It has been known that weak structural foundation of the rural area of Iran has been the most important element of an obstacle on rural development. In this human settlement meanwhile, natural hazards such as floods and earthquakes impose serious damages on its socio – economic organization as well as physical structures. In such state, renewal of damaged villages rising from of natural hazards, with a rational approach to planning, and the government intervention in use location – spatial arrangement is the end scenario and resettlement of damaged villages is such an approach. Those among these neglected and are located in rural people and what matters will be the result of spatial and physical reconstruction programs. This validation study with emphasis on implications of social, economic and spatial strategies for rural resettlement after disasters natural (earthquakes) to measure an outcome of this Abgarm county of Ardebil in district villages during the earthquake was destroyed in 1375 deals. This research provided the following reviews outcome indicators for rural resettlement after natural disasters (earthquake) are. Looking at three aspects of social (social cohesion, social cohesion and sense of place), the economic consequences (job changes, income) and physical consequences (the destruction of pastures, changing the pattern of housing, agricultural land use change and the rate of access to infrastructure services) were performed. Research - descriptive and analytical methods, including documents and field data collection (observation, interview, and questionnaire) are. Hypothesis test using tests and independent T-test and help Mknmar SPSS software was done. The findings show that, among the criteria selected for the consequences of social, economic and spatial strategies, rural resettlement after the earthquake, the amount of social cohesion, social cohesion, sense of place, change the pattern of housing and access to better services and more appropriate approach reconstruct displacement approach is that if such criteria, income, destroyed pastures, agricultural land use change is opposite.