Nowadays organizing of farmers’ participation in the rural and agricultural organizations plays a vital and determining role in the process of sustainable development. Accordingly, the institutionalization of Farmers’ participation in a systematic framework due taking stages of individual motivation, socialization, social motivation and sustainable participation of the community in institutions, guarantee stability on different aspects of their life has a special status and should be considered as an efficient strategy in the agricultural extension and rural development policies. The purpose of this survey is enquiry of the indicators of sustainable participation of 138 farmers who are the land owner and the member of Farmers’ Organizations in the villages which are located in Haji Arab river basin in Sagz Abad District of Boein Zahra County. This research is a survey, descriptive (non-experimental) and correlation study and in enquiry and comparing means ranking of the studied group, the statistics of Man White Ne U (M.W.U) and Koruscal Walis has been used. According to the results of correlation among the variables, there is no significant relationship between age, education level, and land owned amount, annual income, intellectual participation and institutionalized participation of the farmers in the study. Moreover, since there is a significant difference between the attitude of two studied groups in case of ranking mean of institutionalization of participation according to membership and non-membership in the production organizations, it is suggested making benefit by participation of the identified members of production cooperatives, range growing projects, animal husbandry and poultry cooperatives in extension programs.