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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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2Introduction:  Although the pressure of care has an adverse effect on mental health of parents with children with intellectual disabilities, educational training for these children can be helpful by creating independence for these children. Accordingly, the present study is conducted by determining the effectiveness of educational training for children with intellectual disabilities on reducing the burden of care for their parents. Methods: The current research was conducted as a semi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test and a control group. The statistical population consisted of all the children under 14 withintellectual disabilities in Pakdasht city in 2021; 30 of them were selected through convenience sampling and randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups (15 people in each group). The experimental group underwent 20 training sessions, -two sessions a week for 5 hours, but the control group did not receive any training. Zarit Burden Interview was completed by their parents. Then, the obtained data was analyzed by SPSS 18 software and univariate covariance. Results: Data illustrated the significant difference of the parental burden mean scores between the experimental and control groups (F=107/535, P<0/01); so, it can be concluded that educational training for children with educable intellectual disabilities significantly impacts caregiving-induced burden. Conclusion: Educational training for children with educable intellectual disabilities in centers related with welfare organization (private and governmental), can reduce the caregiving-induced burden and its possible devastating consequences.

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2Introduction: Considering the increasing growth of the elderly population, the importance of their life quality e, and the impact of oral and dental health on their quality of life, this study was conducted with the aim of evaluating oral and dental health and the factors affecting it in the elderly of Aliabad city, Golestan province, in 1400. Methods: This was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study. The research population consisted of 216 elderly of over 60 living in Aliabad city of Golestan province in 2022; they were selected through cluster random sampling method. 128 people (59/3 percent) were women and 88 people (40/ 7 percent) were men. This study was conducted from May to September 2022. To collect data, demographic information questionnaire and Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) were used, whose Persian version was valid and reliable. In addition, the last dental visit, the number of times the mouth was washed, the need for dental treatment, and personal assessment of the individual's oral and dental health status were among the items that were collected and recorded in the form of dental information regarding the elderly. After completing the questionnaires, data were entered into SPSS version 20 software and the analysis was done through descriptive statistics (frequency distribution calculation and central and dispersion indices), one way ANOVA, and t-test. Results: In the present study, the score of oral and dental health questionnaire regarding the elderly was 49/51±8/67, which was considered satisfactory. This variable had a statistically significant relationship with the number of mouth washes (p=0/02) , personal evaluation of mouth condition (p=0/01), and the number of teeth (p<0/001). While there was no significant relationship regarding education level (p=0/26), place of residence (p=0/072), gender (p=0/56), employment status (p=0/63), income level (p=0/062), smoking (p=0/23) and the last dental visit (p=0/28),and the presence or absence of dentures (p=0/62) did not show a significant difference. Conclusion: Although the quality of life score related to the oral health of the elderly in Aliabad city was satisfactory, there is still roome to improve this score. Prevention strategies for chronic diseases and high blood pressure, re-emphasizing oral and dental hygiene, and improving related health behaviors should be considered as the most important future programs in this city. Integrating oral and dental health program in the country's public health program and creating a team to promote oral and dental health at primary care level are considered effective and low-cost solutions.

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2Introduction: During pregnancy, the marital quality and mental security of women are threatened. A woman's physical, mental and psychological health during this period has significant effects on the health of the fetus, success in natural childbirth and breastfeeding, and improving health. Maintaining psychological security, cognitive self-regulation of emotions, and the quality of marital relations during pregnancy can reduce the worries of this period to some extent. The current research aims to predicting design a structural model of marital quality and cognitive self-regulation with the mediating role of psychological security to predict concerns during pregnancy. Methods: The present study was a descriptive-correlation type using the structural equation modeling method. The study  population included all the pregnant women of 25 to 40who referred to health centers and clinics in Yazd in 2023. 275 women were randomly selected by cluster sampling method. Data was collected using Aldersey and Lin's (2011) pregnancy anxiety questionnaires, Busby et al.'s marital quality (1995), Maslow's psychological security (2004), and Garnevsky et al.'s (2002) cognitive self-regulation of emotion. Data analysis was done through Pearson correlation methods and structural equation modeling using SPSS-19 and AMOS-20 software. Results: The results of multivariate regression test showed that the variables of cognitive self-regulation of emotion (positive emotion (R=0/49), negative emotion (R=0/056), and marital quality (R=0/089) with the mediation of psychological security on concerns during pregnancy, had a direct and significant effect (P<0/05). Psychological security also had a direct, negative, and significant effect on worries during pregnancy (P<0/05). Conclusion: The results of the present study shows that the structural model of concerns during pregnancy based on cognitive self-regulation of emotion and marital quality with the mediation of psychological security had favorable fit indices, and therefore, the knowledge of these variables can help to reduce worries during pregnancy.

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2Introduction: The ability to control static and dynamic balance is an important physical activity which plays an important role in the implementation of activities, and as a result, in overweight management in children. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of mastery-oriented motivational climate (student-centered educational and sports approach) on static and dynamic balance of overweight girl children. Methods: A semi-experimental research strategy with applied purpose and a pre-test-post-test design with control groups were used. 60 girls between 10 and12 were selected by convenience sampling method and were placed in four equal groups of mastery overweight, control overweight, mastery normal weight and control normal weight. Stork and Star tests were used to evaluate static and dynamic balance, respectively. Results: In the pre-test and post-test, the normal weight group performed better regarding both static and dynamic balance, although the difference between the normal weight and overweight groups decreased in the post-test. The experimental overweight group performed better in both static and dynamic balance than the control overweight group. The mean difference between pre-test and post-test of the two experimental groups of overweight and normal weight regarding dynamic and static balance was similar to each other. This was while this mean difference in the overweight group and normal control weight was greater in dynamic balance than static balance (P<0/01). Conclusion: the mastery-oriented motivational climate approach has led to the improvement of both static and dynamic balance and can cause stability of posture and better performance of daily activities and various sports exercises.

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2Introduction: The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of cognitive analytic therapy on anxiety sensitivity and pain catastrophizing in patients with chronic pain and alexithymia. Methods: This was a semi-experimental research with pre-test, post-test ,a two months' follow-up, and a control group. The statistical population included all the patients with chronic pain in Isfahan city in 2022. Sampling was done through convenience sampling method among the volunteer patients referred to private clinics in two stages. 24 patients with chronic pain who scored above 60 in Toronto alexithymia questionnaire (1994) were selected and were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups (n = 12). The instruments included  Sullivan's pain catastrophizing scale questionnaire (1995) and Taylor and Cox's anxiety sensitivity questionnaire (1998. The experimental group received cognitive analytical therapy for 16 90-minute sessions once a week, and the control group did not receive any intervention. Data were analyzed using repeated measure and ANOVA analysis. Results: The results of data analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the adjusted mean of anxiety sensitivity and pain catastrophizing in the two groups. The mean scores of anxiety sensitivity and pain catastrophizing variables increased in post-test and follow-up phase (P<0/05). Therefore, it can be concluded that cognitive analytic therapy was effective for anxiety sensitivity and catastrophizing pain in patients with chronic pain and alexithymia (P<0/05). Conclusion: Considering the effect of cognitive analytic therapy on anxiety sensitivity and pain catastrophizing, this treatment method can be used to improve patients with chronic pain and alexithymia.

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2Introduction: Oral squamous cell cancer (OSCC) constitutes 90% of oral cancers, the most important factors of which are smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol. Early detection of cancerous and precancerous lesions and subsequent referrals are the most important factors in reducing OSCC mortality. The purpose of this study is to compare the knowledge level of senior dental students of Isfahan Azad University regarding etiology, prognosis and treatment of OSCC lesions with three other statistical communities in other statistical populations( dental students in different years of studying, the graduates , and the doctors). Methods: The present study was conducted in the academic year 2021-2022 on 82 senior students of the Faculty of Dentistry in Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan) using census sampling method. The type of study was cross-sectional and descriptive-analytical. A researcher-made questionnaire, whose validity and reliability was calculated was distributed to the students by the researcher in person. Data analyses were done and statistical tests were examined at a significance level of 0.05. Finally, other studies with the same statistical communities were also examined through Google scholar, Scopus, Sid, Proquest and PubMed databases and the results (general and detailed) were compared with the present study. Results: Of 82 students participating in the study, 47/9% were females, 80/5% were unmarried, and 74/4% were native people. The average score of awareness regarding the etiology dimension was 2/5 out of 3, while in the prognosis and treatment level, it was estimated as 3/44 out of 7. In addition, a significant difference was not observed between the average knowledge of students in both etiology and treatment dimensions, and the variables of gender, marital status, and residence status . Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the knowledge level of senior students in the Faculty of Dentistry in Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, as in many statistical communities in other studies, is far from the ideal level. In order to improve these conditions, it is suggested that students have more contact with patients and oral lesions during the course of their studies.  Moreover, more retraining courses (virtual or face-to-face) are recommended in the field of malignant and premalignant oral lesions.

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2Introduction: The high level of food insecurity in Bushehr has made it necessary to identify the factors related to food insecurity in families. This study is conducted to determine the relationship between received social support and household food security from the perspective of mothers with 7-12 children. Methods: In this controlled comparative study with a cross-sectional design, 153 mothers with children between 7-12  were selected with quota sampling method. First, First, the 18-item food security questionnaire regarding the United States Ministry of Agriculture was completed by mothers to create two safe and unsafe groups , and then, the social support questionnaire was completed by them. was completed , To analyze the results, the researchers applied logistic regression, descriptive statistics, chi-square and t-test. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: Of the 153 mothers who participated in the study, 36/6% had high-school education, and only 22/2% were employed. The families of mothers with higher education tended to be in secure food group (p=0/05, x2=10/22). Moreover, in the families with food security, the children’s average age was less than the families with food insecurity (P-value=0/03, t=-2/13). In 74.5% of the mothers, the amount of the received support was found to be high. Logistic regression showed a relatively insignificant and positive relationship (OR=1/02 and p=0/002) between the received support and food security from the mothers' point of view. Conclusion: Considering the insignificant relationship between household food security and the mothers’ received social support, other factors related to food insecurity, e.g. perceived social support and received social support in families aided by social service organizations should be explored.

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2Introduction: Aging is a period during which the physiological structures and functions of the body gradually decrease and a person experiences a significant decrease in various skills. This study aimed to compare the effect of a selected CawtorneCooksey and Frankel’s exercise course on some physical and movement factors of elderly men with dementia. Method: This research, semi-experimental and  includes 24 elderly men with dementia, living in Tawheed Golamgan Elderly Care Center of Mashhad, purposefully  based on Examination (MMSE), in to two groups ,  divided. The experimental group performed the selected exercises of Cawtorne Cooksey and Frankel, the control group did not perform any specific exercises during this period. Fullerton test was used to evaluate balance, tandem gate test was used to evaluate coordination, 10-meter walking test was used for walking speed.  used to evaluate the effectiveness of the exercises, and covariance analysis and T at the significance level of P≤0/05 were used. Results: The results of the paired t-test illustrated that   of the Fullerton advanced balance test (P=0.001), movement coordination (P=0/001), and walking speed (P=0/001) of the experimental group improved after the exercise program, while  did not show improvement in the control group. the results of the analysis of covariance in the pre-test stage did not mark a significant difference between the groups, but in the post-test stage, the scores of the experimental group increased significantly. Conclusion: It is recommended to use the benefits of these exercises in order to prevent dementia and include in the elderly care programs.

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