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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Esmaeili Hassan

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Alexander the Macedonian, after conquering the Achaemenid Empire, founded cities where large numbers of Macedonians and Greeks settled. The Seleucids continue this policy and and found new towns for immigration and settlement of Greeks in different areas such as Iran, Minor Asia, Syria and Mesomotamia. These cities built and managed basis, according to Greek traditions and culture and had independence and internal administrative and social institutions that independently of the central government. Persian Gulf coast due to the political and cumecial situation were important for the Seleucids and they funded Antioch at current Bushehr. Well as major cities Icarus (Failaka) and Xaraks Hyspaosins the major business centers that Seleucids funded in the Persian This article Seleucid cities that funded on the Persian Gulf coast and south of Iran base on the historical sources and archaeological evidence are discussed

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The works and texts of many Muslim geographers remain in the knowledge of the geography of the Islamic countries, including those located in the territory of Islam. Among these works, we can mention the "Masalak and the Mallak" by Ibrahim bin Muhammad, Abu Ishaq Karkhi Estakhri (346 q.), Who is one of the first Iranian geographers of the Muslim world in the 4th century AH in Iran. This work, translated byan obscure writer in the fifth century AH, refers to the position of the Persian Gulf. In many geographical resources related to the Islamic regions, the Persian Gulf and its importance is named the Persian Gulf, Pars Sea and... These texts, in addition to geographic value, are historically, politically, military, economic, social, cultural, etc. of great importance. And should be seriously investigated in order to maximize theirvalue. "Masalak and the countries" is one of the early texts of the fourth century AH Which is essential for the geographical study of many regions of Iran in that epoch In this research, this Iranian Sea has been studied with the aim of understanding the historical geography of the Persian Gulf at that time.

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South-East coast of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Makran coast), one of the strategic areas of the country. The only area of ocean off the coast of the country and in terms of defense and strategic planning is extremely important. Given the sensitive and specific situation of the Makran subduction zone, many threats in various areas, including most notably military threats (due to the presence of foreign troops) for the area is expected, In order to deal with these threats, compliance issues security defense off the coast of the study area can be the guarantor of sustainable development and security. The required security considerations, rooted in the conditions geographical and topographical and morphological especially in the region. In this study, the role of morphological characteristics of the coastal area of the South East of the country, security has been stable. This study used a descriptive - analytical and data collection methods, field and library. Which means the geomorphological and topographical features of the area be recognized and their role in regional security and defense planning will be discussed.

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One of the most prominent features of culture and civilization in any age and period is the existence of the educational institution and attention to the education and training of the owners of taste and thought in the field of science and literature And this has a relationship with the political, social and economic situation in the country. The Safavid period is one of the historical periods of Iran after Islam In spite of the particular political and religious viewpoint, despite the military conflicts with the western and eastern neighbors of Iran, science was booming in this age. The education of children has first existed in the home and family from the earliest times. Families raised babies to live in the community And, undoubtedly, the social and cultural situation of the society in the low and in the bag has a special role. With the formation of the Safavid dynasty and the emergence of the historical unity based on the Twelve Shamy Shi' I Changes in the educational institutions of the community arose. Promote Shiite beliefs as well as Persian language as the general language of the people, the power of the religious scholars And as a result, it paid more attention to religious sciences, the establishment of educational spaces, the establishment and strengthening of libraries, financial backing for schools, the availability of educational facilities in some schools was one of the most important changes. This paper seeks to answer the main question that the development of science and the status of the educational system in the areas of the northern coasts of the Persian Gulf has been based on What did the Safavid kings carry out in the direction of the spread of science in these areas? The research method in this paper is descriptive-analytical and using library resources.

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Undoubtedly, the Persian Gulf and its various regions have been one of the most important regions of attraction missionaries for European Christian priests since the beginning of the Age of Exploration. The Persian Gulf has always been one of the major frontiers that the Christian missionaries of Europe thus penetrated into the Islamic society of Iran. The motivations accompanying these missionaries to Iran and the Persian Gulf, taking into account the political and social developments of the new Ages of Europe, and the essence of the propaganda centered on Christianity, are very important. The Persian Gulf is protected by the writings of Christian propagandists, including Augustine's priests and workmanship is among the centers that promise Christianity to overcome the Islamic world. Although they were aware of political and propaganda missions in their activities, they unwittingly paid special attention to the Persian Gulf and some islands and ports in their reports. The explanation of the motives of Christian missionaries to come to Iran and their special attention to the Persian Gulf region as well as its position in the writings of European missionaries in the Safavid era will be the main purpose of this article. Also, their focus on the Persian Gulf region (despite the prime-lordship of the Portuguese and consequently the Augustinian priests) as the geography of Iran and not Arabic is one of the purposes of this article. The timeframe chosen is that the relations between the Safavid government and the European Union took many dimensions in this time, and therefore the presence of European Christian priests in Iran became more colorful. The most important and most successful period of mission of Christian missionaries in Iran was during this period. In the history of the developments, this period is of great value. This paper is based on first-hand resources, including Safavid travel documents and records, as well as new researches that are compiled by a library method and presented in an analytical-descriptive format.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Industrial tourism is highly profitable and economically viable, which is very important for cultural and social exchanges between different nations due to the lack of environmental pollution today. The natural attractions of any country play a significant role in attracting tourists. On the other hand, today the institutions of the tourist industry around the world acknowledge the necessity of environmental protection more than ever before to the tourism affairs in nature and beyond. Geotourism is a branch of ecotourism, in which tourists seek to observe morphological and natural attractions. Hence, the province of Hormozgan is one of the most important southern coast of Iran in terms of tourism and has numerous natural attractions. One of the most important features that introduces this region as a place with distinct geotourism features, You can find mangrove forests, rivers and springs, seas and waves, and numerous islands such as Qeshm Island (the only geostationary area recorded in UNESCO) and also unique salt domes. In general, the purpose of this research is to investigate and identify the natural, cultural and historical potential of Hormozgan province. The purpose of the present study is applied in terms of its nature and method. It is a qualitative research in terms of collecting information based on studies and library and field studies.

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Today, the study of sustainable tourism capacity to determine the extent of admission capacity is one of the most important issues in the tourism business debate. Qeshm Island as one of the tourism destinations of the country, due to the vulnerability of cultural and natural attractions, as well as the existence of geopark recorded there, the conservation of geopark and the total tourism of the island is absolutely necessary. Therefore, in this paper, the tourism capacity of Qeshm Island is calculated through methods and models for determining the capacity of bearing and in two parts of the physical and physical bearing capacity. The results show that the physical capacity of the extensive tourism of the island is 2, 950 and for the centralized tourism is 844 people. But about the true tolerance capacity, there are 1.125 tourists and a total of 322 people for tourism. In a general conclusion, given the presence of Qeshm Geopark, whose conservation debate is very important, it should consider the capacity of the tourist board in accepting tourists, and tried to attract tourism in accordance with their own use capacity, and given the results of tourism Concentrated and extensive, tourism activities are also widely used or focused.

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Kish Island is an Iranian island in Persian Gulf which has had a significant potential in economic and tourism activities during recent decades. Kish is an ancient name, and the town of Kish had been a great capital among ancient centers in the Persian Gulf and Mesopotamia area. Kish has also an especial strategic and ecologic position due to having water sources in the area, and has experienced many historical changes because of its water resources. This island has been under attention by all local and European colonial powers during recent centuries. In middle ages, a local government of Kish called Muluk-i Kishmade the island as a substitution of Bandar Siraf, and changed the island as a trade center in the region. After the end ofMuluk-i Kish, the island went under domination of Muluk-i Hurmuz, and then, Kish was a part of different governments territories prior the rise of Safavids. By the time of Safavids and the presence of European colonial powers in the Persian Gulf, Kish Island faced with new historical transformations and placed into Portuguese, English and Dutch interests. These political, economic, and social transformations continued in later periods until Qajar and Pahlavi eras, and at the present, the island has become a fundamental economic and tourism center in the Persian Gulf region. At the present paper, the process of political, economic, and social changes of Kish Island in a historical perspective are investigated in details.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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