Coherence and integration make a text attractive and beautiful. The present research has evaluated Surah Qalam based on the coherence theory of "Michael Halliday and Ruqieh Hasan's complementary theory" with a descriptive-analytical method and has presented the number of coherence components. The results of the research show that there are 375 cohesion factors in Surah Qalam, such as lexical, grammatical, and conjunction. Among the factors of cohesion, "lexical cohesion" is used in 179 cases, of which 142 cases are related to repetition and 37 cases to conjunction, and there are 140 cases of "grammatical cohesion" in this surah, of which 136 cases are related to Referrals and 4 items are reserved for deletion. There are 56 connectives in this surah, 15 of which are related to additional connection, 13 to causal connection, 14 to temporal connection, and 14 to unexpected connection. Among this category of coherence, repetition and reference respectively have the highest percentage of coherence. Other cases of cohesion, in the order of the amount used in this surah, are the observance of an example, additional connection, temporal connection and comparison, causal connection, grammatical conjunction, contrast, and omission.