The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of eightweeks’ endurance training on femur, s biomechanical properties of old male rats. Twenty months old male Wistar rats (360.5±15.4 gr) were assigned to sedentary control group (n=10) and endurance training group (n=10). Endurance training group was exercised on treadmill for 8 weeks, 5 times per week and 60 minutes per day at velocity up to 28 m/min. Forty-eight hours after last session of exercise training, animals were anesthetized and femur bones were removed. Three– point bending test was used to determine bone stiffness, fracture energy, strength and deformation. Results of this study apparently showed that 8 weeks’endurance training had no significant effect on bone stiffness, fracture energy, strength and deformation. It’s may be due to subject, s age and gender and also training protocol. Thus, it is suggested that more research should be done.