Conversion Coatings Based on Rare Earth Elements From an Environmental Standpoint are a Good Alternative for Chromate Conversion Coatings. There are a lot of Cracks in the Structure of These Coatings and Because of This the Main Foible of These Coatings is Undesirable Anti-Corrosion Properties. Different Additives Have Been Used in the Formulation of These Coatings to Improve the Properties. In This Study, at First the Formulation of an Eco-Friendly Cerium Based Conversion Coating is Optimized. In the Next Step, the Effect of Presence of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) as an Eco-Friendly Additive on the Anti- Corrosion and Morphological Properties of the Coating on a Steel Substrate is Investigated. DC Polarization, SEM, EDS, XRD and Contact Angle Tests Have Been Utilized to Analyze the Samples. The Results Show that the Presence of PVA in the Coating Formulation Reduces the Number of Cracks in the Structure of the Coating and Leads to Formation of a Coherent and Corrosion Resistant Coating. Consequently, it Can be Said that Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Acts as an Inhibitor on the Steel Substrate and By Means of Creating Complexes in the Anodic and Cathodic Areas may Improve the Anti-Corrosion Properties of the Cerium Based Conversion Coating. Based on the Results, the Lowest Corrosion Rate is Related to the Conversion Coating Containing the Maximum Concentration of Poly Vinyl Alcohol.