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The infallible Imams have been selected religious leaders for the human society, who explained the message of the divine prophets and were guides for people. A large of part of their efforts has been devoted to the cultural development of their own era. After Imams passed the ups and downs of the aftermath of the death of Prophet Muhammad, and after Imam Reza accepted the role of the Crown Prince of Al-Ma’mun and Imam’s martyrdom until the absence of Imam Mahdi, the ninth, tenth, and eleventh imams played this important role. The present article purports to examine the cultural polices of these Imams in this period.This research has collected the necessary information based on documentary and library methods, and has analyzed it in accordance with the cyclic model of policymaking. According to this model, analyzing the cultural policies involves identifying the problem, designing and selecting the ploy, and finally evaluating that policy. The cultural issues of this era have been classified in three groups: the issues of caliphate, the issues of public culture, and the issues of Shiite culture. Then, the cultural policies of the Imams of this era have been analyzed. These policies have influenced the fundamental layers of culture (beliefs and values) as well as the behavioral layers.

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The present research was performed by analysing Imam Reza educational method relying on predicate of Imam Reza. The method of research is applied by conceptual and documentary analysis method. The statistical society is textual and consists of all concepts pertain to Imam Reza Educational method in the predicate of that Holiness which was performed in regard to research question as targeted. The research findings showed that Imam Reza educational method covers easiness techniques like clustering of contents, short sentences and using stories, interesting techniques for audiences like emphasize upon importance of content, use of verbal words and use of punishment and reproof words, subjective methods like citation of example and similarity and question and answering on elementary question by Imam Reza and its respond by the pupils by confirmation, correction and complement it by Imam, citation of probable questions and its responds by Imam and citation of elementary question by pupils by its respond by Imam. The result is that among said methods, question and answer is so important. Thes method which has been used by Imam Reza caused questioning spirit in the audiences and increased stimulation of learning and participation of pupils in education process by enhance thinking faculty, deepening and extension of educational angles.

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Most researchers in studying and investigating Imam Ahmad Ibn Mousa reputation and the history of his shrine discovery have only relied on historical documents, so in this paper with emphasis on poems of 8th-10th centuries, evolution of considering his shrine and reputation has been investigated, also the first merits of Ahmad Ibn Mousa have been derived and analyzed in Persian poetry.One of the findings of this study is that by the end of 8th century, no clear reference to his shrine is found in poets’ collection and in 9th century, Shahdaei and Mansour Hafez have composed the first verses in his virtues and in 10th century by developing the building of the holy shrine, Ahli Shirazi has presented new descriptions of the name and shrine of the Imam in his poems. According to the poems, in 9th century, he was called Ahmad Ibn Mousa al-Reza and in 10th century, he was famous as Seyedsadat and Shahcheragh.

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Regional and Urban design in context, is based on attention and respect for valuable contexts. This topic with dynamic, flexible and comprehensive process to historic, cultural, social, economic, physical and environmental aspects can be improve environmental qualities and suitability in cities and regions. Imam Reza Journey to Iran one of the most valuable Iranian contexts as a largest cultural events in Iran History. Concepts and contents related to Imam Reza in Path and cities can be explained in contextual urban design. Attention to these contents in Imam Reza journey path such as Architectural, cultural social, natural and land uses phenomenon can be upgrade the Iranian and Islamic origins specially Razavi environmental Identity. Thus the aim of this paper is analyses and recognition of Imam Reza journey path in Iran approaching sustainable and Islamic urban development. This research has done with historic, analytical and Interdisciplinary research methods. The results of this research shows; that creation Razavi cultural path on integrated structure required to upgrade of infrastructure in different aspects. These requirements contains public transportation, welfare, recreational, hygienic, safety, security, guideline signs and symbols. Also integration between sporty, recreational and truism plans with Imam Reza path such as sporty competitions in that path are effective to Razavi approach. Usage of vernacular signs and symbols such as Razavi entrance, aghakhaneh, Negharehkhaneh and Negghareh ceremony and other cultural-architectural monuments can be improvement Razavi cultural escapes. Also Razavi Stations in that path, Islamic architecture and urban design is useful to achieving aims of research. Contextual urban design approach in Imam Reza journey path will be one of the most effective strategies to Iranian and Islamic development in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this article is to analysis the concept of greed and explain examples.In this research with the scientific authority of Imam Reza (AS) sayings, concept and extentions of greed and its kinds is inferred from the Razavi texts. Main problem of this paper is discovery of Functions and instances of “holy greed” in expressing OF ALIME – ALE- Muhammad (PBUH).Research Method is Descriptive Analytical Basically and by study of traditions of Razavi (AS)The fact of praised greed and extentions and its samples will be explain.Studies and examining the sayings of Imam Reza (AS) for “greed ology” showed that in some cases, had commanded to be greedy.Imam Reza (AS) with the formula of command “EHRESOO” in a comprehensive tradition have taught, three headlines of “praised greed” to the whole world. Greed on “to grant needs of believers” and “to give happiness to believers” and” to fend off sadness from believers” has been command of Imam Reza (AS). In the paper with Contextual study of Hadith of Imam Reza (AS) and other infallible Imams (AS) is inferred and explained.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The issue of research, analysis and indicators doctrine of Imamate in traditions Razavi pillars and aims to provide a suitable framework to explain the doctrine of the Imamate is based on the audience’s comprehensive approach and achieve brighter., an analysis of the relevant reports have been examined. Based on the results of the research framework includes three pillars of wisdom, guidance and divine satisfaction and seven indicators corresponding to include “the necessity of complete divine religion, ” “monopoly leadership in rejecting the Prophet and the Caliphate”, “guidance holistic “, ” the most important material and moral characteristics of Imam “, ” knowledge of the Imam “, ” affectionate leader “and” follow the leader “presented.

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One of the important and applied subject-matters in the social life is the kind of the interaction and mutual behaviors among humans. The Quran and the Household of the Prophet (s) as the pure Islamic sources are full of valuable teachings on the method of interaction of humans with each other in different issues. Instructions and correspondences of Imam Reza (a.s.) as an infallible Imam which is attributed to the God and inspired from the divine sciences, is a solid and firm support for cognition and practicing these divine teachings.This research intends to respond to this main question: What are the main components in social interactions inspired from the letter of Imam Reza (a.s.) to Abdolazim Hasani (a.s.).What has been analyzed in this article includes cases which have been collected through a problem-oriented attitude reference to the Quran and creditable traditions of the infallible Imams in particular the instructions and practical behaviors of Imam Reaz (a.s.), though in presenting these components, this research does not limit itself. On this basis, the main components in the mentioned social interactions include: Greetings and salutation, veracity, trusteeship, leave a dispute, beneficence, affection, visiting each other, empathy, abstinence from division.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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According to Shi’ism, the infallible Imams are neither the founders of the divine religion, nor do they play any role increasing or decreasing it. As religious authorities, they are supposed to elucidate the truth of religion and Prophet Mohammad’s true tradition and seerah, which has been deliberately or unknowingly subject to different interpretations in the course of time and in different periods of history. This might have driven the prophetic seerah out of its true direction. This research, which has been inspired to investigate the genealogy of a moral teaching, dealing with the tradition of family in Razavi seerah, purports to examine the roots and sources of Imam Reza’s statements in this regard and demonstrate how the issue of family, which is currently a complicated, important, and to some extant ambiguous topic, is reflected in his words. The requirements to establish a family and the kind of relationship that can consolidate it and create a dignified and appropriate life are of concern for many people these days. In this research, we examine the reflections of this issue in Imam Reza’s language and seerah, and more importantly explore the sources of imam’s data in this respect, or its genealogy. We try to answer this question by investigating the Imam’s quotations and comparing them with those of his predecessors. The hypothesis of this research is that Imam’s primary motivation for citing the words of the Prophet and other religious leaders has been to revive the Islamic traditions and promoting religious values and also to gain support for his remarks and comments, which is necessary to make one’s words more effective and persuade the audience in promoting and explaining the religion.

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