High costs of fertilizers production and environmental pollution due to their application make it necessary to use other sources especially biofertilizers. The purpose of this study was to determine capability of bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescence survival as one of phosphate solubilizing and plant growth promoting bacteria on different organic and inorganic carriers including vermicompost, perlite, rock phosphate, and four formulations of them, as well as, to investigate their effects on growth indices of wheat. The experiment was performed through complete randomized block design with four replicates, seven inoculants and two fertilizers (simple and triple superphosphate) treatments. Results showed that although triple super phosphate treatment was the best regarding to its positive effects on plant chlorophyll, plant height, phosphorus content in the shoot, and shoot and root dry weight attributes, it had no significant difference with inoculants containing vermicompost (P>0. 05). Regarding to the iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) in the shoot, vermicompost inoculant was superior to the other treatments, and regarding the shoot Zn this difference was significant compared to the fertilizer and control (P<0. 05). Perlite+ vermicompost inoculants implied, respectively, a 10. 6 and 14. 5% increase in chlorophyll content and plant height, in comparison with the control. Vermicompost+ rock phosphate and vermicompost inoculants increased root dry weight by 28% and 24. 5%, respectively (P<0. 05). Vermicompost inoculants increased the shoot dry weight, phosphorus in shoot, Zn in shoot and Fe in shoot by 6. 58%, 27%, 26. 3% and 24. 83% in comparison with the control, respectively (P<0. 05).