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Hakim Journal

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In the countries where vaccination against rubella is not obligatory, the incidence rate of Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) can be found through estimating the proportion of children with Sensorineural hearing loss attributable to congenital rubella. A case-control study of 225 children aged 1-4 years, was conducted from November 1995 to May 1996 in Tehran. The data were collected by questionnaire and blood sampling. Rubella antibody titers were compared in the case and control groups. The serological technique applied was the Haemagglutination Inhibition test. The Case group consisted of 113 children with Sensorineural hearing loss who was admitted to educational centers for the deaf children. The Control group consisted of 112 children with normal hearing who were hospitalized at the surgery ward of Amirkabir Hospital.Twenty two children (19.5%) of the case group were seropositive (positive rubella antibody titer) and only ten children (8.9%) of the control group were seropositive. Odds Ratio was 2.47 (CI= 1.04-5.97) and Attributable risk is 12%. On the other hand, vaccination against rubella can decrease about 12% of cases of Sensorineural hearing loss in children. Intrauterine rubella infection is an important risk factor in the children suffering from deafness. Regarding 26 years of experience in rubella vaccination in the developed countries, extensive studies and serious action with regard to rubella vaccination program should be seriously fulfilled.

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View 1949

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Hakim Journal

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This research is a prospective quasi experimental study which has been carried out to evaluate the efficacy of single-dose versus three days regimen with Clotrimazole vaginal tablets, 80 women with candidial vulvovaginitis in Tehran have been studied in two groups as follow: 40 patients received two 250 mg Clotrimazole vaginal tablets as a single-dose regimen and reminders received two 100 mg clotrimazole vaginal tablets daily for three consecutive days. Both groups were assessed one week and four weeks after treatment for evaluating the efficacy and recurrence of two treatment methods. Favorable clinical responses were obtained in 90% of 1-day group and 87.5% of 3-day group one week after treatment. Treatment success and recurrence of the disease were 75% and 25% in single-dose group and 77.5% and 22.5% in 3-day group respectively.These data show that single-dose (500 mg) treatment with Clotrimazole is as safe and effective as the more complex 3-day regimen and recurrence of the disease was similar with both treatment methods.

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Hakim Journal

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In this study, we used In vitro experiments on virgin female rats weighing between 180-200 gr. Rats uterine horns were separated and studied using isolated muscle preparation. In this study, the effects of synthetic analogue of ANP (Atriopeptin II) were tested on spontaneous activity of uterus in presence of different conditions such as, oestrus cycle; dioestrus cycle, estrogen, pre-treated, progesterone pre-treated, overectomized and overectomized with pre-treatment of oestrogen. APII revealed a significant relaxation effect both on uterus in oestrus cycle and estrogen pretreated uterus but showed very small effect on progesterone pre-treated tissues and uterus in the dioestrus phase. APII reduced both amplitude and frequency of uterus spontaneous contractions. Uterus contractions by oxytocin were diminished by APII dose dependently. The APII relaxation effect on the uterus was diminished in overectomized rats, and this reduction was restored by estrogen. The results show that APII analogue of ANP has much more relaxation effects in presence of estrogen however, progesterone is a factor, which that, antagonized this response.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1991

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Hakim Journal

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In this research the effects of therapeutic ultrasound on dermal repair of full thickness skin wound of rabbits-were studied from histological quantitative method point of view. By using experimental design, 26 adult male rabbits were anaesthetized and under sterile conditions 4 incisions (3 cm length) were made on the dorsal skin. Day of surgery was considered as zero. Incisions selected randomly for following treatments: No 1 selected for ultrasound therapy (US). No 2 for treating by ultrasonic gel (G). No 3 for treating by Betadine (B). No 4 were regardedas placebo (P). The features of us were: 1 MHz, Pulsed 2:8, 0.5 watt/cm2 4 min. The treatments were performed once daily. On the 4th, 7th and 15th day corresponding to inflammation, proliferation and remodeling phase of wound healing process some of the rabbits were killed by ether and tissue samples, obtained from them Samples were prepared for routine histological study and were stained by hematoxylin and eosin method. Fibroblasts, macrophages, neutrophils and endothelial cells of blood vessels counted by special eyepiece and thickness of wound bed were calculated by scaled eye piece. Data were analysed using analysis of variance method.On the 4th, 7th and 15th day the number of fibroblasts of P, US and G and US groups were higher than the other groups. On the 7th and 15th day number of endothelial cells of blood vessels of P, and us groups were higher than the other groups. On the 4 th, 7 th, and 15th day thickness of wound bed of G, P, and US groups were higher than other groups. There were no significant statistical difference between variables except the thickness of wound at 15th day showed and LSD method indicated that this difference was between ultrasound and gel groups.According to the present study ultrasound therapy had no positive effect on dermal repair of full thickness skin wound of rabbits from histological quantitative point of view.

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Hakim Journal

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The objective of this study is to investigate the urologic complications in renal transplant recipients. This is done via a retrospective study on 200 such patients undergoing renal transplantation in Imam Khomeini Hospital between1986 to 1997, using the existing data in their Hospital records.According to this review, urologic complications observed in 79 recipients (39.5%), of which 44 cases (55.7%) was related to collections and obstructive uropathy (ureteral stenosis, ureterovesical junction stenosis, ureteropelvic junction stenosis, bladder collections, and so on) 12 (15.1%) urine leakage, 5 (6.3%) surgical wound infection, 5 (6.3%) unilateral neuropathy, 2 (2.5%) unilateral lower limb edema and 11 cases (13.9%) due to vascular disorders.

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Hakim Journal

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A quasi experimental study was carried out on patients undergoing major abdominal surgery in Mehr Hospital (Tehran). The main objective was to study and compare the effects of -external pneumatic compression (EPC), Heparin and both EPC with heparin in prevention of DVT in major abdominal surgery.According to characteristics of sampling units, 120 patients were selected using non-probabilistic method and then randomly allocated to four study groups, each containing thrity person (EPC Heparin- Combined- Control). The groups were matched according to age and sex.The first group received EPC every 3 hour for 36 minutes before and 72 hour after surgery.The second group was given Sodium Heparin 5000 units twice daily subcutaneously 2 hours before the surgery and for a period of 72 hours after the surgery. The third group received the two preventive methods simultaneously. The fourth group didn't receive any preventive method. All four groups received equal routine nursing care- The data was collected by a checklist and a questionnaire- Daily Doppler Ultrasound and clinical sign examination were also used to detect DVT. Results showed that single preventive method (Heparin or EPC) reduces DVT up to 16.7% (p<0.042) while using the concurrent method (EPC & Heparin) reduced DVT up to 26.7% (p<0.002).

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Hakim Journal

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Strongyloides stercoralis is a human intestinal Nematode parasite which can cause different clinical signs and symptoms in infected patients. Institutions where men live in groups with low level of hygiene is a suitable environment for preservation and transmission of the parasite. Therefore, in this study prevalence of Strongyloides sterocoralis in a mental retarded institution of Tehran was surveyed. In this descriptive study most of the residents of Rofeideh mental retarded center were investigated. Stool examination using Formalin Ether method was performed for 367 out of 241 individuals, while the reminder (54) were excluded because they either used medicine or they did not co-operate in collection of fecal samples. Worm burden was estimated by stoll method. This research demonstrated that from 367 mental retarded patients of Rofeideh institution 114(31.06%) were infected with Strongyloides stercoralis. Moreover 52.5% of infected people were male and 47.5% were female. The highest infection rate was found among 4-6 years old children. Quantitative analysis of the fecal samples revealed that in 34.2% of cases the number of larvae was higher than 4000 per one grams of stool. Based on the high prevalence of Strongyloides stercoralis infection among mental retarded individuals of Rofeideh institution, it is suggested that this infection should not be neglected in such institutions.

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View 1640

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Hakim Journal

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Cesarean section is the most common surgery. The aim of this research is to determine cesarean section rate and its indication's in I.R of Iran to plan for lowering it's rate if necessary. In this cross sectional study 39330 mothers were investigated throughout the country in 1998 and the data collected on their delivery type, age, deliverer, cesarean indication and place of delivery. The cesarean section rate was 33.1% and the most common indications of cesarean section were pervious cesarean section 22.2%, cephalopelvic disproporlion (CPD) 20.1% and fetal distress 12.2% respectively.

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Hakim Journal

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A descriptive-analytic cross-sectional study was conducted on 1723 high school girls who have never had rubella vaccination, in the city of Tehran in 1997. The main objective was to determine their antibody titer against rubella virus. They were selected by using a systematic sampling with each cluster consisting of 33 students. (The sampling unit was all the students in a chosen class). Blood samples were taken for each student and the test was performed by the Indirect Hemmaglutination method. The results showed that the ratio of antibody titer was 78.4 ± 2 percent, indicating a considerable decrease in antibody titer compared to a similar study conducted 11 years ago by the school of Public Health of the Tehran University which was 81.5%. This was especially more apparent in the Western region of Tehran.

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Hakim Journal

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Cerebral palsy (CP) is a nonprogressive (static) encephalopathy that may be accompanied by speech, auditory, visual abnormality, seizure, learning disorder, mental retardation and so on. CP occurs as the result of injury in each phases of brain growth and usually the motor pathways are involved. We decided to investigate this problem, because there is no study on CP (in respect of etiology, types and associated disorders) in Iran and prevention is proceed to treatment A case-control study was carried out to investigate the effect of risk factors on CP.Cases were those referred to Welfare and Rehabilitation Center in Tehran with diagnosis of Cp, totaling 200 cases. For these cases 300 controls were chosen randomly from neighborhood or regional schools.The information collected using checklists. The results showed that the perinatal factors were the most ferquent causes of CP among which low birth weight was the most outstanding factor. Spastic diplegic CP was recorded as the most frequent type (39.5%). 47% of total CPs and the most of spastic quadriplegic CPs (63%) were mentaly retarded. Seizure (observed in 35% of patients) and swallow difficulties were the most frequent in spastic quadriplegic CP. Speech disorder was observed in 70% of patients among who 48% were mildly disordered.The most frequent visual abnormality was strabismus which has been observed in spastic diplegic CP.

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