Although Raḍ avī 's Holy Shrine is itself the source of the emergence of Raḍ avī 's culture, as well as the continuation of the culture of affection of the Ahl al-Bayt (as), and throughout the history and at critical levels, it has been a very influential religious movement in the stability as well as the spread of Shī 'a culture, but the greatness and dignity of this holy place has not been considered as good as it is. Meanwhile, what is most evident is the lack of cultural education and the pilgrimage rituals to the shrine of the Infallible Imams (as). Every year, the enthusiasts of the pilgrimage of the shrine of Imam Riḍ ā (as) offer a great opportunity to the authorities and cultural custodians of the country, which, on one hand, the love and affection of the Shiites create a very favorable context for the pure Qur'ā nic and Ahl al-Bayt culture, that the attention, planning and necessary and inclusive training, lead to the cultural development and consent of the Ahl al-Bayt (as) and achieve divine satisfaction and success; and, on the other hand, neglecting this very important issue is the violation of the right of infallible Imams and disrespect to the sanctity of these magnanimities, deprivation of dignity and lack of enjoyment of divine success. This research, based on the Qur'ā nic verses and sayings of infallibles Imams (as), and analytical method, in the first stage, intends to explain the necessity of recognizing the infallible Imam (as), and the serious need to provide higher education and knowledge about the status of Ahl al-Bayt (as), and examine the various aspects of pilgrimage anthropology, and pilgrimage impact on general culture and social cohesion; and it reviews in particular, the need to pay attention to "cultural and social requirements", and observing the pilgrimage rituals of the Holy Shrine of Imam Riḍ ā (as).