Iran 20-year outlook document has many security parameters from whose context the dimensions of security in political, economic, military, scientific, social, health care, environmental and cultural domains can be drawn out and explained. For this purpose, the article seeks to scope out the cultural security in the outlook document, and to scrutinize the parameters of a culturally secure society, the threats against cultural security and the courses of action for attaining security as worked out in the IRI 20-year outlook document. The methods of documentary-library studies will be used in order to achieve the intended objectives, with the method of answering the questions being attributional analysis. The findings of this research indicate that achieving the delineated objectives in the outlook document require the establishment of a culturally secure society that is capable of being recognized with parameters such as “ethical society”, “ethical standards and Islamic values”, “development consistent with cultural contingencies” and other cultural parameters. Based on the parameters contained in the outlook document, cultural security could face threats at three levels, namely human, national and strategic. For this reason, considering the parameters of providing cultural security is necessary that include giving inspiration, deepening social justice, establishing a secure and ethical society, consolidating the Islamic and revolutionary identity, relying on Islamic values, consolidating the social compatibility, protecting the lawful freedoms, total deterrence and well-planned and well-thought-out collective efforts. The structure of this article includes a conceptual examination of security and cultural security in Chapter 1 and a study of cultural security in the Outlook Document, as well as the threats against the cultural security and the means of attaining cultural security in the 20-year Outlook Document in the next chapter.