2Inexpressibility is one of the important characteristics of the symbolic language of mysticism, and the expression of intuitive secrets and mystical experiences in Persian literature has been done in various ways, especially through poetic poetic stories. Dealing with mystical stories after the 7th century - when mysticism was shaped and consolidated and passed its peak of brilliance and its theoretical foundations were formulated - is of particular importance. The purpose of the present research is to examine and analyze the selected content of mystical poems in the poetry of prominent mystic poets in the time domain of the 8th to 11th centuries of Hijri. The questions of the present research are: 1- Do mystical stories, in addition to having common features with ancient stories, have unique and specific features? 2- Were the poets of the eighth century until the beginning of the twelfth century, in creating mystical stories, merely imitators of the poets before them or were they innovative in this field? This research is of a qualitative type, which has been carried out with the analytical descriptive method, using the content analysis method and the use of library resources. The findings show that in this era, we are witnessing the popularization of mysticism and the entry of Ibn-Arabi's mysticism into the mysticism of Khorasan, and the mystic poets of this period did not turn them into mere imitators, but with a personal angle and perspective. In an innovative approach to mystical terms, they have expanded the scope of their definitions. In some cases, the stories originated from the intuitions and mystical experiences of the poet and were made and elaborated. In some few cases, the stories have weak arguments and are expressed in a vernacular manner. The use of mystical allegory, the style of the story within the story, and mystical symbols with the aim of popularizing mysticism are other characteristics of mystical stories written in this era. Also, in this period, in the works of some poets such as: Amir Khosrow, Jami, Sheikh Bahai, Vahshi and others, common and repetitive stories are rarely seen, and these poets often write the outcome of the story during the story. They did not express and leave the conclusions to the audience, but some other poets such as Sheikh Bahai and in some cases Imad Faqih have acted contrary to these poets.