Extended Abstracts:Introduction: Wind erosion is considered as the most important factor in degradation of Iran desert areas in Quaternary period and at the present time, 30 million hectares of surfaces are affected by the wind (Ahmadi and Feiznia, 1999: 429). Plains vast space, inadequacy or lack of vegetation, abundance of fine particles, looseness or detachedness of particles are some of the factors that have provided necessities for the wind to form interior plains (Alaei Taleghani, 2005: 295). Vegetation limits transportation of sediments by reducing wind speed. This action causes accumulation of wind sediments around vegetation and formation of Nebkha landscapes in result. In other words, Nebkha is the result of interaction between wind erosion and vegetation. Khalaf (1995: 275) argues that morphology of Nebkha is controlled by growth patterns of plant species to a large extent. Stallins (2006, 4) states that understanding of ecogeomorphological landscapes takes place by considering ecology and geomorphology processes and feedback between them. Therefore, the type of plant species forming the Nebkha and the connection among characteristics of plant ecology and Nebkha cones morphometry are the most important topics in Nebkha sediments morphology and systematic analyzes. This study tries to rely on quantitative characteristics in geomorphology. Also, relationships among factors of Nebkhas landscape will determine yielding Nebkhas. Since several factors are involved in Nebkha morphology, this study tries to investigate the importance of vegetation in the Nebkha morphology without changing some of the other factors. In other words, by selecting a limited area of study, climatic factors (wind, rain and ...), sedimentary factors (size, grading and ...) and time is assumed constant. Therefore, changes and communications made by performances of plant species forming Nebkha have investigated. The main purpose of the research is to investigate relationship between vegetation morphology and Nebkha morphometry characteristics based on statistical analyzes.