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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The aim of this study is to investigate the factors affecting adoption of organic farming. The study is a kind of applied and descriptive–correlational method. The research population is agricultural producers of Alborz Province. Sample size was determine by Cochran's formula (n=200) and using proportional stratified random sampling method. Data was collected through questionnaires that developed by researcher. Validity of questionnaires is estimated by a panel of experts in University and Agriculture experts of Jihad-e- Keshavarzi department of Karaj city. Reliability was conducted by a Pilot test study and for each of its parts Cronbach’s alpha coefficient estimated (0.72-0.95) which show its suit for research conduct. Data analysis using SPSS software package show that there is a significant difference between barriers to adoption of organic farming in under graduate and post graduated level at the 0.01 level. Also there is a positive relation between attitudes, technical information and frequency of connective channels with adoption of organic farming among Alborz Province farmers.

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Agricultural insurance is the most important strategies to achieve to security of income and stability of production. This study investigates factors affecting adoption of livestock insurance in rural areas of Marand township, using Logit model. Data and information required for this study are collected using cluster sampling and questionnaires completed by 150 farmers in year 2013. Results show that 48 percent of dairy farmers are not willing to insure their livestock because of low rates of compensation, and long time high premium compensation. Logit model analysis showed that age, education level, income, number of animals, the level of awareness of the benefits, non-related job and credit facilities were among factors affecting acceptance of insurance; and all of them except age and non-related job had a positive effect on the adoption of insurance. So, informing dairy farmers about benefits of insurance may improve the acceptance of it.

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This study estimates water economic value in production of potato in 2011-12, using parametric method of production function. Data have been collected through questionnaires. Research sample includes 208 farmers and landowners in the Koredestan and Hamedan provinces, based on Cochran formula and two stage cluster sampling. In order to select the suitable function, several flexible and non-flexible functions has been checked that results indicate Cobb-Douglas production function acts better than the other tested functions. Elasticity of derived water demand for Potato crops estimated -1.95 which shows policy prices can be important factor to control water utilization. Economic value for each cubic meters of water for producing potato is estimated to be 2348.7 Rail, which it is less than its current price (1203.4 Rials). So, it suggests that in order to save water use in potato production, water value approximate to its market value.

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One of the household's economic welfare indices is their consumption mixture during a given period. The aim of this study is to answer this question that has the consumption mixtures of rural households been improved or worse during 1995-2012 compared to 1983-1995? To this end, using time series data on cost proportion of six food and seven non-food commodities, which are published by the Iranian Statistics Center, income elasticity of demand is estimated using panel data method. Using these estimates, commodities are classified into luxuries, necessities and inferiors. Results show that shares of food commodities are reduced and the shares of housing and health are increased in the rural households' consumption basket during 1995-2012. Results also show that most of basic commodities are changed from necessities to luxuries and thus, the rural households' welfare are worse than the previous period.

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The purpose of this research is to investigate the potentials of investment in agriculture co-operations in compare with other investment fields of co-operation in Hamedan Province, Iran. The data required for this research, are gathered in two steps of library study and field research by utilizing researchers’ questionnaire. The research population includes experts, working on different aspects of co-operations in Hamedan Province, among which, based on Cochran formula, 55 elite experts are selected with simple random sampling. The questioners are filled by randomly-selected experts on year 2013. The gathered data are analyzed in Expert Choice Software by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Technique. Results of the research indicate that the most determinative criterion affecting on investment in different fields of co-operation is “consistency with region's physical potentials”. Moreover, according to the results, agriculture co-operations have the second position after industrial co-operations in regard to their potentials of investment.

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Man from past had tried to established in nature so to have maximum use of the nature environment. The establishment of human settlements along the rivers, roads and delta show this claim. Human societies always thought to organize the environment and optimum use of resources, but following developments in the technology, increasing speed, decreasing distances and creation of mass communication, programming for scientific locating has been considered that includes both space, economic and social systems in optimal settlement locating. This paper aims in locating and selection of best central village of Doshman Ziyari District using Topsis model. It’s a descriptive and analytical research and gathering of date was based on library and field, interviews and feedback from people. Based on Topsis model and GIS, villages has analyzed and prioritized in six steps. Results show that the village of Dashte Azadgan with CL (rank) 0.656 is the best and first priority, the village of Dowlat abad with CL (rank) 0.533 is in the second priority, the village of Kollahsia with CL (rank) 0.335 is in the third priority and the village of Dehghap with CL (rank) 0.085 is in located in fourth priority.

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Family farming system is the most important agrarian system in Kermanshah province. The review shows that few studies have focused on vulnerability in Kermanshah's family farming system; while assessments of vulnerability can provide an important guide to programmers and decision makers on resource allocation at various levels, and it can improve public awareness of risks. So, the main purpose of this paper is to assess economic, social, and environmental vulnerability by Fledbrugge & Von Braun formula. Wheat farmers in Kermanshah province were the target population for this study. Using a three-stage sampling, 247 wheat farmers were selected. A five point Likert scaling showed that coping of farmers are less than their hazard perception in the farming, Also more investigation revealed that family farming system have more vulnerability in the environmental (mean of 3.25), economic (mean of 3.20) & social (mean of 3.11) aspects.

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Economic pressure caused production and efficiency has been considering as major goals in agriculture. Indeed agriculture is not merely a job to make money but it is a way of life which is important regards to its cultural, social and environmental functions. With structural changes in agriculture and moving towards big farms and industrial agriculture, the number of family farms is decreasing. These changes have raised questions about its social impact on rural development. This study aims to explain the importance of protecting family farms from social point of view of sustainable development. Furthermore, agricultural experts’ opinion on this matter has been examined. The method consisted of a library study with a survey research in which a statistical sample of 53 agricultural experts was selected randomly from agricultural experts of central organization of Jihad-e-Agriculture in Golestan province. Data collected through questionnaire which its validity and reliability confirmed through face validity and Cronbach’s alpha (a=.74) respectively. Findings indicated that family farming is not only a way for life but also could help to make sustainable occupation, establish social justice, improve food security, conserve environment, increase farmers’ choices, enhance value and ethical virtues and sustain rural communities. However, the survey results indicated that agricultural experts do not have a good attitude in this regard. Based on findings, it is suggested that preservation of family farms be carefully considered in the process of rural development in order to have the important functions of this way of life for rural communities.

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In desspit of governments attention for improving rural areas which have potential for rural tourism development, there is less attended to their residents' attitudes in this regard. Therefore, this study aims to analyze rural residents' attitude toward rural tourism impacts. Research method is descriptive by using survey technique for data collection. Those local households who live in three villages (Rood, Darbehesht and Ghar) were the research population. Thus, 113 households were selected as sample group by using proportional random sampling method. Finding revealed there is meaningful statistical difference between attitude toward rural tourism impacts and level of education; membership in local associations and residents' job. Besides, results of using correlation coefficient test revealed there is meaningful relationship between attitude toward rural tourism impacts and local people income and their orchard area. Finding of stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that orchard area; annual income; and level of education as three independent variable can predict about 40 percent of attitude toward rural tourism impacts as dependent variable. Some recommendation have presented according to research results at the end of article.

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Despite entering ICT in many villages of Iran, many capabilities of this technology in rural areas has not been paid much attention and exploitation due to lack of recognition of driving and hindering factors. In fact, without recognition of mentioned factors, any action would result in the loss of human and material resources. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to analyze the driving and hindering factors of ICT development in villages of central part of Najaf Abad County. The study is a descriptive and survey research. The statistical population of the study consisted of all the experts of Jihad-e Keshavarzi, Post, Post bank, communication and rural ICT offices (55 people). Validity of the questionnaire confirmed by experts’ view and reliability of research tool measured by calculating Cronbach-Alpha coefficient (over 0.9). The results of factor analysis showed that four factors including cultural - information, infrastructural, service and facilities - institutional determined as driving factors explained 73.17 percent of total variance and four factors including infrastructural weakness, cultural weakness, social-regional underdevelopment and technical- skills weakness determined as hindering factors of ICT development in villages of central part of Najaf Abad County which explained 58.49 percent of total variance.

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هدف این پژوهش، بررسی عامل های موثر بر پذیرش کشاورزی ارگانیک است. این تحقیق کاربردی و از نوع توصیفی– همبستگی است. جامعه آماری مدنظر را تولید کنندگان محصولات کشاورزی استان البرز تشکیل می دهند که حجم نمونه با استفاده فرمول کوکران و روش نمونه گیری تصادفی طبقه ای تعیین شد و 200 تولیدکننده انتخاب شد. ابزار اصلی جمع آوری اطلاعات، پرسش نامه محقق ساخته است که روایی آن را تعدادی از استادان دانشگاه و کارشناسان جهاد کشاورزی استان البرز بررسی و تایید کردند. پایایی پرسش نامه نیز از طریق انجام پیش آزمون و محاسبه آلفای کرونباخ برای هر یک از بخش های آن برآورد شد (0.72 تا 0.95) که بیانگر مناسب بودن ابزار تحقیق بوده است. یافته های تحقیق نشان داد که مانع های پذیرش کشاورزی ارگانیک و عامل های موثر بر توسعه آن در بین کشاورزان با سطح تحصیلی متفاوت (فوق دیپلم و کمتر و لیسانس و بیشتر) اختلاف معنی داری در سطح یک درصد دارد. همچنین بین سه متغییر نگرش به کشاورزی ارگانیک، میزان استفاده از کانال های دریافت اطلاعات فنی و میزان به کارگیری عملیات کشاورزی ارگانیک با پذیرش آن در بین کشاورزان استان البرز همبستگی مثبت و معنیداری مشاهده شد.

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