In this paper, we introduce a new class of set-valued mappings which is called MD-type mappings. This class of mappings is a set-valued case of a class of the D-type mappings. The class of D-type mappings is a generalization of nonexpansive mappings that recently introduced by Kaewkhao and Sokhuma. The class of MD-type mappings includes upper semi-continuous Suzuki type mappings, upper semi-continuous L-type mappings and upper semi-continuous quasi-nonexpansive mappings. We study relationships between MD-type mappings and some other set-valued generalization of nonexpansive mappings. In the sequel we show that if E is a nonempty, weakly compact and convex subset of a Banach space (X, ‖ . ‖ ) for which every D-type self-mapping on E has a fixed point, then every MD-type self-mapping on E has a fixed point. This result gives a partial affirmative answer to an open problem of Rich. Moreover, we establish some fixed theorems for MD-type mappings which generalize some well-known results in the literature.