From the geopolitical and geopolitical geographic point of view, factors and elements of geography, and in particular geographic regions, play a role in political events and processes. One of these geographic regions is the Persian Gulf, which plays an unparalleled role in global events. This region is of great importance in global equations, due to various reasons, including energy, waterways and strategic passages, and the need to secure it for large powers, consumer markets, and so on. So that the Persian Gulf could be considered the third most important international region of the world at the beginning of the third millennium. In this regard, creating convergence in this geopolitical area and increasing its fields is one of the requirements for the development and development of this geopolitical area. In this descriptive-analytical study, this paper attempts to investigate the factors that determine the potential and actual context of convergence in the geopolitical region of the Persian Gulf. The results of this research show that the most important of these factors are: environmental issues, geochemistry factors, cultural commonality, economic factors, possession of huge hydrocarbon reserves and common interests.