Organizations, like living organisms, have life cycles. One day, they are born, grow and die another day. This article which is the output of a research, seeks to examine the situation of life cycle of academic staff in Humanities Faculty of Khalij Fars University. The main purpose of this research is to understand how the life cycle of the academic staff is, then based on the results, it can be predicted that what path it should pass in future. In this line, by reviewing the literature, 23 organizational growth models were identified. By studying these models, it was tried to develop a model relevant to an educational and research center (university). After developing the model, the next step was to develop a four-stage algorithm for gathering and analyzing the data. At the end, the algorithm introduced two indicators including mathematics index and fuzzy index. Based on these two indicators, it has been known that the life cycle of academic staff in the Faculty of Humanities of Khalij Fars University is at the end of the first stage, i.e. childhood during the period 2003 to 2014.