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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

shiri abbas

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Establishing order and security are one of the most important goals of the government in society, without which they will not be able to carry out government programs in the economy, industry, agriculture, culture and so on. In the light of security, it is also possible to realize the values ​ ​ that the government supports in the realization of justice and freedom. Criminal policy making, as a branch of public policy, discusses programs and strategies to achieve the goals of the government. In the past, the core of criminal policy making was to prosecute and punish the offenders, and to secure security and order are subject to punitive and punitive sanctions. But the evolution of victimology has gradually begun to focus on the rights of the offenders as one of the key issues of criminal policy. Criminal policy making is a set of preventive, punitive and remedial measures in relation to the phenomenon of crime. Compensation for crime-related crime for victim and victim is one of the key issues in the field of criminal policy making. Without compensating for these injuries, criminal justice systems will fail to achieve the desired goals of the state. In order to explain these goals, the concept of criminal policy making and criminal policy making, and subsequently the victimized rights of the victim, will be discussed based on the general policy of the system.

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شیری عباس

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برقراری نظم و امنیّت از مهم ترین اهداف دولت در جامعه است که بدون تحقق آن ها، امکان اجرای برنامه های دولت در اقتصاد، صنعت، کشاورزی، فرهنگ و. . . فراهم نخواهد شد. در پرتو تأمین امنیّت امکان تحقق ارزش های مورد حمایت دولت در تحقق عدالت و آزادی نیز میسّر می شود. سیاست گذاری های جنایی به عنوان شاخه ای از سیاست گذاری های عمومی به بحث از برنامه ها و راهبردها در تحقق اهداف مورد نظر دولت می پردازد. در گذشته محور سیاست گذاری های جنایی، تعقیب و مجازات بزهکاران بوده و تأمین امنیت و نظم را در گرو مجازات های سرگوبگر و تنبیهی می دانسته است. ولی تحوّلات بزه دیده شناسی رفته رفته، توجّه به حقوق بزه دیدگان را از محورهای مهم سیاست گذاری های جنایی قرار داده است. سیاست گذاری های جنایی، مجموعه ای از تدابیر پیش گیرانه، تنبیهی و ترمیمی در رابطه با پدیدة بزهکاری است. جبران آسیب های ناشی از جرم برای بزه دیدگان و قربانیان از محورهای مهمّ سیاست گذاری های جنایی در حال حاضر است. بدون جبران این آسیب ها، نظام های عدالت کیفری در تحقق اهداف مورد نظر دولت ها ناکام خواهند بود. برای تبیین این اهداف، مفهوم سیاست جنایی و سیاست گذاری جنایی و متعاقباً حقوقِ بزه دیده دربارة بزه دیدگان، براساس سیاست های کلی نظام، سند چشم انداز 1404، قانون برنامه پنج سالة ششم و قانون بودجه 1397 مورد بحث قرار خواهد گرفت.

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Institution is a controversial concept in the economic literature and after more than one century, there is still no unanimous definition for it. However, many economists have studied its role and importance in many contexts including National Innovation System (NIS). In NIS context, some researchers argued that institutions are X-efficient and X-effective but they didn't open up that much about how to measure them. In this study, using the elements of performance including efficiency, effectiveness and changeability, a typology of institutions in NIS is suggested. Since institutions are investigated in the context of a system, inputs and outputs of each institution in its relationship with other institutions are selected as the base for measuring performance elements. In order to use the suggested typology, performance elements of 8 institutions in Iran's national innovation system are measured and 8 strategies – including growth, exhaustion, displacement, layering, drift, operational efficiency, conversion and status quo-are proposed to improve the performance of each type of institutions. The results showed that accurate extraction of inputs and outputs of each institution in its relation with its next institutions in NIS and measuring its performance elements would help policy makers to identify the gaps in relational performance of institutions in NIS. Also, considering the speed of change for each institution could help policy makers to select the right time horizon for making changes.

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This paper analyzes the role of public policy measures in technological and market catch-up of some indigenous firms in the nanocoatings technology in Iran. A multiple case study approach was employed, and the qualitative data were analyzed using pattern-matching and cross-case analyses techniques. It finds that pre-commercial procurement has had a significant impact on the technological catch-up of the firms. However, without using other innovation measures such as public procurement, standards, and regulation, it is not expected that the firms will succeed in market catch-up. Thus, the study emphasizes the role of demand-side policy instruments to complete the catch-up cycle in nanocoatings technology.

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Due to the position of oil in GDP, policy-making in the Iranian oil industry is important, but increasing uncertainty in this area has led the planning and policy system in this industry to new approaches such as strategic foresight. The purpose of this study is to develop scenarios for the Iranian oil industry by 2025 and to develop strategic options on this basis. The overall research method is "scenario". In order to identify and prioritize the factors influencing the industry, a two-stage Delphi used with open and closed questionnaires, and the distribution of "critical factors" in the Wilson Matrix Was drawn. The research findings, based on the various statuses of critical factors and their "cross-impact analysis" with the help of the "Scenario Wizard software, " show the feasibility of four scenarios with strong "internal consistency". Finally, based on research findings, strategic options for policy-making in the Iranian oil industry presented.

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One of the reasons for failures and Lack of effectiveness of implementing public policies is policy alienation. policy alienation is a psychological state that lead to implementers' psychological disconnection from the policy program being implemented. Therefore, understanding the concept of policy alienation helps improve policy performance. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the existence of implementers' alienation from tax policies. This research is practical in terms of purpose and in terms of data collection, it is descriptive-a survey type with a quantitative approach. The statistical population of this study was all the tax auditors of the General Directorate of Tax Affairs of Qom province. The research tool was the Tummers's policy alienation questionnaire that its validity and reliability were confirmed. The findings of the data analysis revealed the existence of the implementers' alienation from tax policies.

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Nowadays, with the growth and development of the cyberspace, its influence and importance rise increasingly. However, there have been always two important concerns among the majority of policy makers. First, how opportunities exist in this area can be used in the best way? Second, how we can cope with threats might be existing in it effectively? cyberspace has two dimensions of content and hardware, which its content dimension is the most important. With the introduction regulatory policies, we provide a comprehensive guide map for the regulating the content of the cyberspace of our country in this paper. The method used in this research is conceptual framework that provided by Jabarin. Finally, three coherent and distinct conceptual frameworks in parts of objectives, tools, and areas of regulating were provided. By understanding how to use three integrated conceptual frameworks provided, the way will be paved to effective regulation in content of cyberspace.

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The purpose of this Study is to present a Model of policy Obstacles using the Meta Synthesis method. This research is descriptive-applied. The statistical population of this study consists of 140 articles policy related publications published between 2000 and 2017. 49 Articles were selected as samples via non-random-purposeful Sampling Method. Kappa Coefficient was used to Calculate the Reliability. The Amount of which was 0. 798. Also The Waltz and Basel Methods was used to Measure the content validity, that Its value was Calculated 0. 85. By Analyzing the contents of these Articles, the Dimensions and patterns of the Model were Extracted and the Significance of each one was Determined by the Shannon Entropy Method. The Results of the Data Analysis Showed that the Barriers to Policy formulation, Policy Implementers, Managerial, Structural, Financial, Informational and Technological Resources and Environmental are the most important obstacles to Policy Implementation in Government Organization. Inadequate interaction and performance indicators, lack of the appropriate theoretical basis for policy, weak information technology, personal characteristics of executives, inadequate implementation tools, inadequate monitoring system, inadequate coordination of implementation are the most important factor.

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This study seeks to recognize the impact of ICT development and its role on improving sustainable development indices and its measurement in Iran. The role of sustainable development and ICT in various fields has been initially undertaken. Then, validated models of ICT impact were introduced. Subsequently, the studies related to the relationship of these areas were analyzed and ICT impact on the main dimensions of sustainable development was explained. In this study, the mixed approach with the sequential exploratory strategy was used. To identify the main factors of research, the expert interview was used. Using the results, the analytical model and the research questionnaire were prepared and the quantitative information obtained through the implementation of the questionnaire and validation of research model were analyzed by statistical tools such as SmartPLS and SPSS. The results of this research for Iran indicate significant effects of ICT on social dimension of sustainable development.

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This paper aims to study the factors which influence the moderation discourse in the foreign policy of the 11th administration of the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as their effects. We use James Rosena’ s proposition as a representative for integration of micro and macro analysis levels to investigate and analyze the foreign policy of Moderation Administration. The main research question asks which of the 5 Rosena’ s variables has most affected the moderation discourse in the foreign policy of the 11th administration. This study takes a descriptive analytical approach. Findings indicate that most major decisions in the Iranian foreign policy during the 11th administration such as nuclear negotiations, and the type of transaction with neighboring, regional and many European countries have been influenced by the variable of individual (i. e. politician) and, in particular, the president Hassan Rouhani. Consequently, the variable of role (i. e. the responsibilities of the president as a lawyer in charge of heading the nuclear negotiators, secretary of the National Security Supreme Council, and representative of the supreme leader in the National Security Supreme Council) has affected such decisions.

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Ebneyamini Parisa

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This book discuss and define cultural policy in countries such as: America, France and countries with legacy of Coloniality or Internal Coloniality and the Olympics opening ceremony, an internationally recognized platform for a host country to present their national identiy and their cultural policy. The Author use comparative methodology for this research because this method would explain the wide variability in modes of cultural policy as a reflection of broader political ideological and administrative traditions

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