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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Life style represents the emergence of a new analytical paradigm in the field of social sciences. Mankind›s different life styles have come from various beliefs, thoughts, principles, assumptions, viewpoints related to human being, existence, goals, life, values, and human beings› behavioral patterns. The question is what the important anthropological principles are to achieve a faithful and pure life style from view of Koran. In this research, the anthropological principles of life style in Koranic texts are discussed by documentary and analytical-descriptive methods. Investigating the most effective anthropological principles of life style from view of Koran first determines the general framework and standards of faithful life style and then, in the higher stage, of pure life style. That also differentiates this kind of life style from other life styles existed around the modern world. This study achieved a kind of worldview during perusing the anthropological principles that knows human beings as supernatural creatures with spiritual needs, divine identity, and eternal life. Therefore, human beings› behavioral patterns and attitudes are supernatural and eternal and differently appear on the basis of monotheism.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present research was conducted with the aim of planning and formulating the program of communicational skills and emotional relationships based on religious teachings in order to increase marital satisfaction by the means of qualitative method (content analysis). For planning and formulating the educational program, this research took advantage of the external and internal books and essays, Koranic verses, Imams› Hadiths, and communicational skills based on religious teachings. These skills include the respect for each other›s rights, couples sincerity, peace among couples, honesty, doing the moral virtues and avoiding the moral vices by couples, remembrance of God, gratitude, soft-spoken, avoiding the mistrust, and so on. After analyzing the resources, the educational program of communicational skills and emotional relationships based on religious teachings, which has an appropriate content and construct validity, was formulated during eight 2 hour sessions. In these sessions, the following issues were considered: the awareness of marriage goals, verbal communication, non-verbal states and relations, emotional relationships, sexual relations, decision-making, problem-solving, religious beliefs, moral values, family management, and parenting methods. It is suggested that the program is used for preventive education before the marriage, couples education for preventing them from conflicts and increasing marital satisfaction, and problem-solving of matrimony.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The issue of the look at a non-Mahram with the aim of marriage is different from the prohibition of the look at a non-Mahram. Regarding the prior importance of the look for marrying, the purpose of this research is to investigate the judicial limits of the look at a non-Mahram with the aim of marriage, its reason, and ambiguous cases of this issue. The following questions also have been answered: what are the limits of allowable look? Does the permission of the look depend whether the proposer first does elementary searches about the girl and like her from all aspects or he can judicially have a look at her before doing searches? Are boys permitted to have a look at many girls in order to choose a girl with the aim of marriage? What is the reason the look at a non-Mahram is permitted with the aim of marriage? This analytical-descriptive research concludes that the proposer is permitted to have a look at the girls face and two hands, hair, and even body over her clothes and just the aim of marriage will not be enough to have the permission of the look at many girls. In addition, reasons for the permission of the look are the followings: not to harm men in paying the dowry, and to marry consciously in order to form a stable family on the basis of love and affection.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The study was conducted in order to explain the process of effectiveness of religious holistic therapy on the reduction of girl student›s depression. The grounded theory was applied in this study and the data were analyzed by Strauss and Corbin›s coding methodology. The sample included 11 girl students from Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz who were selected by purposeful sampling. They participated in eight sessions on the religious holistic therapy and after that, they were interviewed about the process of effectiveness of this therapy. According to the results, the topics of therapy content in the sessions and the effect of presence in the group were identified as the causal topics. The reinforcement strategy consisted of biological, social, mental, and spiritual aspects as well as therapist›s interest and faith, the encouragement of participants to be confident and speak in the group. The context conditions included environmental, structural, family, cultural, and individual factors and the moderate conditions also consisted of the weakness of spiritual beliefs and non-confidence. The religious holistic therapy led to the increase of reliance, faith and hope, the feeling of being active, the change of attitude towards to life, and performance improvement. Based on the study results, the effect of religion and the way the religion affects the process of therapy can be understood.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between religious adherence and marital conflict among the couples and compare them regarding the variable of gender. The data were collected from the sample (391 couples) which is selected from the couples in Semnan province by multistage sampling. The participants responded to the questionnaires of religious adherence and marital conflict. Data-analysis was done with the help of Pearson correlation coefficient and SPSS software. The results showed that there is a meaningful relationship between the variables of religious adherence and marital conflict as well as their subscales (p<0.05). The results from one-way ANOVA also revealed that there is a significant difference among the scores of subscales of religious adherence and non-adherence and also the scores of subscales of decreasing cooperation, increasing emotional reactions, separating financial affairs, and the effective relations among couples. According to these analyses, it can be said that the people with high religious adherence know the marriage as a sacred issue and a responsibility. They also face low marital conflict because of having marital commitment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The women’s employment out of home is one of the most controversial issues. In Mahdavi life, economically in normal conditions, woman does not any duties just housekeeping which is not only an important job, but the woman›s roles of motherhood and wifehood also have such a significant position that other woman’s roles are defined on the basis of them; thus, the viewpoint of Islam should be analyzed in the field of economic activities. The present study explains the view of Islam and Imameih scholars in this issue and provides the reasons of who permit the women’s employment and who do not. Mahdavi life style allows the women to work if Islamic principles, such as the reduction of sexual promiscuity, the priority of roles of motherhood and wifehood, and no conflict with other woman’s family roles, are observed. In other cases, there is no prohibition for women’s employment and even in some situations, the women’s social participation is necessary. This study has employed analytical-descriptive and library methods.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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