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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Reviewing Imam Khomeini’s leadership during the imposed war, this article in the incipient context of emotions sociology aimed to respond the question that how Imam orchestrated the feelings of the masses and the armed forces to strengthen their defensive spirit during the war. Applying a content qualitative analysis methodology on Imam’s writings and words, the paper argues that the based on elements such as divine-based fledgling society, God’s invisible hand, positive fear-provoking, considering war as blessing, promise of a victory, seeking similarity with Ashura and early Islam period to release and consolidate the emotional energies into a sense of responsibility, obtaining fame and honor, obtaining spiritual strength, self-sacrifice, commitment and collective solidarity, taking revenge, and showing anger to the enemy, Imam led the masses toward resistance against the Baathist regime and eventually brought them victory.

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    20 (50)
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In this article, the less known aspect of Malek al Shoara Mohammad Taghi Bahar, contemporary great and famous Iranian poet, namely his political life in both theory and action, would be considered. His active membership and leadership in Democratic parties of constitutional era and 1940s decade parties, two lesser parties of Azadi (Freedom) belong to Ahmad Qavam (Qavam al Saltana) and Hassan Arsanjani, his representative as member of parliament in the third to sixth Iranian national assemblies, short long presence in the cabinet of Qavam as minister of culture, and other actions and activities in politics and political parties as well as his political and social thinking would be studied in the article. Although Bahar was an idealist poet, his political thought and activities were realistic and concentrated on realism and national interest. Political theory of Bahar and his focus on political realism and active support of national interest, in this analysis, has been deduced through his idea and articles in journals as well as his famous book named a brief history of political parties or decline of Qajar dynasty.

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    20 (50)
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The subject of this article is “The Influence U.S Cyber Diplomacy on the Viewpoints of Cyberspace Iranian Users (Case Study: Radio Farda Website)”. The U.S government has tried to enforce various cultural, social and educational programs to convince people about its foreign policy goals, and it is known as public diplomacy. Considering Iran’s high stance in U.S foreign policy, its Department of State launched various cyber diplomacy projects including Radio Farda website to influence Iranians. The key question of this article is: What is the Influence of Radio Farda website, on Viewpoints of the Iranian Users of Cyberspace? For this purpose, qualitative content of Radio Farda website have been analyzed and questionnaires has been used. The hypothesis is that, by comparison to the Iranian Internet users who do not visited Radio Farda website, the Radio Farda website users are more influenced by cyber diplomacy content and messages and this leads to negative attitude towards the Iranian society.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    20 (50)
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Political Islam is one of the most influential discourses in the Middle East and the Islamic world and has a significant role at the global level. In the last century, when social and political demands in the Middle East and the Islamic world reached to critically boundaries, these discourses played a powerful alternative role in social, political and security sphere. Of course, in the secular and Western approach this role has been accompanied with violence and conflict due to the contrast with the global order and the structure of the international system. Thus, many experts have described this discourse as a negative and disruptive factor in the regional and global order.In this study, we tried to formulate this discourse in the international system and the Middle East; it includes the following three major components: "The historical, identical and epistemological factors”. It is tried to answer this question that: what are the bases for political Islam’s actions in terms of epistemic assumption in the political system and international arena?

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    20 (50)
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Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis in 2011, many analysts consider this crisis to be result of a conspiracy from outside actors mainly US and Britain and their regional allies such as Israel and Saudi Arabia. But some internal social gaps Such as ethnic and religious gaps mainly Shiite - Sunni and outgroup Kurdish - Arabic conflicts had led to the outbreak of a civil war in this country. In this paper, the main question is: how does the social gaps, mainly ethnic and religious, affect the formation and growth of radicalism in this country? It is argued that there are two major ethnic and religious gap in Syria and due to inability of the government in managing these gaps and extensive foreign involvement, Syria has faced conflict and social unrest. Therefore, from the beginning of the crisis in 2011 and with the massive influx of foreign militants into the country, Religious Ethnic gaps have also been extremely deepened and led to the growth of radical groups.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    20 (50)
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The Palestinian issue is a controversial issue in Egyptian foreign policy and its significance depends on the different internal and external factors. The importance of this issue, on one hand stems from the dynamics of the international system, especially the role of the United States and Israel, and on the other hand from internal factors such as leadership and their conception of national role and active domestic groups such as Islamists. This article applying descriptive - analytical method seeks to answer this question that what is the most important factor for shaping Egypt's foreign policy toward the Palestinians after the Camp David Treaty? This article argues that after the Camp David Treaty, systematic factors such as United States and Israel, have been the most important factors that shapes Egypt’s foreign policy toward the Palestine. The role of systematic factors can be analyzed Egypt's strategic importance and its role in securing Israel and economic - military dependence on the United States.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    20 (50)
  • Pages: 

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Before the emergence of ISIS, there was an idea that the danger of Neosalafism is limited in the Middle East but it is accepted that this kind of fundamentalism threatens international security. The growing number of European citizens joining Neosalafist groups such as ISIS shows that Europe is confronting one of the most important security dilemmas after World War II. What are the most important reasons of joining the European young people to Neosalafist groups? What are the main security consequences of this phenomenon in Europe? On the basis of Casstell's theory, the process of “identity making project" in Europe could not attract European Muslims and led to creation of “identity resistance" in European Muslims and expansion on Neosalafism. The aim of this article is to examine the reasons of the Neosalafism expansion in Europe and security consequences of this expansion in the European society.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    20 (50)
  • Pages: 

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After the Cold war, Islamic Republic of Iran took advantage of “tendency toward east” as an initiative for foreign policy in order to tackle structural pressures. In the post- sanction era Iran tries hard to face the global monopolar system to ensure preservation of its political objectives. Although over the past two decades, the dynamics of Iran-Russia relations have seemed unstable and, to a certain extent, unpredictable for other players in the international arena; Iran's foreign policy got attracted to Russia due to its new hegemonic power in international system. In fact, Russia is going to be more powerful in different economic, political and military aspects, and Iran tries to ensure its national interests in cooperation with this rising power. Thus, this research aims to analyze the possibility of this kind of alliance which can benefit both parts and it argues that Iran tries to reduce structural pressures through this alliance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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