Spiritual resources is one of the important factors that could affect job outcomes. The purpose of this research was to design and test the effect of spiritual resources (sacred calling to the work, secure attachment to God, and collaborative religious coping) on turn-over intention and work-place well-being with the mediation of emotional exhaustion and work engagement. turnover intention and work well-being as job outcomes of spiritual resource in Khuzestan Steel Company employees. Therefore, through convenient sampling, 315 employees were selected and and asked to complete the following qustionnaires: Dik, Eldridge and Steger Calling and Vocation Scale, Beck and McDonald Attachment to God Scale, Pargament, Kennell, Hathaway, Grevengoed, Newman, and Jones Religious Problem Solving Scale, Schaufeli, Bakker, and Salanova Work Engagement Scale, Bozeman and Perrewé Turnover Intention Scale, Schaufeli, Leiter, Maslach, and Jackson Emotional Exhaustion Scale, and Zheng, Zhu, Zhao, and Zhang Workplace Well-being of Employee Scale. Statistical data was analyzed using structural equation modeling. Mediator effects were tested using the bootstrap method. The results showed that the spiritual resources both directly and indirectly through emotional exhaustion and work engagement have significant effects on the work well-being of employees and turnover intention. The results also indicated that spiritual resources, despite cultural and religious differences, can increase the perception of control, the sense of meaning and calling and flexibility in the employees, thereby reducing emotional exhaustion and increasing work engagement.