Investigation of multi-physics problems such as flow-structure interaction (FSI) is very important in engineering application, whereas numerical simulations of such problems have been widely conducted by researchers. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a meshless and flexible Lagrangian technique for CFD simulations initially used in astrophysics. In this method, each particle carries an individual mass, position, velocity, internal energy and any other physical quantity. Moreover, there is no special treatment needed for the free surface due to its Lagrangian nature, simplicity and capability. In this research, SPH is used to investigate the flow-structure Interaction in free surface using the open-source SPHyiscs2D code, where dam break problem, vibration of a beam and elastic gate of a tank of water are investigated. In this paper, first, the simulation of dam break problem on a dry and infinite bed are shown and the dimensionless change of wave front and height versus dimensionless time are compared with the experimental data, which are in a good agreement. Then, and after implementing the governing equations, the vibration of a beam is studied and the calculated tip vertical component of displacement is shown for different interpolation functions versus time. It was found that the results for the cubic and quantic interpolation function is within a close agreement. Therefore, the cubic interpolation function was used in this investigation, which approximates the Gaussian kernel very close while it has a compact support. Also, the second derivative of the cubic spline kernel is continuous. Moreover, using higher order interpolation function may have a disadvantage of expensive computational cost in comparison with the third order. Furthermore, in the vibration of the beam, it was shown that the use of the artificial viscosity is needed and the coefficient must be greater that 0. 8 to avoid instabilities. Moreover, using the artificial viscosity causes a decay in vibrations and oscillations. Therefore, a smaller coefficient of artificial viscosity leads to a smaller oscillation. In the next step, a problem with simultaneous interaction of fluid-structure is studied to show the capability of the method for solving FSI problems. In the previous research, the domains of fluid and structure were individually studied where the interpolation function is separately implemented for both phases and the reaction between phases were simulated using mathematical models, which will lead to a lower CPU cost. Moreover, since there is no lack of an interpolation support at the interface, issues are not encountered for the calculations which leads to increase in accuracy at the interface of fluid and solid particles. For an elastic gate of a dam problem, where the gate interacts with a mass of water in the tank, the free surface profiles are compared with available data, which were in a good agreement. Also, the Horizontal and vertical components of displacement of the free end of the gate are studied and successfully compared with available data. Also the opening and closing path of the gate are presented. In general, and after validation and presentation of the SPH results, one can conclude that SPH method is useful method for simulating the FSI problem.