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Tourism studies globally, and specifically in Iran have been mainly based on positivistic approach and quantitative techniques. Adopting new insight, perception and definitions in the field of tourism based on the idea that people have their own feelings, values and insight (personal) toward surrounding phenomena and that they can make a precise presentation of them, necessitates taking qualitative and interpretive approach in tourism studies. Phenomenology with the emphasis on humanistic and experimental dimension of tourism, provides researchers the opportunity to look at tourism from those who are experiencing it; tourists’ point of view. This article reviews some highly referenced papers in order to show how phenomenology, specifically in hermeneutic, interprets tourists’ experience and that how social science researchers can apply phenomenology to their tourism studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study analyzes different types of cultural tourism action and its influencing factors among the pilgrims and tourists in Mashhad. The authors’ theoretical approach is a combination of motivation, attitude and Bourdieu’s capital theory. In this research required data were collected by means of a questionnaire with the sample size of 302, pilgrims and tourists, in Mashhad during March 2013 (Iranian New Year holidays). Based on the research findings, the cultural tourists are divided into three categories: "specific cultural tourists" including tourists whose traveling aim is visiting cultural destination, "general cultural tourists" including tourists that during their travels, they will visit cultural destinations as well and "incidental cultural tourists" including tourists that accidentally and unknowingly will visit cultural destinations. Also, the results indicated that facilities will affect both attitudes and motivations toward cultural travel. Coefficient of determination model showed that the entered variables explain 45% of the dependent variable variations (cultural travel action) and education level have the greatest effect on the variable of cultural travel action. Regarding the results, there are appropriate potential in order to promote cultural tourism, which will help tourists to gain more experiences while visiting cultural attractions and /or taking part in cultural events. Furthermore, it seems educated people are the main participants of this type of tourism.

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One of the effective factors in the process of developing tourism is to consider the host community in the tourism areas and their satisfaction of such activities. Success of each tourism project is required raising knowledge and determination of effective factors on satisfaction and support of host community. Because of this, the study was aimed to determine the effective factors influencing the local residents’ satisfaction of tourism and also their support of this activity. In this research, a survey method was conducted. The population of this study includes all rural areas’ residents of Masjedsoleiman, Andika and Lali counties in Khuzestan province which benefits from Stratified random sampling with the sample size of 250. Data was collected by using questionnaires which its validity was confirmed by experts and its reliability was approved by Cronbach's alpha coefficient (a=0.63 to 0.92). The results of the correlation test showed that the residents’ satisfaction of tourist areas has a meaningful relation (0.1) with perceived quality (r=0.342), perceived image (r=0.178), and commitment (r=0.481) variables; and residents’ support variable (r=0.442) was significantly associated and has a meaningful relation (0.1) with the variables of perceived quality (0.5), perceived value (0.179), perceived image (r=0.328), commitment (r=0.567) and satisfaction (r=0.451). Moreover, the results of regression analysis indicated that the variables of commitment, satisfaction and perceived image could explain a total of %38.2 of the variations in residents’ support, and also the variable of perceived quality could explain a total of 11.7% of the variation in residents’ satisfaction.

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Religious tourism is one of the oldest forms of tourism that has been considered by human beings which caused changes in the quality of life and social capital of the host society through changes between their interactions. This phenomenon is more obvious in third world countries’ rural areas that are experiencing their early stages of tourism development. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of religious tourism on quality of life and social capital of rural households in Bardi village, Dehloran County. This is an applied research, which benefits from descriptive and analytical method. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire, interviews, observation and desk research while data analysis was done through descriptive and inferential statistics method (Friedman and Wilcoxon tests). The study population was 165 households and 857 people of Bardy village according to 2011 census. Accordingly 102 households were chosen as sample size based on Cochran formula. Research findings show that religious tourism has affected and improved their quality of life in all aspects, including social, environmental (higher than average) and economical, physical (on average), also research findings regarding the social capital component shows that, after the expansion of religious tourism, social participation, social networks and social cohesion has improved, but the aspect of social trust has been reduced dramatically.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Tourism is a complex and multidimensional industry that planning for its development needs consistency and convergence of actions in different levels of decision-making. Tourism development is possible when practical actions in local scale will be aligned with macro policy-making in national scale and current trends in global scale. This research intends to survey the effects of local, national and global scales on the tourism development in Kurdistan province and then while determining the most affecting scale in tourism development in the studied area, identifying the most important factors in the mentioned triple scales that prevent developing of tourism in that area. This research is an applied analytical-descriptive study which benefits from qualitative methodology. The data were collected through desk research and field survey. Main assumption of this research is that national scale due to its interstitial nature has the most influence on tourism underdevelopment and political factors that necessarily are not related to tourism, are the most important causes of tourism underdevelopment in Kurdistan province. The field and desk research findings approve both assumptions of research. This means that national, global and local scales respectively have the most influence on emergence of status quo and "weakness of transport infrastructure", "security and political approach towards the local community" in local scale, "political and religious ideological approach towards tourism policy making" in national scale and "strained political relations between Iran and the West" in global scale are the most important factors in tourism underdevelopment in Kurdistan province.

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Entrepreneurship is a crucial element in the social, organizational and personal success. One of the important approaches in entrepreneurship is social entrepreneurship which seems to be a beneficial instrument in reaching businesses' social sustainability. Social dimension is one of the most important one in sustainability. Also, in tourism industry, there is an extensive interaction between people and many social consequences, therefor, more importance would be attached to the social challenges. Hotels as one of the most important sectors of tourism industry have various impacts on the society and the environment but implications of tourism businesses (including hotels) commitment to the social sustainability principles in Iran are limited. So that, current paper will answer the following question: what is the level of attention to social aspects of sustainable entrepreneurship management in Iran’s hotels? In order to answer this question, surveys and observation were used in 17, 4 and 5 star hotels of Tehran. Moreover, 5 objective indicators related to hotels’ sustainable social activities were observed and the outcomes were compared with the surveys results. Questionnaires were distributed among 17 managers, 213 employees, 96 guests and 196 neighbors of hotels. One sample T test, two sample T test and ANOVA analysis were used in order to test the research hypothesis. Gained results indicate the difference between surveys outcome and the observed facts.

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Although Yazd has a variety of cultural and natural attractions, but the importance of each of these from the perspective of foreign tourists is not entirely clear. The aim of this study is to identify and classify tourist attractions in Yazd and prioritizing them from the perspective of experts and Asian and European tourists. To realize the objectives, first with the help of desk research, tourist attractions in Yazd were divided into two main categories and sub-categories, then in order to prioritize the main tourist attractions from the perspective of experts, fuzzy EHP technique was used. Also to prioritize sub-categories of each of the main attractions from the perspective of Asian and European tourists by the survey, a questionnaire was designed. Sample size of this study consists of 111 Asian tourists and 103 European tourists who had traveled to Yazd in 2014. To prioritize the views of European and Asian tourists, VIKOR fuzzy technique was used. The results showed that tourism experts in Yazd, has divided the main tourist attractions in order of preference to the five main categories (1. Cultural attractions/man-made created with a purpose other than to attract tourists, 2. Intangible cultural attractions, 3. Cultural attractions/man-made created with the primary purpose of attracting tourists, 4. Natural attractions 5. Events) with 15 sub-categories. Accordingly attractions' prioritization was investigated from the perspective of Asian and European tourists and no significant difference was observed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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