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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    14 (44)
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The following article is orchestrated on the basis of scenario-based processing as one of the main methods of future study. It tries to answer this main question that “what would be the probable direction of the Salafi jihadist groups such as Al-Nusra Front and Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISSI) in the Middle East? It seems that five scenarios can be anticipated in three categories: A) Favorable scenario: 1) the final destruction of Takfirijihadi Islamists and democratically distribution of power under the ceremonial leadership of Bashar al-Assad 2) suppression of takfiri groups and ruling of the Islamic Republic, instead of the Arabic Republic of Syria and Iraq. B) Probable scenario: 1) the elimination of Da’ash and distribution of power between Kurds, Shiites and Sunnite in Syria 2) Breakup of Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan's independence. C) Possible scenarios: 1) capturing Baghdad and Beirut government and establishing the government known as the Islamic regime by takfiri-jihadi groups. In order to keep their own entities, the political systems of Syria and Iraq should carry out reforms mainly in the political, economic and social realms.

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    14 (44)
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Currently, a major manifestation of soft power influence in foreign policy is soft power of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. As a political unite Islamic republic of Iran has an identity. This identity is consisted of national, Islamic, revolutionary, and Eastern elements which lead its behavior in international arena.In the light of soft power and values such as martyrdom, moralities, justice, independence, and confrontation with west and Zionism, Iran managed to initiate re-believing and awakening process in region and show its soft power abilities in the Middle East. In this paper we try to study the effects of the Iranian soft power on the Islamic awaking in Northern Africa specially Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya.

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    14 (44)
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Revolutions are studied from different perspectives and levels, causes of their occurrence, consequences, affecting forces and their reflections and so on. The Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979 and the Egyptian revolution in January 2011 as two major political and social changes, can be studied and compared from different perspectives and approaches. Especially, in one of them that is the Iranian revolution, led to the victory of the Islamic stream and the continuation of a political system, and in the other, the Egyptian revolution, despite initial successes of the Muslim Brotherhood, and after taking power for a year, eventually driven out of power by a military coup when public opposition expanded, and after the repression, the Muslim Brotherhood social and political activities were banned and prohibited. Now, the question is how the Islamist movement in Iran and Egypt, led to a different results in the revolution and its subsequent events. In response to this question, the hypothesis is that the role of leadership can be considered as an effective factor in the movement during and after the revolution.

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    14 (44)
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In 2001, after the international intervention in Afghanistan and the conclusion of Bon Agreement, international peacebuilding efforts were initiated in order to prevent reoccurrences of internal war and to create political, economic and social bases for durable peace in Afghanistan. Nevertheless, 14 years after the conclusion of Bon Agreement, peacebuilding process faces many challenges. In this regard, in this research these questions have been answered: what are the challenges for peacebuilding efforts in Afghanistan and how these challenges could be overcome? In order to answer these question, the findings of the research show that flaws within the Bon Agreement has a major role in failure of peacebuilding efforts and in order to advance the peacebuilding process it is necessary that international objectives and approaches be redefined. In this matter, the challenges facing peacebuilding process in Afghanistan have been elaborated and explained. Meanwhile, new solutions which are necessary to overcome the challenges have been proposed

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    14 (44)
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This paper tries to study the Recognition of royal identity in Ancient Iran, using discourse analysis. The foundations of royal identity in Ancient Iran is based on the divine order and pattern of the political system. Thus, it is responsible for all of the affairs of the ideal king as hand of the ideal intentions. The king of Ancient Iran is the most perfect representative of the celestial law implementations. This article deals with the question of the identity of the ideal king in ancient structures in order to lead the society to Utopia. This paper hypothesis argues that this identity is formed through signs such as: charisma, race, justice and truth, religion and piety, dutifulness, intellect and wisdom, strength and courage, education and teaching. The central slab, the King as a representative of the gods on Earth have stabilized these signs.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    14 (44)
  • Pages: 

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Globalization as a process or a project brings inevitable effects in the international system. One of these effects of globalization will be globalized religion. What is the globalized religion? There are different opinions among experts in this field. There can be a core of consensus about this globalized religion which is a package of shared principles and values in universal religion. In this religious context the religion that is more complete and more comprehensive would have a greater share and this religion is Islam. Submission theology believes the process of globalization provides a space for understanding the true principles of religious beliefs which can lead to human salvation in this world and the other. The main question of this paper is: what is the impact of globalization on submission theology? The main hypothesis of this paper is that globalization provides possibilities and influences for submission theology in the area of religion to form a single and unifying discourse. The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between submission theology and religious pluralism for achieving a single and unifying discourse of comprehensive religion in the process of globalization. The research method will be analytical and descriptive using library tools.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    14 (44)
  • Pages: 

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Oil is one of the main issues of concern between the KRG and the Iraqi central government which has gained growing attention in recent years. This issue has developed extensive dimensions during the past recent years which led the divergence between the KRG and the central government and deepened the existing gap increasingly. Much of the tension goes back to the mentality and concepts on which both sides have agreed according to which they try to act. In this research we seek to investigate the issue, which could be called the second crisis of Iraq’s oil, to see what strategies and plans the KRG adopts for its oil production under its own control. The hypothesis of the study suggests that since socio-political structures of Kurdistan have always evolved around the concept of "autonomy and independence", the issue of oil can be used as an economic catalyst in line with these definitions. In this study, the descriptive-qualitative method and the theory of constructivism is applied for analysis.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    14 (پیاپی 44)
  • Pages: 

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مقاله پیش رو می کوشد بر پایه سناریوپردازی که یکی از مهم ترین روش های تحلیل آینده پژوهی است، به این پرسش اصلی پاسخ دهد که «آینده گروهک ها تکفیری چون داعش و جبهه النصره در خاورمیانه به چه سمت و سویی خواهد رفت؟ به عبارت دقیق تر، جریان های تکفیری چگونه پیش خواهند رفت و کدام تمایلات مردمی وضعیت این نظام ها را در آینده رقم خواهد زد؟» به نظر می رسد در این خصوص پنج سناریو را می توان مطرح ساخت که در سه دسته بندی عبارت اند از: الف. سناریو ی مطلوب: 1. نابودی نهایی اسلام گرایان تکفیری و تقسیم دموکراتیک قدرت با رهبری تشریفاتی بشار اسد. 2. سرکوبی گروهک های تکفیری و حاکم شدن حکومت جمهوری اسلامی، به جای حکومت جمهوری عربی سوریه و جمهوری عراق. ب. سناریوی محتمل: 1. نابودی داعش و تقسیم قدرت داخلی میان کردها، شیعیان و سنی ها در سوریه 2. تجزیه عراق و استقلال کردستان عراق. ج. سناریو ممکن: 1 تسخیر بغداد و بیروت و تشکیل حکومت موسوم به حکومت اسلامی توسط گروهک های تکفیری. البته نظام های سیاسی سوریه و عراق نیز با توجه به بحران های پیشرو، به منظور ابقای خود می بایست دست به اصلاحاتی بزنند که عمدتا در ابعاد سیاسی، اقتصادی و اجتماعی قابل بحث است.

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