This study examined the sociological explanation of youth participation, causes, forms and challenges. In order to achieve this goal through a variety of variables that affect youth participation, variables of social trust, social alienation, social apathy, the use of media and economic status- social were selected as independent variables. Theoretical Foundations of variables and parameters of this study were on the base of Melvin Seaman, Limpest, Parsons, Giddens, Inglehart and zetompka theories.The research methodology was survey and data gathering tool was a questionnaire with the reliability and credibility. Statistical population were 18-29 year old young people in 22 districts of Tehran in 1394. The sample number was 390 based on multi-stage cluster sampling method and Cochran formula. The main methods of data analysis were regression and path analysis.On the base of the results, there were partnership between variables and social trust, social alienation, mass media, indifference, social and economic and social base and gender, but there were no significant relationship between the variables of marital status and participation.Also, there was a significant relationship between variables and social trust, social alienation, mass media, social indifference, economic and social base and gender, but there was no significant relationship between the marital status and the participation.Among the studied variables, social trust was of the strongest relationship to the the dependent variable of participation (social, political, cultural, economic and psychological).The Multivariate regressions suggests that independent variables explain % 35 of "social participation" dependent variable changes, % 41 of "political participation"dependent variable changes, % 32 of "cultural cooperation"dependent variable changes, % 28 of "economic cooperation" dependent variable changes and % 25 of "the involvement of mental" dependent variable changes.