determine the coefficients of air pressure and Zonal and meridional wind the multiple linear Regression model is used and the results for each station were calculated monthly. In the wider field, calculated and observed sea water level data will be more correlated. For example the maximum correlation coefficient at net work of 250×250 km, for Bandar Anzali and Bandar Noshahr stations respectively are 0.86, 0.91 in Nov.; for Bandar Sadra (Neka) is 0.89 in Mar. and for Island Ashouradeh is 0.87 in Apr.

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Modeling of urban growth and changes in land use are an integral part of planning for sustainable development. The present research intends to model growth of the Tehran metropolis city in temporal and spatial distribution. Therefore, using temporal Landsat satellite images, land use maps for the years 1988, 2002 and 2013 object-based approach have been classified. The next step for this two periods, 1988-2002 and 2002-2013 land cover changes, In terms of quantity, trends and changes in spatial distribution was analyzed. For this purpose, first, using logistic regression model the effective variables in relation to urban growth, included fourteen variables in both the natural-environmental and economic - social variables in the period 1988 to 2002 studied and quantitative effects of those was calculated and the map of urban growth potential was produced. Evaluation of logistic regression Performance using two indexes Pseudo R2 and ROC with respectively values 0.32 and 0.89, indicating a good fit of the regression and the appropriate descriptive capabilities. In the following, area of changes for the expected year using Markov chain analysis was quantitatively calculated. Finally, the output of the logistic regression model and Markov chain analysis, using the cellular Automata model, urban growth for 2013 was also modeled. Comparison 2013's simulated image with 2013’s classified image shows used model with 93 percent accuracy for area and Kappa coefficient 0.87 has been a successful model. Accordingly the same model was used for estimating urban growth in 2025 by using classified images of 2002 and 2013.

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A feature of the tribal and tribal communities and tribal structure is usually "Khishavand gerayi". Heterogeneity in terms of ethnic groups, minorities and geographical diversity usually reduces the national integration of the government. The present research, aims to study the role of clan-oriented traditions in the level of social security of the citizens. The methodology used in this research is descriptive-analytical and practical-theoretical. The information was gathering by library research and field research; questionnaires were distributed and interviews were done with residents of Izeh. The population of this research includes all citizens above 15 in Izeh. A sample of 348 individuals is obtained through Cochran formula. And finally, the information was analyzed with thespss software using Pearson and Spearman test. The results are presented in the tables. GIS software for map editing Helping take. The results show that 52.6 percent of participants were women and 45.1 percent of participants were men. 36.5 percent were single and 50.9 percent were married. 55.2 percent of the citizens of Izeh contend that their sense of social insecurity has its roots in the tribal culture of Izeh. 40 percent of the citizens are prejudiced about their clan. 43 percent of the citizens state that tribal conflicts are the source of their social insecurity.55.2 Environment tribe town, 43.0 Percent is viewed sense of insecurity caused tribe clashes. 21.5 Percent the tribe conflicts have left where you live.19.0 Percent at the time clashes between tribes in town atmosphere do did not come and go. There is a significant direct relation between education, prejudiced opinions about ethnicity, and sense of social insecurity. And, there is negative significant relation between having tribal prejudices and feeling socially insecure.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Today, landuse planning is the most important field of urban sustainable development and is the main priorities in the urban planning and urban planners and administrators that have special considerations to observe this principle in planning and implementing urban plans. Therfor efficient methods have been devised which can be helpful for planners in optimal decisions. In this study, additional to exploring theoretical perspectives, the use of this efficient technique in the context of planning for urban landuse applied. The study also utilized planning support systems such as "what-if" that is one of these methods, used as a dynamic scheduling system based on the GIS. In this method three stages of analysis capability assessment of land, demand forecasting for urban land uses, and the land allocation to the land use demands are employed, and the various shapes of future in each region were analyzed through different scenarios appropriation. Finally with the formation of UAZ layer and weighting with AHP method, the best places for deploying required uses was proposed in the forty seven district in Zahedan as the final map in order to provide municipal services. the obtained findings from the produced maps of performance radius and incompatible is indicated this point that the level of services delivery and facilities of municipal for the residents of this district compared to the the current standards inside the country, is inappropriate. In order to optimize the new uses based on the standards and items that must be contained, these parts and functions were suggested and were produced in the form of map which should be used as priority for deployment of new landuses in these districts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Wind is one of the main climatic parameters that can formed the climate of a region. So the temporal changes of this parameter can affect the global and rigional climate. The declining trends of surface wind reported by previous studies generally are small but, it is still important to assess the distribution of the trend of wind speed at the continental to global scale in order to better understand the causes of the trend. In this study, a 50-year wind speed data (1961-2010) was used to predict the wind speed over 34 stations in Iran.The results showed that the Holt-Winters model can very well predict the wind speed in the country. The determination of coefficient varies between 0.39 in Abadan to 0.80 in Babolsar stations. The results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the normalized residuals of model showed that the model residuals are normal in most of the stations that show the suitability of the model to estimate and predict the wind speed in Iran. The results also showed that the wind speed at the stations located in the western and central regions and some northern stations will decline in 2020. The station is located in the eastern half and southern Alborz will be an increasing trend. In other words we can say that, the wind speed in most arid and semiarid regions of the country in the future will increase, while moderate and mountainous areas in western parts of the country will experienced a decreasing wind speed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In order the rapid extraction, land use maps, remote sensing technology has been recognized as an efficient technology to provide satellite images enabling the extraction provides maps land use. Satellite remote sensing images in different temporal power modeling and monitoring changing environmental conditions that made it possible is an important step in the management of natural resources. The basic knowledge object-oriented classification the method based algorithm, an efficient the method for classification of satellite images, in addition of spectral data, satellite images, facilities for the use of environmental information and the physical and geometric characteristics of the land surface phenomena provides The present study aimed to evaluate the increase accuracy of classification utilize algorithms and fuzzy The basic knowledge maps use / land cover done. In this Study To evaluate and compare methods for object oriented classification of satellite images using fuzzy algorithms and object-oriented methods based on the fuzzy algorithm, Alos Landsat satellite images were used to AVNIR2 sensor and Maragheh city maps and land with both of these methods have been used. The accuracy of the results of the evaluate the show that land use map produced by the the method of fuzzy The basic knowledge With an overall accuracy of 93.28 in comparison with land use map produced by the object-oriented the method using fuzzy algorithm with accuracy 88.06% of the credit is more according to the nature of this study was to compare the results to identify optimal methods are important in the production of land-use mapping And maps produced for performance agencies (such as agriculture, natural resources, etc.) are of high practical value.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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